Super Role Madness DragonBall Mafia

@Naomi yo, this might sound really random and don't answer to that maybe but IN CASE you're looking specifically for purple mafia (as i think you've hinted), i think there's chance that either Melkor or SK is exactly that.

It's 70% tinfoil, but i guess. Can't elaborate on other 30%. Anyways, in case you had some investigation/kill/whatever that worked specifically on purple mafia, i'd try there.

In case i remembered it wrong, just ignore that.
@Naomi yo, this might sound really random and don't answer to that maybe but IN CASE you're looking specifically for purple mafia (as i think you've hinted), i think there's chance that either Melkor or SK is exactly that.

It's 70% tinfoil, but i guess. Can't elaborate on other 30%. Anyways, in case you had some investigation/kill/whatever that worked specifically on purple mafia, i'd try there.

In case i remembered it wrong, just ignore that.
why are you painting a target on my back with this? lol.

but either way scum need to die so town can win.
Any leads you'd like me to explore fooj?
I dont need you to help me out with anything Pot, the only thing I need you to do is do your own thing and play the game. Try to find town, work on your scum reads, keep an updated reads list would be nice. I do not want to direct you in any direction because 1- I know people value my thoughts here and will try to confirm my bias as town 2- If you are scum it will give you something to pretend to be busy with.