Character Discussion Drake is the Tsuru of the new generation

the old gen marine trio is: Garp, Sengoku, and Tsuru

Sengoku was an admiral during the Roger era
Garp could have been admiral but he declined
Tsuru was a powerful vice admiral strong enough to scare away Doffy

The parallels seem clear. Koby and Smoker = Garp and Sengoku. Both will easily be top tier by EoS.

Drake on the other hand seems more like Tsuru. He is one of the strongest VAs/RAs, but he doesn’t have top tier potential. At best, he will awaken his dino fruit and become YC1 level, probably how strong prime Tsuru was.

This portrayal is furthered by the fact that Tsuru likely saved Drake on minion island.
Tsuru is the Chief Advisor of the Navy. You need actual sense to be compared to her.
Drake the moron freed Law from prison without thinking that Hawkins would snitch on him.
I'll keep hoping for Drake but it ain't easy. Sword is a lot more relevant now than ever and he's still MIA. If he turns up and his Captain rank within Sword means anything then sure, he'll be important enough. He was Rear Admiral before going undercover so I doubt the Captain has to do with traditional Marine ranks. We'll see, I guess. Being the Tsuru of this generation would be great for Drake, I'm just hoping he does something soon.
Tsuru is the Chief Advisor of the Navy. You need actual sense to be compared to her.
Drake the moron freed Law from prison without thinking that Hawkins would snitch on him.
We never saw the circumstances in which Drake freed Law tho. Going by Hawkins words Drake did so when Hawkins wasn't present in the room: in CH. 990 (when Hawkins, Who's Who and Queen had Drake cornered) Hawkins said he deducted Drake was the traitor, which means he had no proof of that, not even visual.
Hawkins had already noticed Drake was acting strange in CH. 950 iirc, when he was torturing Law.

Also, a SWORD Undercover agent like Drake knows better than sabotaging a member of the organization he's infiltrating in front of him, then letting said member live and act if nothing happened a couple weeks later.

It's more than safe to say that Drake helped Law when Hawkins wasn't around, and that the only error on Drake's part was understimating Hawkins intellect (and not finishing him).