He wasn't playing about S-Shark.
That definitely doesn't look like an elbow with a few scratches, and where the heck is his hand? Looks like Oda hid this on purpose and is going to bring it back again sooner or later
(Chapter 1090)
Curiously, the arm that seems to be missing is the one which S-Shark used to choke Nami
Also that could explain why Bonney was hyping up Sanji, she witnessed something but we can't tell what that was exactly tho

That definitely doesn't look like an elbow with a few scratches, and where the heck is his hand? Looks like Oda hid this on purpose and is going to bring it back again sooner or later
(Chapter 1090)

Curiously, the arm that seems to be missing is the one which S-Shark used to choke Nami

Also that could explain why Bonney was hyping up Sanji, she witnessed something but we can't tell what that was exactly tho

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