Live Action Show = eventually more unexpected One Piece Breaks which lead to possibly rushed Chapters since Oda keeps on saying he wants to finish One Piece as soon as possible
Not a problem with me. I’d like less breaks before but an author making sure that his IP isn’t getting the Dragonball evolution treatment is understandable
You're telling me Oda personally supervises this shit and it's still bad
I tried watching, saw Luffy getting low diffed by Axe hand Morgan and Buggy back to back and being some weird Peter Pan pacifist pussy and turned it off after like 2 episodes. Nami is also a frigid cunt and Zoro's actor is a twink who doesn't even lift
It's only a problem cause Oda is getting older and is going to have a lot more breaks. Also the potential he gets more ill or, and I really hope this doesn't happen, even terminally ill.
I don't mind because the live action brought a lot new One Piece fans to the anime and the series as a whole. About the quality, even if I do have some harsh opinions on the first season, it doesn't matter as long as the new fans like them.
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