Do you actually hate Reddit?

reddit is only worth shit for beginner level questions on popular topics.
Anything more than that is beyond it. reddit is enforced mediocrity. Lowest common denominator posts.

"what shoe brand should I buy?"
You'll get a list of 2nd rate footwear that is only popular because of marketing.
"why did you recommend that?"
They give you anecdotal or proxy anecdotal evidence.

reddit is quite literally retarded
OP reddit twice so
Not a good place for discussion , r/one piece is circle jerk they constantly praise Oda like he is second coming of Jesus .

Most of them don’t really post content that is very analytical and too many fanarts and cosplay it’s a mess basically .


It depends on the type of community/communities that you spend your day on as a user there, tbh.

Certain communities in Reddit, usually those centered around science, mathematics, and education are often easier for users to adapt to, as the members there are willing (usually) to be helpful towards users that need help or just want a question answered. Those communities are not bad places for someone who prefers a relatively simple answer to a science question that popped up in his/her head for a moment or two and are too lazy to dig through Google and Wikipedia for it.

On the other hand...

Communities addressing social issues like r/Politics and r/Relationships can be more challenging for those who prefer straightforward expression. Expressing your thoughts in a thread inside these communities pretty much require you to be "civil" for the most part (if you're spouting hard left wing stuff then you got a bit more leeway there).

From spending time lurking in various communities of Reddit, the site itself as a whole, tends to lean left politically, creating an environment that are much more user-friendly if you stand left politically instead of leaning towards the right.
Lol OP Shitddit is a clown house. Especially Lirosh, that guy thinks he owns the world moderating a freaking subreddit.
Those clowns hate on WorstGen but come here everyweek for spoilers. That is an automatic L.
We used to have an antireddit gang but everyone got busy and it is suspended as of yet. Ping me if anyone wants to join and restart it.



Maybe the only person in the thread with any sense :ihaha:
Man's spitting, but trying to talk common sense to a redditor means you also don't have any sense :risitavirus:

Reddit trashing other forums is like the United States sanctioning other countries for war crimes :risitavirus:

Or a prostitute giving a lecture about chastity :risitavirus:

Or miamoto teaching grammar :risitavirus:

Or MonsterZoro giving dating advice :risitavirus: