Break Week Do you guys think Oda will ever let Usopp grow as a character and a fighter?

I don't know if you guys have noticed this but there is a chokehold on Usopp's development more so than all the straw hats. If Usopp has a moment where he conquers his fear and looks like he's making progress, he'll regress in the next arc and still be afraid of something that really shouldn't bother him this far in the story.

In terms of power, Oda has even stated himself that Usopp will always be the weakest regardless of who joins. Just look at the power ups he gives characters like Coby and Momo who aren't even main cast members.

Coby was two years younger than Usopp when we met him, afraid of his own shadow, and didn't know how to fight, at least Usopp had his sniping skills during this time. But now two years later , he has three types of haki, knows cp9 techniques, can stop a bomb with his bare hands, visibly not even afraid of taking on Boa Hancock all because Garp taught him for 2 years and a couple of months. Luffy wasn't even as strong as him after two years of training with Garp. Momo has only been with the straw hats for like a month and now he can hurt Kaido.

Compare their treatment to Usopp. Usopp wants to be Sniper King according to his vivre card, but he is still learning how to use observation haki, he can't even hurt Page One. He struggles against fodders, Oda really is dead set on never letting this man grow as a fighter.

Usopp's not even making progress as a brave warrior of the sea. I could keep going, but it really seems like Oda wants Usopp to remain the same for the entire show, I don't know if he's noticed this, but a character that never grows is boring.

According to the official popularity poll, Usopp dropped 13 places in Japan since 2015. So my question is do you guys think Oda will ever let Usopp grow or is he screwed as a character for the long run?
You don't understand Usopp. He will not be fearless, he is human not a monster. He can't be brave if he is not scared. He will never conquer his fear but always face it.

But power wise I agree. Oda is doing him dirty. He faced a fishmen back at Arlong Park, battle along Chopper at Alabasta, came back from timeskip showing off saying he is now strong at all. He can still be human, scared but a lot stronger.
You don't understand Usopp. He will not be fearless, he is human not a monster. He can't be brave if he is not scared. He will never conquer his fear but always face it.

But power wise I agree. Oda is doing him dirty. He faced a fishmen back at Arlong Park, battle along Chopper at Alabasta, came back from timeskip showing off saying he is now strong at all. He can still be human, scared but a lot stronger.
That sucks, Oda can't even kill off pigs, but he wants Usopp to be afraid of everything for ever, seems like shitty treatment for a character that's been in the show for 20+ years
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Relax, Usopp´s arc will arrive
It'll probably be a year long if Oda wants to end this show soon, so 38 chapters where Lore is introduced, Luffy has to shine of course, I don't think it'll amount to anything significant for his character
That sucks, Oda can't even kill off pigs, but he wants Usopp to be afraid of everything for ever, seems like shitty treatment for a character that's been in the show for 20+ years
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It'll probably be a year long if Oda wants to end this show soon, so 38 chapters where Lore is introduced, Luffy has to shine of course, I don't think it'll amount to anything significant for his character
The worst thing could happen is Usopp not being afraid of Yonkos, Admirals etc.
Usopp is Buggy. Not Coby.
Then I'd expect Oda to stop hyping him up, why make his father the third commander of the red haired pirates, why write down that he wants to be sniper king and then show how strong the sniper of the WB pirates is in Wano. He should stop hyping Usopp up and he is dead set on never letting him grow
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The worst thing could happen is Usopp not being afraid of Yonkos, Admirals etc.
The best thing that could happen for his character. he's a pirate and is always going to be targeted by them, he's going to need to stop being afraid of them if he plans on having a family with Kaya.
Probably more tricks/gadgets to match the likes of Yasopp and Augur.

Missed opportunity to not have the dials store Ulti's headbutt, tank one and bait her for the second one and unleash that on P1, such an Usopp move

Trash how him and Nami got handled in that fight, could have utilized more of their tricks, yet they are supposed to match someone who takes a shit on them
Tbh I think Oda downplays the weak trio too much especially Usopp
I hope for him along with Chopper, Nami, Franky, Jinbei and Brook to shine if cp0 really are trying to get Robin :choppawhat:

Maybe even Jinbei saves Who's Who from them
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Tbh I think Oda downplays the weak trio too much especially Usopp
It has to be for a reason... Ussop is the lurking legend or it could be Buggy
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Yeah I mean Usopp’s resourcefulness was pretty much compensating his fear and weaknesses. But as of late in Wano and Onigashima, Usopp hasn’t done much at all.

Wanna see a glimpse of the savage Usopp during his fight with Luffy again but against an opposing enemy. I guess that’s me dreaming
I'm a fan of pre timeskip usopp.

Oda hasn't given me a reason as to why I should think better of his character because most of his scenes are just repetitive at this point.

He won't grow as a character because his gimmick will ALWAYS require him to be afraid before he steps up to the plate, which he's done since his introduction arc. He's not going to grow as a fighter, I'd argue Usopp got worse as a fighter, at least before he had more variety & creativity, nuts it's the same pop green being spammed.

Oda trapped Usopp in this box he'll never break out of because Oda thinks keeping Usopp weak will make him more relatable, which isn't always the case. There are other character people can relate to just as much, if not more than Usopp.

The strawhats as a group aren't so that great, monster trio carries, jinbe holds his own, Brook doesn't really do shit, Franky is whatever, Robin barely gets shit & usopp, Nami and Chopper are just throw aways with a decent moment once in a blue moon.

I genuinely don't see Usopp ever being a better sniper than his father or Augur unless Oda makes those 2 the most underwhelming characters to where you have no expectations for them despite how it seem the story set them up to be.


Zoro Worshipper
I'm a fan of pre timeskip usopp.

Oda hasn't given me a reason as to why I should think better of his character because most of his scenes are just repetitive at this point.

He won't grow as a character because his gimmick will ALWAYS require him to be afraid before he steps up to the plate, which he's done since his introduction arc. He's not going to grow as a fighter, I'd argue Usopp got worse as a fighter, at least before he had more variety & creativity, nuts it's the same pop green being spammed.

Oda trapped Usopp in this box he'll never break out of because Oda thinks keeping Usopp weak will make him more relatable, which isn't always the case. There are other character people can relate to just as much, if not more than Usopp.

The strawhats as a group aren't so that great, monster trio carries, jinbe holds his own, Brook doesn't really do shit, Franky is whatever, Robin barely gets shit & usopp, Nami and Chopper are just throw aways with a decent moment once in a blue moon.

I genuinely don't see Usopp ever being a better sniper than his father or Augur unless Oda makes those 2 the most underwhelming characters to where you have no expectations for them despite how it seem the story set them up to be.
Usopp was so great in Pre TS, but his greatness continued in Dressrosa and I bet Oda is yet not done.

Elbaf, the Van Augur and Yasopp matters, there's so much potential wandering around here.
Usopp was so great in Pre TS, but his greatness continued in Dressrosa and I bet Oda is yet not done.

Elbaf, the Van Augur and Yasopp matters, there's so much potential wandering around here.
I'm not denying the potential, and while I like some of what usopp did in Dressrosa, I don't like how it was built off a gag in his fight with trebol and sugar.

Oda had Usopp cut trebol in 3's, we saw he was cut from the neck up yet the explanation when luffy punched him was so stupid. I didn't care for the fire gag & how the God usopp thing came aabout. I loved the actual sniping moment, the ammo was meh but it is what it is.

The potential will always be there, question is will Oda actually do something with it & I don't think he will. He'll give literal crumbs, maybe half a slice of bread & the fans will eat it up.

Regardless, Elbaf has nothing to do with Onigashima & even though Usopp is my favorite character, he's been an absolute disappointment who got shafted to give Nami her worst fight/moment of the series.
I'm not denying the potential, and while I like some of what usopp did in Dressrosa, I don't like how it was built off a gag in his fight with trebol and sugar.

Oda had Usopp cut trebol in 3's, we saw he was cut from the neck up yet the explanation when luffy punched him was so stupid. I didn't care for the fire gag & how the God usopp thing came aabout. I loved the actual sniping moment, the ammo was meh but it is what it is.

The potential will always be there, question is will Oda actually do something with it & I don't think he will. He'll give literal crumbs, maybe half a slice of bread & the fans will eat it up.

Regardless, Elbaf has nothing to do with Onigashima & even though Usopp is my favorite character, he's been an absolute disappointment who got shafted to give Nami her worst fight/moment of the series.
The way Oda has been handling the weaklings is baffling. It's like he is afraid to have them grow as fighter because they wouldn't be relatable/same characters anymore but it just does them disservice. I read Nami/Usopp vs Page One and Ulti and I'm like what was the point? Usopp didn't do SHIT and Nami got a "cool"stand up moment just to job 3 pages in the next chapter, completely ruining it. Pfffff.