Controversial Donald Trump Capitol Hearing

If Trump gets arrested i call this bullshit and political persecution.Biden should be the one going to jail,i really doubt Russia would have done have what they are doing now in Ukraine with Trump in charge,even North Korea is back with the nuke threats.
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Idk man

I‘m probably a center dude, since I choose to hear a bit from both sides to form my own opinion. The hearing will bring up new information as usual regarding the January 6th stuff.

Not sure what else there is to say. I‘m not much of a political person :emohiyo:
You will piss off both sides by doing this,but yeah you got hear both sides.But choose one.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
If Trump gets arrested i call this bullshit and political persecution.Biden should be the one going to jail,i really doubt Russia would done have what they are doing now in Ukraine with Trump in charge,even North Korea is back with the nuke threats.

Dude broke so many laws it is nuts. And i am willing to bet my right hand he sold top state secrets to the highest bidder

This whole crying how it is political persecution is BS. How about call it what it is

Holding people accountable for their shit deeds


If Trump gets arrested i call this bullshit and political persecution.Biden should be the one going to jail,i really doubt Russia would done have what they are doing now in Ukraine with Trump in charge,even North Korea is back with the nuke threats.
I'm not american or even Russian/Ukranian but I agree with you, this war is definately result of americas actions. of pushing their nato Boundries to Russian borders.

Dude broke so many laws it is nuts. And i am willing to bet my right hand he sold top state secrets to the highest bidder

This whole crying how it is political persecution is BS. How about call it what it is

Holding people accountable for their shit deeds
you mean like joe biden's son hunter and all the corruption with china and burisma

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
you mean like joe biden's son hunter and all the corruption with china and burisma
You mean same Hunter Biden that was under the investigation for years even under Trump era and no one raised a criminal case against him?
Maybe because - wait a minute - there was nothing to go on?

But since we are pulling sons and daughters, what about Donald Jr? Eric? Ivanka? They have more dirt on em than 3 Hunter Bidens

Hell Jared Kushner got 2 billion from Saudis.