Questions & Mysteries Dragon Kaido's head is only 16m? Is Tatsumaki that small?

Zoro's tatsumaki covers (dragon) Kaido's entire body and more, this is just a CoA move from a suppressed Zoro, I'm sure an all out KoH tatsumaki will be much bigger and obviously much stronger. :myman:


Zoro Worshipper
Zoro's tatsumaki covers (dragon) Kaido's entire body and more, this is just a CoA move from a suppressed Zoro, I'm sure an all out KoH tatsumaki will be much bigger and obviously much stronger. :myman:
The high Grandmaster is capable of any size and that works for many situations :myman:
You are giving more thought to this than Oda did
Proportions are not consistent in this manga
Sometimes he even makes them inconsistent on purpose for effect. For example when he introduces a big baddy they look taller than they are because it's more imposing etc.