Questions & Mysteries Does Mihawk have equal CoC to Shanks?

Does Mihawk have equal CoC to Shanks?

  • Shanks's CoC > Mihawk's CoC

  • Shanks's CoC = Mihawk's CoC

  • Mihawk doesn't even have CoC

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Did I say Pica is on Zolo's level dumbass? :nicagesmile:

Zolo literally says Pica isn't worthy enough to fight Zolo's captain, so he needs to fight Zolo instead.

Zolo admits Luffy > him by telling Pica about the captain difference, something @Santoryu D Bazooka cry about.

Also no surprise you clowns actually believe Zolo just wants his captain to KO fodders with CoC, somehow Zolo didn't mean overall power level difference but mentioned a fodder KO power only. :gokulaugh:

If we take that statement: overall power level = CoC level directly related, then Zolo's statement in fishman island proves Luffy > him.

Its obvious that Zolo was saying Luffy > him overall in fishman island due to CoC difference. Since we learned Zolo had CoC, but we also know he couldn't use CoC like Luffy could in Fishman island.

I doubt ''control'' the only difference between Luffy and Zolo in Fishman island, or that Zolo's CoO senses Luffy's overall power when Luffy used CoC and admitted Luffy > him.

What are you trying to say here with your ZKK language? :suresure:

Zolo's Haki speciality is CoA, so it would make sense Zolo unlocks CoC with the help of CoA.

Meanwhile Luffy or others uses raw CoC without even learning CoA or CoO first, their Haki potential is much greater they don't need the help of other Haki types such as CoA or CoO.

You have brain fart once again. You exactly know why Buggy was called Emperor, because they think Buggy is captain of Mihawk or Croc, which is obviously Emperor level pirates can make Mihawk or Crocodile their underlings.

Mihawk and Croco could tell the world that its not true but instead Mihawk decided to hide behind an Emperor's shadow:gokulaugh:

Oda's words, not mine, :HoldThisL:

Roger wasn't WGS of his time dumb clown, Oda adds ''Great Pirate'' title to his introduction, if Roger was WGS and if you think WGS > Great Pirate why Oda didn't put WGS title here instead:

Oda confirms Great Pirate title (Shanks) > WGS title (Mihawk) right here. :HoldThisL::BigW:
1. Hey dummy if Pica not on Zoro level either that statement that doesn't mean anything clown. The statement doesn't say he inferior to Zprp like you claimed and Zoro says Pica not even in his league. Pica couldn't even damage him. So still waiting for panel of Zoro saying he weaker than Zoro until you provide it Hold that L
2. What does Zoro saying that's what he expects from his captain admitting inferiority? 😆 boy can't read
3. You must be slow. All Zoro says he expects that of his captain not that Luffy is stronger than him. Also no just because someone unlocks CoC doesn't mean they stronger dummy. Begining of Timeskip goofy not stronger than Admirals.
4. What i am trying to say you C6L is you didn't mention Luffy because he got it when he was older like Zoro to make it look bad on Zoro because the others unlocked it has kids. You also failed to mention that alot of those guys didn't even make it to ACoC while Zoro not only Unlocked CoC but both on the same day you illiterate clown. Lmao Zoro unlocked CoC with the help of CoA. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 **** writing his own story. **** shut your clown ass up Hold that L. Show me that panel it says that. Need help of other Haki types Lmfao Bro just writing fanfiction. Bro Post the panels of these claims or hold that L simple.
5. Idc about the reason. The fact of the matter is a fraud can be a Yonkou. That Title is made a Joke. He was begging to lick Mihawk and Croc shoes that's the Yonkou title. Yea Mihawk is using Buggy, A Yonkou, to keep heat off him to chill. 😆 So Mihawk uses Yonkous like play things. Thanks for agreeing with me I guess. 😂
6. I don’t care if you think Roger was WSS or not. Lol What that got to do with Mihawk WSS now. Which means he stronger than Shanks
7. Oh yea still waiting for the Enma panel this is the last time I am asking. If not thank you for concession. Show me where it says Enma can give people CoC or Unlock it for them
CoC is either too prevalent or not prevalent enough.

Depending on how Oda defines what it means to be a conqueror, I'm fine either way with Mihawk having it or not having it.

I'm also pro unique Haki abilities - with perhaps some even being genetic.

When it comes to Mihawk though, I just don't think it really matters whether he has CoC or not. In a way it's kinda of cooler that he doesn't have it, but that's a matter of taste.
1. Hey dummy if Pica not on Zoro level either that statement that doesn't mean anything clown. The statement doesn't say he inferior to Zprp like you claimed and Zoro says Pica not even in his league. Pica couldn't even damage him. So still waiting for panel of Zoro saying he weaker than Zoro until you provide it Hold that L
Why you ZKKclown is so stupid? :gokulaugh: Just because Pica isn't worthy to fight Luffy, is that mean he is on Zolo level?

Pica is only worthy to fight Zolo who is weaker than Luffy.

Luffy > Zolo > Pica, the power difference is closer between Zolo and Pica compared to Luffy and Pica, thus Zolo says Pica isn't worthy to fight his captain.

But you ZKKclown know this and being a bitch to deny it. :HoldThisL::BigW:

''still waiting for panel of Zoro saying he weaker than Zoro ''


Another brain fart from ZKKclowns.

Zolo literally admits Luffy > him, thus Pica gets someone weaker than Luffy to fight, its that simple.

2. What does Zoro saying that's what he expects from his captain admitting inferiority? 😆 boy can't read
3. You must be slow. All Zoro says he expects that of his captain not that Luffy is stronger than him. Also no just because someone unlocks CoC doesn't mean they stronger dummy. Begining of Timeskip goofy not stronger than Admirals.
Admirals didn't admit captain difference when they see Luffy's CoC you dumbass. :gokulaugh:

CoC = overall strength confirmed by Rayleigh.

Thus Zolo sensing Luffy's power via CoO, since CoC = overall strength, and admits Luffy > him in fishman island.

4. What i am trying to say you C6L is you didn't mention Luffy because he got it when he was older like Zoro to make it look bad on Zoro because the others unlocked it has kids. You also failed to mention that alot of those guys didn't even make it to ACoC while Zoro not only Unlocked CoC but both on the same day you illiterate clown. Lmao Zoro unlocked CoC with the help of CoA. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 **** writing his own story. **** shut your clown ass up Hold that L. Show me that panel it says that. Need help of other Haki types Lmfao Bro just writing fanfiction. Bro Post the panels of these claims or hold that L simple.
5. Idc about the reason. The fact of the matter is a fraud can be a Yonkou. That Title is made a Joke. He was begging to lick Mihawk and Croc shoes that's the Yonkou title. Yea Mihawk is using Buggy, A Yonkou, to keep heat off him to chill. 😆 So Mihawk uses Yonkous like play things. Thanks for agreeing with me I guess. 😂
6. I don’t care if you think Roger was WSS or not. Lol What that got to do with Mihawk WSS now. Which means he stronger than Shanks
7. Oh yea still waiting for the Enma panel this is the last time I am asking. If not thank you for concession. Show me where it says Enma can give people CoC or Unlock it for them
What gibberish you crying for ZKK now? :nicagesmile:

No one admitted captain difference others used CoC, Zolo did in Fishman island after he sensed Luffy's superior power via CoO.

Buggy is Emperor because Mihawk is hiding behind Buggy :gokulaugh:

Mihawk is the reason Buggy is Emperor, because Mihawk is scared and wants to hide.

If WGS > Great Pirate, why Oda uses Great Pirate title but not WGS:

Imagine trying to hype Roger with WGS title instead of Great Pirate title :gokulaugh:

Everyone knows Great pirate title > WGS title, Mihawk is not a Great Pirate he is scared he is hiding behind Buggy.

Enma training made Zolo stronger, thus awakened CoC:

Why you ZKKclown is so stupid? :gokulaugh: Just because Pica isn't worthy to fight Luffy, is that mean he is on Zolo level?

Pica is only worthy to fight Zolo who is weaker than Luffy.

Luffy > Zolo > Pica, the power difference is closer between Zolo and Pica compared to Luffy and Pica, thus Zolo says Pica isn't worthy to fight his captain.

But you ZKKclown know this and being a bitch to deny it. :HoldThisL::BigW:

''still waiting for panel of Zoro saying he weaker than Zoro ''


Another brain fart from ZKKclowns.

Zolo literally admits Luffy > him, thus Pica gets someone weaker than Luffy to fight, its that simple.

Admirals didn't admit captain difference when they see Luffy's CoC you dumbass. :gokulaugh:

CoC = overall strength confirmed by Rayleigh.

Thus Zolo sensing Luffy's power via CoO, since CoC = overall strength, and admits Luffy > him in fishman island.


What gibberish you crying for ZKK now? :nicagesmile:

No one admitted captain difference others used CoC, Zolo did in Fishman island after he sensed Luffy's superior power via CoO.

Buggy is Emperor because Mihawk is hiding behind Buggy:gokulaugh:

Mihawk is the reason Buggy is Emperor, because Mihawk is scared and wants to hide.

If WGS > Great Pirate, why Oda uses Great Pirate title but not WGS:

Imagine trying to hype Roger with WGS title instead of Great Pirate title :gokulaugh:

Everyone knows Great pirate title > WGS title, Mihawk is not a Great Pirate he is scared he is hiding behind Buggy.

Enma training made Zolo stronger, thus awakened CoC:

1. Lol dummy Pica never did anything to Zpro you idiot he wasn't closer to Zoro cause he didn't do anything to Zoro. Matter a fact Lufy used one of his strongest non G4 attacks Grizzly Magnum and didn't do shit to Pica lmao 🤣

But but Luffy so far away from Pica lmfao 🤣 Boy used one of his strongest attacks and didn't do shit. Yes and their is still no panel of him admitting inferiority just your bias headcanon since you won't post a panel. Thank you for concession clown.

2. Zoro never admitted Luffy was stronger either dummy. Saying you expect that from your Captain doesn't mean your admitting inferiority in combat. Zoro always expect alot from Luffy, yet in WP said he didn't know who stronger. Vivrecard also said they equal preskip.
3. Show me where it says CoA helped him unlock CoC. Lol trying to run from question. You literally made that shit up and if they have more potential like you claim clown why Doffy in his 40s and still haven't unlocked ACoC and got beat by Dressrosa Luffy you dummy?
4. When did I disagree that Mihawk hiding behind Buggy Yonkou title of licking boots? I agree so idk what your arguing here
5. Idc about Roger having WSS or not. Why do you keep asking me that lol. Mihawk is the WSS so he stronger than other swordsman. Lol bro who are you arguing with?
6. How does getting stronger by training with your sword give you CoC? Where in that panel does itvsay Enma gives CoC or makes you unlock CoC. Thats what I asked for. I didn't ask for a panel of Zoro saying he gets stronger when he masters his swords. Something he been doing start of the series.
1. Lol dummy Pica never did anything to Zpro you idiot he wasn't closer to Zoro cause he didn't do anything to Zoro. Matter a fact Lufy used one of his strongest non G4 attacks Grizzly Magnum and didn't do shit to Pica lmao 🤣

But but Luffy so far away from Pica lmfao 🤣 Boy used one of his strongest attacks and didn't do shit. Yes and their is still no panel of him admitting inferiority just your bias headcanon since you won't post a panel. Thank you for concession clown.
2. Zoro never admitted Luffy was stronger either dummy. Saying you expect that from your Captain doesn't mean your admitting inferiority in combat. Zoro always expect alot from Luffy, yet in WP said he didn't know who stronger. Vivrecard also said they equal preskip.
What is this cope now lmao, you arguing now Luffy vs Pica? How retarded are you? :gokulaugh:

Zolo admitted Luffy > him vs Pica, thats it, your delusion is crazy, Zolo himself says Luffy is stronger and you retard is denying this.

''Pica isn't worthy to fight Luffy''

So, who Pica is fighting?


Luffy > Zolo.

Even a low IQ would understand.

3. Show me where it says CoA helped him unlock CoC. Lol trying to run from question. You literally made that shit up and if they have more potential like you claim clown why Doffy in his 40s and still haven't unlocked ACoC and got beat by Dressrosa Luffy you dummy?
4. When did I disagree that Mihawk hiding behind Buggy Yonkou title of licking boots? I agree so idk what your arguing here
5. Idc about Roger having WSS or not. Why do you keep asking me that lol. Mihawk is the WSS so he stronger than other swordsman. Lol bro who are you arguing with?
6. How does getting stronger by training with your sword give you CoC? Where in that panel does itvsay Enma gives CoC or makes you unlock CoC. Thats what I asked for. I didn't ask for a panel of Zoro saying he gets stronger when he masters his swords. Something he been doing start of the series.
Dof has more potential in CoC doesn't mean he can be stronger than people with less CoC potential you dumbass, potential and actual power are 2 different things lmao.

If Mihawk is hiding behind Great Pirate title, while also having WGS title, then Great Pirate title > WGS title.

Great Pirate is more difficult to have so it shouldn't be a problem for Mihawk while he already has WGS, but why he doesn't want it? Because being Great Pirate is more difficult so he is hiding behind that title not wanting it due to wanting peace.

Enma training made him more powerful by helping improve his CoC Haki, if Zolo didn't have better CoC he would die for using too much Haki, but since he had it, he forced himself to use Enma and got better CoC and become more powerful.
What is this cope now lmao, you arguing now Luffy vs Pica? How retarded are you? :gokulaugh:

Zolo admitted Luffy > him vs Pica, thats it, your delusion is crazy, Zolo himself says Luffy is stronger and you retard is denying this.

''Pica isn't worthy to fight Luffy''

So, who Pica is fighting?


Luffy > Zolo.

Even a low IQ would understand.

Dof has more potential in CoC doesn't mean he can be stronger than people with less CoC potential you dumbass, potential and actual power are 2 different things lmao.

If Mihawk is hiding behind Great Pirate title, while also having WGS title, then Great Pirate title > WGS title.

Great Pirate is more difficult to have so it shouldn't be a problem for Mihawk while he already has WGS, but why he doesn't want it? Because being Great Pirate is more difficult so he is hiding behind that title not wanting it due to wanting peace.

Enma training made him more powerful by helping improve his CoC Haki, if Zolo didn't have better CoC he would die for using too much Haki, but since he had it, he forced himself to use Enma and got better CoC and become more powerful.
No matter how much you cope that panel dies not say that. If you want examples of people admitting inferiority here is one.

You see how clear that is. "I was certain I couldn't beat you". Like I said you have no panel nice concession tho. Hold that L

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What is this cope now lmao, you arguing now Luffy vs Pica? How retarded are you? :gokulaugh:

Zolo admitted Luffy > him vs Pica, thats it, your delusion is crazy, Zolo himself says Luffy is stronger and you retard is denying this.

''Pica isn't worthy to fight Luffy''

So, who Pica is fighting?


Luffy > Zolo.

Even a low IQ would understand.

Dof has more potential in CoC doesn't mean he can be stronger than people with less CoC potential you dumbass, potential and actual power are 2 different things lmao.

If Mihawk is hiding behind Great Pirate title, while also having WGS title, then Great Pirate title > WGS title.

Great Pirate is more difficult to have so it shouldn't be a problem for Mihawk while he already has WGS, but why he doesn't want it? Because being Great Pirate is more difficult so he is hiding behind that title not wanting it due to wanting peace.

Enma training made him more powerful by helping improve his CoC Haki, if Zolo didn't have better CoC he would die for using too much Haki, but since he had it, he forced himself to use Enma and got better CoC and become more powerful.
2. Show me where it says Doffy has more potential with CoC you dumbass. Doffy is experienced Pirate been all over the new world and still ain't get ACoC. More potential my ass gtfo He couldn't become a few of the very strongest. Zoro did sorry clown.
I know potential and power are two different things. What I am telling you is that you made that shit up. Show me where it says Doffy has more CoC potential than Zoro you numnuts. If you can't thanks for 3rd concession
3. Mihawk is hiding being fraudulent Yonkou title because he knows the Government thinks twice because of their force/resources you dumbass. How about you read the story you dumbass. Hold this L

Even Kaido didn't want BM officers to land cause it would be a full scale war

Next time learn how to read before you talk to me dumbass. Also Mihawk>Yonkou Buggy. Fraudulent title Yonkous. Lmfaooooooo 😂 Lock my boots ass Yonkou title. While WSS Ryuma bodied WG, Pirates etc...., WSS Mihawk got bounty above Yonkous and blade blade and stronger than Swordman Yonkou Shanks and Buggy. Future WSS Zoro going to be OP already one of the few of very strongest. Lmao So Yonkou title has Fraud in it name Buggy who wanted lock WSS boots while all WSS are OP. 🤣

4. Lol that's nice and all but show me where it says Enma unlocks CoC for people or give them CoC. I didn't ask you if Zoro trains with his Sword he gets stronger that's common sense. Will you be posting that panel if you can't nice concession.

5. World strongest Swordsman in name and actuality. Shanks is a Swordsman so Mihawk>Shanks clown

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The time he spent posting about Zoro n Mihawk over the years.

He would've been married with kids if he put the same effort.
Imagine thinking about a grown man's sexual life.:gokulaugh: ZKKclown weirdo never surprises me.

No matter how much you cope that panel dies not say that. If you want examples of people admitting inferiority here is one.

You see how clear that is. "I was certain I couldn't beat you". Like I said you have no panel nice concession tho. Hold that L
Is that the only way to admit inferiority you retarded clown? :gokulaugh:

Then why Zolo goes to stop the Birdcage instead of going to help Luffy vs Doflamingo?

Zolo knows he can't beat Doflamingo then he goes to stop birdcage instead.

He mentioned Captain difference, if you don't know what Captain difference go cry somewhere else.

2. Show me where it says Doffy has more potential with CoC you dumbass. Doffy is experienced Pirate been all over the new world and still ain't get ACoC. More potential my ass gtfo He couldn't become a few of the very strongest. Zoro did sorry clown.
I know potential and power are two different things. What I am telling you is that you made that shit up. Show me where it says Doffy has more CoC potential than Zoro you numnuts. If you can't thanks for 3rd concession
More potential because he created a talented crew for himself, and created an important black market business, made even government accept his wishes and forced them to make him Warlord. Dof didn't need to be an underling to create all of that.

Retarded ZKK could never accomplish those feats if Luffy didn't save Zolo's underling ass through the Grand Line :suresure:

Only reason Zolo isn't lost in some place from East Blue is because he is underling of Luffy.

Without Luffy being Zolo's captain, Zolo would keep getting lost in East Blue and he would never become stronger due to not being in Luffy's adventures.


3. Mihawk is hiding being fraudulent Yonkou title because he knows the Government thinks twice because of their force/resources you dumbass. How about you read the story you dumbass. Hold this L

Even Kaido didn't want BM officers to land cause it would be a full scale war

Next time learn how to read before you talk to me dumbass. Also Mihawk>Yonkou Buggy. Fraudulent title Yonkous. Lmfaooooooo 😂 Lock my boots ass Yonkou title. While WSS Ryuma bodied WG, Pirates etc...., WSS Mihawk got bounty above Yonkous and blade blade and stronger than Swordman Yonkou Shanks and Buggy. Future WSS Zoro going to be OP already one of the few of very strongest. Lmao So Yonkou title has Fraud in it name Buggy who wanted lock WSS boots while all WSS are OP. 🤣

4. Lol that's nice and all but show me where it says Enma unlocks CoC for people or give them CoC. I didn't ask you if Zoro trains with his Sword he gets stronger that's common sense. Will you be posting that panel if you can't nice concession.

5. World strongest Swordsman in name and actuality. Shanks is a Swordsman so Mihawk>Shanks clown

Here comes your 1000 Ls ZKKloser.

Greenbull admits the reason he didn't go to Wano is because Kaido alone, not Kaido underlings.


Do you see he is talking about Kaido underlings? Nope.

Why it should be any different for Mihawk if he is around Emperor level you retarded moron ZKKwanker?

Another L for this ZKKloser.

Mihawk is hiding behind Emperor level , because Mihawk isn't Emperor level, its that simple.

You cry about other stuff you got debunked again ZKKloser, Enma training forced Zolo to use CoC, and Roger's Great Pirate title > Mihawk's WGS title again confirmed.
Imagine thinking about a grown man's sexual life.:gokulaugh: ZKKclown weirdo never surprises me.

Is that the only way to admit inferiority you retarded clown? :gokulaugh:

Then why Zolo goes to stop the Birdcage instead of going to help Luffy vs Doflamingo?

Zolo knows he can't beat Doflamingo then he goes to stop birdcage instead.

He mentioned Captain difference, if you don't know what Captain difference go cry somewhere else.

More potential because he created a talented crew for himself, and created an important black market business, made even government accept his wishes and forced them to make him Warlord. Dof didn't need to be an underling to create all of that.

Retarded ZKK could never accomplish those feats if Luffy didn't save Zolo's underling ass through the Grand Line :suresure:

Only reason Zolo isn't lost in some place from East Blue is because he is underling of Luffy.

Without Luffy being Zolo's captain, Zolo would keep getting lost in East Blue and he would never become stronger due to not being in Luffy's adventures.


Here comes your 1000 Ls ZKKloser.

Greenbull admits the reason he didn't go to Wano is because Kaido alone, not Kaido underlings.


Do you see he is talking about Kaido underlings? Nope.

Why it should be any different for Mihawk if he is around Emperor level you retarded moron ZKKwanker?

Another L for this ZKKloser.

Mihawk is hiding behind Emperor level , because Mihawk isn't Emperor level, its that simple.

You cry about other stuff you got debunked again ZKKloser, Enma training forced Zolo to use CoC, and Roger's Great Pirate title > Mihawk's WGS title again confirmed.
1. When did I say that's the only way. I said this is a clear way. The instances you refer too literally is just you interpreting it with your headcanon bias. Zoro expecting Luffy to be strong and KO people isn't admitting inferiority. Learn English you dummy. Zoro not wanting a fodder to waste his Captain time isn't admitting inferiority. Learn English. Show me the panel if you can't this is my last response to this portion. If no panel thanks for your concession.
2. Wgat the flying fuck that got to do with who has better CoC? Did Doffy have better CoC potential than Rayleigh? Why would I care about him being a warlord or having his own crew? Wtf does that got to do with having superior CoC. Katakuri literally been a subordinate his whole life and was matching Luffy CoC blast at each other dumbass. Once again show me the panel stop your rediclious headcanon nonesense you made up. Where does it say Doffy has more potential in CoC Zoro.
3. Zoro has saved Luffy ass through the grandline too you idiot. Do you even read the story dumbass. Also what does Luffy saving Zoro got to do with Zoro feats. Is Luffy weaker because he been getting saved the whole series. Lmao stop trying to pivot cause you have no proof Doffy has more potential in CoC. You just made it up. Lol you thought you was going to bait me to forget the main point. Post the panel where it says Doffy got more potential. Also if it's just a theory then explain to me why 21 year old Zoro got few of the very strongest while 40 year old experience warlord Doffy isn't. What happened to his potential Lmfaooooooo

4. When the hell did i say anything about GB vs Kaido. Lmfaooooooo 😂 this guy started talking about random topics cause he getting bodied. Why would GB be talking about his underling? Are you slow. I already posted the panel about the full scale war dummy. Also GB mentioned the whole red hair pirates since you wanted him to mention a Yonkou subordinates for some weird reason. How does this change what Stussy said. 🤣 Boy what are you even arguing.
5. Show me where it says Enma can unlock CoC or give to people
6. WSS> Shanks cry
Depends on;
1) If Mihawk has CoC
2) Who is stronger between Mihawk and Shanks since Coc only gets stronger the stronger someone gets.

And no WSS doesn't confirm Mihawk is stronger as we don't know for sure yet that Shanks is a swordsman,after supporting ZKK here for years and Brannew only saying Mihawk has "better swordskill" than Shanks,i'm very cautious about taking things for granted in Oda's manga.
Either way,this will result in eternal memeing for whoever ends weaker in the end.
Why would Mihawk have a "legendary duel" with a non-swordsman? Shanks is the one top fighter we know for a fact duelled Mihawk.

He has no interest in random pirates. He never sought out Whitebeard since MF was the first time he came into conflict with him (as per his own words). Compare this with Ace who wanted to be PK and immediately sought out WB.
Mihawk CoC is at least equal to Shanks. More than likely it is stronger. If it wasn't Shanks would be stronger than him.

Think about it. Mihawk is waiting for a swordsman stronger than Shanks. Since Shanks greatest power is his haki for Zoro to surpass Shanks he has to surpass Shanks' CoC haki.
Why would Mihawk have a "legendary duel" with a non-swordsman? Shanks is the one top fighter we know for a fact duelled Mihawk.

He has no interest in random pirates. He never sought out Whitebeard since MF was the first time he came into conflict with him (as per his own words). Compare this with Ace who wanted to be PK and immediately sought out WB.
Idk Roger a guy commonly beleived here to be a swordsman was having legendary duels with WB a Quake and naginata man and as far as we know Roger never sought WB out either.
Oda's logic and common sense doesn't have to be the same as ours.

I'm a simple guy,if things were as simple as we think they are,Oda would've outright told us through Brannew that Mihawk is stronger,not the skill thing.
Something's definitely off with two,i don't know what but don't want to assume anything for fact atm.
Idk Roger a guy commonly beleived here to be a swordsman was having legendary duels with WB a Quake and naginata man and as far as we know Roger never sought WB out either.
Oda's logic and common sense doesn't have to be the same as ours.

I'm a simple guy,if things were as simple as we think they are,Oda would've outright told us through Brannew that Mihawk is stronger,not the skill thing.
Something's definitely off with two,i don't know what but don't want to assume anything for fact atm.
We know Mihawk and Shanks had legendary battles because the manga tells. It's not something readers assumed happen.

Oda did tell us Mihawk is stronger than Shanks. Mihawk WSS title tells of he is stronger than Shanks. If I obtain the title the fastest man alive nobody should have to say I'm faster than a specific person because my title already does that.

Having greater sword skill than Shanks is the reason why he's stronger. The reason the Scabbards couldn't scar Kaido was because their sword skill was weaker than Oden even though they was using his swordsmanship and sword style. Sword skill is your fighting strength and power.
In Shanks vs Mihawk threads the most reasonable position is always Mihawk > Shanks

Mihawk is a better swordsmen
Mihawk has better haki
Mihawk has more arms
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Mihawk being the world's strongest means he has the stronger CoC
the king of sanji fans has spoken
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The title swordsman itself is a limitation.

The most free person is the strong one. Swordsmen aren't free.

Another weird thing is that Mihawk always has a master. In the master and dog relationship.

He's always been a dog for the marines and he's now a dog for Cross Guild.

He never runs his own show.

There's also no way he's stronger than everyone in the verse and just simply never decided to crush anyone important. That's nonsense.

With Shanks, we know he has competed with the emperors of the sea directly. With Mihawk, we know he has actively avoided doing that, and implied as much when Buggy brought up the idea.

These guys make up the excuse that Mihawk is the most powerful guy in the world, but they try to say he won't fight any emperors because it's their crew who would stop him and not the emperor themselves. What kind of bullshit...

If Mihawk truly is as powerful as his fans claim he is then he would not have any problem downing a bunch of fodder guys and then low diffing their commanders and then low diffing their captain too. Has this ever happened? No lol

So why not? If he is clear-cut above everyone else then he should be low diffing emperor crews really.
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We know Mihawk and Shanks had legendary battles because the manga tells. It's not something readers assumed happen.
Never said we're assuming they had legendary duels,talking about assuming who is stronger when we were never told their duels had a victor.
Oda did tell us Mihawk is stronger than Shanks. Mihawk WSS title tells of he is stronger than Shanks. If I obtain the title the fastest man alive nobody should have to say I'm faster than a specific person because my title already does that.
When did Oda tell us Mihawk is stronger when
1) Oda never directly stated Mihawk is stronger,he did tell us through Brannew that Mihawk has better swordskills which is different from saying he is stronger.
2) Shanks was never called a swordsman inverse,not saying he isn't but waiting for confirmation hence not assuming anything atm.
3) Let's say Shanks is a swordsman and thus falls under Mihawk,how do the people who give the title know that Mihawk is stronger when we were never told their duels had any victor? .
4) WSM WB had an equal in the PK despite being literally the WSM before the great pirate age according to some vivrecard.
Having greater sword skill than Shanks is the reason why he's stronger.
Which will be the reason if Shanks confirms he is a swordsman but that didn't happen yet.
he reason the Scabbards couldn't scar Kaido was because their sword skill was weaker than Oden even though they was using his swordsmanship and sword style
Sword skill is your fighting strength and power.
For people confirming they really are swordsmen.
Ever since the King fight,we get confirmation from characters themselves,if Shanks or Zoro get some confirmation RedHair is really a swordsman,then your logic is valid and you're entirely right.

Until then? I ain't assuming things especially after the ZKK stuff in Wano.
1. When did I say that's the only way. I said this is a clear way. The instances you refer too literally is just you interpreting it with your headcanon bias. Zoro expecting Luffy to be strong and KO people isn't admitting inferiority. Learn English you dummy. Zoro not wanting a fodder to waste his Captain time isn't admitting inferiority. Learn English. Show me the panel if you can't this is my last response to this portion. If no panel thanks for your concession.
Lmao retard, how talking about captain difference while Luffy takes out 50.000 fishmen or talks about Pica isn't worthy to fight Luffy isn't about Luffy > Zolo when general perception in One Piece is that captain > underling?

Zolo doesn't think he is equal to Luffy. Thus Pica fighting Zolo isn't same as Pica fighting Luffy, Luffy > Zolo, Pica can only fight someone weaker.

Your ZKKbrain is too low IQ, you need to admit you are stupid.

2. Wgat the flying fuck that got to do with who has better CoC? Did Doffy have better CoC potential than Rayleigh? Why would I care about him being a warlord or having his own crew? Wtf does that got to do with having superior CoC. Katakuri literally been a subordinate his whole life and was matching Luffy CoC blast at each other dumbass. Once again show me the panel stop your rediclious headcanon nonesense you made up. Where does it say Doffy has more potential in CoC Zoro.
Moronic bitch should learn the difference between potential, and actual power. If someone like Koby trains harder he can beat much stronger opponents who have better potential, Zolo, Ray or Katakuri are like that, they train harder and they have captains who forces them to get stronger just like Garp forces Koby to get stronger.

Dof had no one to force him thus couldn't reach his potential.

Example from Dragon Ball: Frieza was fodder to many stronger Super Saiyans, but Frieza had better potential, once he start training he got much stronger than any Saiyans. Potential and training to reach superior power are different you retarded bitch. Dof of course might have better potential, he actually have people believing he will be PK, no one in One Piece world would actually believed Zolo, Ray or Kata would be PK.

Without Luffy, Zolo was a some fodder getting lost in East Blue, he wouldn't be someone important, no one would force him to get stronger. Luffy is the reason Zolo got stronger, same as Garp for Koby. People like Dof had better potential but couldn't be forced due to lack of someone superior forcing them.


3. Zoro has saved Luffy ass through the grandline too you idiot. Do you even read the story dumbass. Also what does Luffy saving Zoro got to do with Zoro feats. Is Luffy weaker because he been getting saved the whole series. Lmao stop trying to pivot cause you have no proof Doffy has more potential in CoC. You just made it up. Lol you thought you was going to bait me to forget the main point. Post the panel where it says Doffy got more potential. Also if it's just a theory then explain to me why 21 year old Zoro got few of the very strongest while 40 year old experience warlord Doffy isn't. What happened to his potential Lmfaooooooo
Everyone can save Luffy moron, you know exactly Zolo wouldn't accomplish anything without Luffy. He would get lost in East Blue and couldn't do shit, just like Sanji couldn't do shit, or Nami couldn't do shit etc etc.

Thats Luffy's ability to make people join him, we see this in Marineford or WCI, Luffy doesn't need Zolo or anyone, Luffy can still be PK without them, he could find different PK Wings and underlings.

If Zolo or Sanji joins Kaido, or BM, Zolo couldn't make them PK. But Luffy can find different underlings and can be PK, we see this Marineford, even WB supported Luffy and told his men to help Luffy.


4. When the hell did i say anything about GB vs Kaido. Lmfaooooooo 😂 this guy started talking about random topics cause he getting bodied. Why would GB be talking about his underling? Are you slow. I already posted the panel about the full scale war dummy. Also GB mentioned the whole red hair pirates since you wanted him to mention a Yonkou subordinates for some weird reason. How does this change what Stussy said. 🤣 Boy what are you even arguing.
You talk about forces and resources you dumb bitch, did Greenbull talk about forces and resources for Kaido? He literally says he only went to Wano because Kaido wasn't there, then he left because Shanks's individual Wifi-Haki ability again.

If Mihawk was on their level, Government wouldn't attack Mihawk's island same as Greenbull doesn't attack when Kaido is on Wano. But Mihawk isn't on Emperor level.

5. Show me where it says Enma can unlock CoC or give to people
Zolo had to use CoC or he was going to die due to lack of Haki while using Enma, its that simple bitch. Either he dies while using full potential or survives due to using CoC. Enma made that possible, if you deny this you are a bigger ZKKbitch.

You have no argument left ZKKclown, brain farted again repeating same shit like a dumbass, debunked. :BigW::HoldThisL:

Roger's title was Great Pirate not WGS in introduction because Great Pirate > WGS.

Mihawk literally said he wants peace he doesn't want to be Great Pirate while having WGS title, WGS title isn't as important as Great Pirate title also confirmed again.