General & Others Do you think there could have been foreshadowing in the marineford scene where Luffy is holding a log in front of the 3 admirals?

It was just a unique and memorable scene so I always wondered if there was more to it than just Luffy trying to save his brother at all cost.

Maybe it foreshadows Luffy fighting the admirals 1v3.

Maybe it foreshadows a future weapon Luffy will have, say Wukong's staff.

Maybe it symbolizes the will of doing the impossible. Almost no one except Luffy would jump into 3 admirals willingly knowing he has a 0% chance of winning.

Then there's jinbe who helps him to get there, A sun pirate helping the sun god reach his goal.

Then there's aokiji who attacks him 1st. I believe Aokiji did not want Luffy to get hurt so he attacked 1st so another admiral wouldn't.