General & Others Elbaf Main and Only Thread

Another 2 observations:

1: you should rlly make a thread with both this post and the aforementioned one, ask mods to pin it.

2: 1071 raws got released and a certain SOMEONE already reached elbaf, it's unlikely that he went there just to meet saul.

Another thing: lurking legend probably going to turn one piece' Power scalling SYSTEM into 4th Naruto ninja war levels of asspulling.

If Toon force gets easily overwhelmed than i don't know what more luffy could use as a power up.

In case you don't wanna make a post yourself, can i make a thread using your two posts???
The reason i didn't make a Thread is cuz this isn't the only Sub-Plot i'm analyzing
I was able to connect all Mysteries & understand the Formula that Oda follows to create any Character or Parallel or Story
(Not the one i mentioned above, nor any previous Post of mine)

I'v commented about this Lurking Legend here & there, so if it happens, most people here will know i predicted it correctly.
But first i need to see how Oda will draw it & everything mentioned in this upcoming Introduction so that i will be able to confirm all the things in the Mega Analysis i'm preparing & remove the wrong little assumptions i added to it

Those two posts aren't even the Main method i used to discover everything about this Character, they are more like Post-Discovery Observations that i noticed which conveniently support this Character's Introduction

For example i discovered that this Lurking Legend has Powers of Uranus (That's how he can overpower Looney Toons)
And everyone is already catching up on Zoro mirroring Mihawk's Feats from Pre-TS, but regardless of whether it happens or not
One Fact is very clear to me, Krieg Fleet Incident was interrupted by a "Storm"
So whatever will happen soon, a "Storm" is gonna interrupt it, but it will be a Character this time with powers of Storms
(That's how those Ships disappeared without a trace)

And my discovery that this Character is Old, can see Fate & also controls Storms match up with what we've seen before
Luffy's Loguetown Execution was saved by a Lightning Bolt
Roger vs Shiki was interrupted by a Storm
Straw Hats Pirates managed to find Brook cuz a Storm forced them to take a different Route
A Storm welcomed them to New World
First thing Luffy faced when he started his Journey in Chapter 2 was a sudden Whirlpool that appeared out of nowhere
... etc

It all adds up. Lurking Legend is the one pulling the Strings using his Storms/Uranus Powers & have access to Fate.
You want more? (This addition is just a Guess for now cuz it's something New from recent chapter)

Why this Lurking Legend attacked Ships that leave Egghead but not Egghead itself?
Cuz if he done so, Luffy wouldn't come to this Island & it will lead to a change of Plans
So this Character wants something from Egghead without disturbing Luffy's Journey
Didn't i say above that Elbaf can access Fate but can't modify it? It's cuz they lack the Pen that can write on Book of Fate

So there is a Minor Chance that the person assisting Vegapunk is the same person Elbaf is looking for, and is same person who holds the Pen that can write on Book of Fate & is same person who is Wanted but was hiding for past few weeks (Someone who according to Brulee is even presumed Dead)

It's none other than Urouge (This part isn't an argument for Lurking Legend Appearance, but it definitely makes it super convenient & great way to tie in Sub-Plots). And as i said above, Urouge's Weapon is actually a Pen for Giants

I also believe this Lurking Legend is the one who made Dragon wanna be a Revolutionary
It's even possible he is the one who destroyed Lunarians Country (An Incident that Dragon was present in perhaps, not sure about this)


  • He isn't Next Arc Villain but a Villain for the one after, meaning Next Saga is Mary Geoise & then it's Elbaf Saga
  • Why will he spare Luffy? It's cuz he knows an Old Man & wouldn't wanna dishonor him by killing Luffy, it's none other than Whitebeard
  • Oda did confirm that Soon there will be Introduction of Strongest Villain & someone who knows Whitebeard
In other words, Ending of Egghead is gonna be about Introduction of "Lurking Legend"
I actually know much more about this Character, i figured out his entire History, Goals & Role, but i will leave that for after he is Confirmed
Forget Elbaf as an arc.

Mariejoia is last Saga and Arc. We have Laugh Tale before it.

Lurking Legend is Nika. That plot is done.

You are forcing parallels to make sense to your theory like everything has to be perfect mirroring.
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Control Panel is clearly inside the Barrier, not outside of it, otherwise it would be obsolete
Shiryu can become Invisible to the Eye but the Barrier can still detect his movement
There is also no reason for him to go there, not to mention that he can't reach the Island undetected alone

Also if he wanted something from Vega Island, he would have been sent long ago
Why wait till now?
We don't see Shiryuu in. Since he attacked Moriah. And Teach started moving when Shichibukai was abolished. If Teach has inside info this makes perfect sense. He knew Shichibukai would be changed by a new weapon of Vegapunk(he doesn't know the weapon so he still gets surprised when finally meeting it at Amazon Lily or simply Oda inconsistency) then he sends Shiryuu in a secret mission over there, Vegapunk is replicating DF and Teach is after it.

Van Augur has the Teleportation DF in work with Shiryuu DF they may have found a way to infiltrate there without being notice.
Forget Elbaf as an arc.

Mariejoia is last Saga and Arc. We have Laugh Tale before it.

Lurking Legend is Nika. That plot is done.

You are forcing parallels to make sense to your theory like everything has to be perfect mirroring.
Why would Mary Geoise be Final Arc?
Luffy had Three Dreams
In Wano he fulfilled the First One (Shanks Promise)
Now it will be Mary Geoise where he will fulfill Second Dream (Becoming Pirate King) & it ends with finding Laugh Tale
Then we have Final Arc which is Post-Laugh Tale & Luffy's Secret Dream

Oda said Lurking Legend is a Villain & Strongest that SHs will face
He also said that he is related to Whitebeard
Ofc it's not Nika, that instead refers to his Statement about Wano Ending

There is no such thing as Perfect Mirroring
It's just a Theory, you don't have to get triggered

You really think this Arc is gonna End with no Major Introduction?
You forgot how Dragon was Introduced? or Ace? or Crocodile? or Blackbeard? or Aokiji? or Mihawk? or Imu? or Big Mom? or Kaidou?
Literally in almost every Arc, there is a Major Character teased at the End of it

Luffy fights Buggy & Smoker & then boom, Dragon appear out of nowhere
Luffy fight some random Bounty Hunters & then boom Sir Crocodile is mentioned
Luffy fight Wapol & then boom Ace is teased
Luffy fight Bellamy & then boom Blackbeard is Introduced
Luffy fights Foxy & then boom Aokiji shows up
Luffy fights Lucci & then boom Garp is Introduced
Luffy fights Moria & then boom Kuma comes to play
Luffy fights Duval & punches a CD then boom Kizaru & then Kuma shows up
Luffy fights Hody & then boom Big Mom is Introduced
Luffy fights Caesar & then boom Doffy/Aokiji get Re-Introduced
Luffy fights Doffy & then boom we get Kaidou's Introduction
Luffy fights Big Mom & then boom Imu is Introduced
Luffy fights Kaidou & then boom Ryokugyu & Shanks appear

Almost in every Chapter of Egghead Arc, Oda is teasing that there is someone else nearby that even Vega isn't aware of or any CoO User on the Island, CP Ships Disappearance, Barrier Disabled, Kuma acting Strange, sudden Storm leads to Bonney meeting SHs, Fate keeps getting mentioned ... etc

It's obvious that another Major Introduction is coming soon & it's literally First Arc of One Piece Ending, so it's time for Main Villain to Introduce himself


whatever will happen soon, a "Storm" is gonna interrupt it, but it will be a Character this time with powers of Storms
(That's how those Ships disappeared without a trace)
Does it explain Luffy's being saved in loguetown by a thunder and storm aswell? I ALWAYS thought it was dragon with Weather paramecia or Wind Logia.
Does it explain Luffy's being saved by a thunder and storm aswell? I ALWAYS thought it was dragon with Weather paramecia or Wind Logia.
The Winds after Dragon's Introduction are definitely his doing
But other Storms that have shaped Luffy's Journey are most probably the work of Lurking Legend
Notice how they only happen when it's convenient

His Journey started with a Storm
He found Brook thanks to a Storm
He reached Skypiea thanks to a Storm
He reached Wano through a Storm
He entered New World through a Storm
He ended up meeting Mihawk cuz a Storm saved Krieg Pirates
He met Bonney cuz of a Storm
He got saved from Buggy by a Storm
... etc

However i believe Dragon also has Uranus Powers, however he is an Inferior User
He is unable to use it's Full Potential & isn't on Lurking Legend Level, not even close

But what will help him achieve his True Power is Nami (Thanks to her Weatheria Balls which were described to can cause World Scale Catastrophe), so when Nami combine her Technology & Knowledge of Weather with Dragon's Uranus Powers, she will help him Unleash a World Changing Storm

Fulfilling Law's Words "D. will cause another Storm"
D. here refers to Dragon, while "another" suggests that it's a Counter-Storm to a one that happened before & that's the doing of Lurking Legend. In other words, Dragon is trying to stop Lurking Legend's Plan

I also wanna add that Urouge being Ally of Vega is very convenient cuz Urouge is a Birkan & we saw that a Scientist from Vega's Home Island loved the moon so much & created Robots similar to the ones Birkans created & loved. Enel's Cover Story even shows that it was Birkan's Idea to create such Robots, so Urouge must definitely love Vega's Tech & are somehow related in purpose


Why would Mary Geoise be Final Arc?
Luffy had Three Dreams
In Wano he fulfilled the First One (Shanks Promise)
Now it will be Mary Geoise where he will fulfill Second Dream (Becoming Pirate King) & it ends with finding Laugh Tale
Then we have Final Arc which is Post-Laugh Tale & Luffy's Secret Dream

Oda said Lurking Legend is a Villain & Strongest that SHs will face
He also said that he is related to Whitebeard
Ofc it's not Nika, that instead refers to his Statement about Wano Ending

There is no such thing as Perfect Mirroring
It's just a Theory, you don't have to get triggered

You really think this Arc is gonna End with no Major Introduction?
You forgot how Dragon was Introduced? or Ace? or Crocodile? or Blackbeard? or Aokiji? or Mihawk? or Imu? or Big Mom? or Kaidou?
Literally in almost every Arc, there is a Major Character teased at the End of it

Luffy fights Buggy & Smoker & then boom, Dragon appear out of nowhere
Luffy fight some random Bounty Hunters & then boom Sir Crocodile is mentioned
Luffy fight Wapol & then boom Ace is teased
Luffy fight Bellamy & then boom Blackbeard is Introduced
Luffy fights Foxy & then boom Aokiji shows up
Luffy fights Lucci & then boom Garp is Introduced
Luffy fights Moria & then boom Kuma comes to play
Luffy fights Duval & punches a CD then boom Kizaru & then Kuma shows up
Luffy fights Hody & then boom Big Mom is Introduced
Luffy fights Caesar & then boom Doffy/Aokiji get Re-Introduced
Luffy fights Doffy & then boom we get Kaidou's Introduction
Luffy fights Big Mom & then boom Imu is Introduced
Luffy fights Kaidou & then boom Ryokugyu & Shanks appear

Almost in every Chapter of Egghead Arc, Oda is teasing that there is someone else nearby that even Vega isn't aware of or any CoO User on the Island, CP Ships Disappearance, Barrier Disabled, Kuma acting Strange, sudden Storm leads to Bonney meeting SHs, Fate keeps getting mentioned ... etc

It's obvious that another Major Introduction is coming soon & it's literally First Arc of One Piece Ending, so it's time for Main Villain to Introduce himself
By mirroring structure makes more sense to have Laugh Tale first which mirrors Thriller Bark and Mariejoia after which mirrors whole Sabaody to Marineford Saga.
Thriller Bark we learned a but of past history with Ryuuma and Oars. Laugh Tale will be the end of the history where we will find out about everything.
Then we go again against marines and WG. Maybe even coming back to Impel Down. Maybe even Ennies Lobby.
WB stated that the whole World would be upside down when the treasure is found. This makes no sense after final war. One Piece is the key to engage on final war.

Where does Oda had those statements? Lurking Legend was about the end of Wano. Only Nika make sense. Maybe it will turn after Strawhats, consume Luffy soul and take place on his body.

A bunch of arcs we have no introductions. We are close to the end we can't keep introducing characters like that.

Main villain is Imu and he was already introduced.
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But other Storms that have shaped Luffy's Journey are most probably the work of Lurking Legend
Notice how they only happen when it's convenient
So Oda is Lurking Legend? Hahahahha.
Kid vs Shanks
Killer vs Beckman
Gig vs Lucky Roo

Urouge will fight burgess in some way

there will be 9 islands or levels representing the 9 realms
By mirroring structure makes more sense to have Laugh Tale first which mirrors Thriller Bark and Mariejoia after which mirrors whole Sabaody to Marineford Saga.
Thriller Bark we learned a but of past history with Ryuuma and Oars. Laugh Tale will be the end of the history where we will find out about everything.
Then we go again against marines and WG. Maybe even coming back to Impel Down. Maybe even Ennies Lobby.
WB stated that the whole World would be upside down when the treasure is found. This makes no sense after final war. One Piece is the key to engage on final war.

Where does Oda had those statements? Lurking Legend was about the end of Wano. Only Nika make sense. Maybe it will turn after Strawhats, consume Luffy soul and take place on his body.

A bunch of arcs we have no introductions. We are close to the end we can't keep introducing characters like that.

Main villain is Imu and he was already introduced.
Dude, Oda said Lurking Legend is a "Villain", why do you keep saying Luffy?
Is Luffy a Villain now?

Yes, Laugh Tale is 2nd to last Arc & it won't be long
But you think Final War is against Celestial Dragons
And i'm saying it's not

Doffy literally spoiled it for you, he mentioned the Main Players, then he said be prepared to see CDs Lose their Position
Then he mentioned Pirate King Title as the Prize & called all of this "Throne Wars"

He literally told you that CDs are the Main Villains of becoming Pirate King or reaching Laugh Tale
Dragon is already fighting WG & is gonna attack them without the need to find Laugh Tale
Kaidou was preparing to fight them previously, so are Cross Guild obviously
Lot of Nations are already rebelling thanks to Sabo & Wano are obviously more than happy to destroy them
Laugh Tale isn't needed to convince Armies to attack CDs, everyone already hates them already

World Government are the Main Villains in Luffy's Journey to becoming Pirate King
Both Events (WG Fall & Pirate King Title) will happen together at the end of this Saga

However, after defeating CDs & reaching Laugh Tale, that's when the True Ending starts
The Kingdom that no one ever had a reason to go to, the Kingdom that Big Mom said could make her beat other Yonko, the Kingdom that is designed literally after Vikings who are the whole reason Oda even decided to write this Manga, he said it himself

Wano was Part 1 of OP Ending
(Egghead In-Between)
Mary Geoise is Part 2 of OP Ending
(Laugh Tale In-Between)
Elbaf is Part 3 of OP Ending

Imu isn't Final Villain, he is simply Villain of this Saga
Oda always teases the Major Villain around Two Sagas before

For example before Punk Hazard, there was Fishmen Island & entire Marineford Saga
What did Oda show before these Two Sagas? He showed Doffy in a call, talking about Smiles

He did the same thing with Big Mom, teasing her in Fishmen Island Two Sagas before they go challenge her
He repeated it with Kaidou, introducing him at the End of Dressrosa which was Two Arcs before they reached Wano & so on

So at the end of WCI Arc, Oda added Levely Arc & teased Imu who is the Villain after Kaidou
And now that Wano is over, Oda will tease the Villain "After" Imu

I know you won't agree cuz Oda succeeded in making everyone think Mary Geoise is the End
But you can wait for End of this Arc & then we can discuss


Dude, Oda said Lurking Legend is a "Villain", why do you keep saying Luffy?
Is Luffy a Villain now?

Yes, Laugh Tale is 2nd to last Arc & it won't be long
But you think Final War is against Celestial Dragons
And i'm saying it's not

Doffy literally spoiled it for you, he mentioned the Main Players, then he said be prepared to see CDs Lose their Position
Then he mentioned Pirate King Title as the Prize & called all of this "Throne Wars"

He literally told you that CDs are the Main Villains of becoming Pirate King or reaching Laugh Tale
Dragon is already fighting WG & is gonna attack them without the need to find Laugh Tale
Kaidou was preparing to fight them previously, so are Cross Guild obviously
Lot of Nations are already rebelling thanks to Sabo & Wano are obviously more than happy to destroy them
Laugh Tale isn't needed to convince Armies to attack CDs, everyone already hates them already

World Government are the Main Villains in Luffy's Journey to becoming Pirate King
Both Events (WG Fall & Pirate King Title) will happen together at the end of this Saga

However, after defeating CDs & reaching Laugh Tale, that's when the True Ending starts
The Kingdom that no one ever had a reason to go to, the Kingdom that Big Mom said could make her beat other Yonko, the Kingdom that is designed literally after Vikings who are the whole reason Oda even decided to write this Manga, he said it himself

Wano was Part 1 of OP Ending
(Egghead In-Between)
Mary Geoise is Part 2 of OP Ending
(Laugh Tale In-Between)
Elbaf is Part 3 of OP Ending

Imu isn't Final Villain, he is simply Villain of this Saga
Oda always teases the Major Villain around Two Sagas before

For example before Punk Hazard, there was Fishmen Island & entire Marineford Saga
What did Oda show before these Two Sagas? He showed Doffy in a call, talking about Smiles

He did the same thing with Big Mom, teasing her in Fishmen Island Two Sagas before they go challenge her
He repeated it with Kaidou, introducing him at the End of Dressrosa which was Two Arcs before they reached Wano & so on

So at the end of WCI Arc, Oda added Levely Arc & teased Imu who is the Villain after Kaidou
And now that Wano is over, Oda will tease the Villain "After" Imu

I know you won't agree cuz Oda succeeded in making everyone think Mary Geoise is the End
But you can wait for End of this Arc & then we can discuss
Lurking Legend is Nika. Nika is not Luffy. Nika will consume Luffy's soul and turn into a villain. There you go. He already started doing it by making him happier when he ate the DF which is a Nika thing not Luffy.

Final War only make sense against Celestial Dragons.

And WB said otherwise. WB > Doffy. PK is a shitty title. The one who sits in that throne is much more relevant. King of the World.

Roger fought no CD to become PK and reach Laugh Tale. He just adventured himself. He didn't even fought for real he just had a friendly battle with WB and asked Oden borrowed because of his reading and writing skills.

Dragon is not doing a shit. MF is just hiding.


Wano doesn't even know WG. Well, Scabbards and Yamato now knows. Don't even remember if Momo heard that dialogue.

Luffy for sure need a reason. He main focus is Laugh Tale. There is no one single fucking moment where he says "I want to war WG". Sure he said that back at Enies Lobby to recuse Robin but he has no willing to engange a war with WG yet.

Luffy thinks Yonkos and Admirals are his main opponents to become Pirate King. Nothing about WG and CDs. Again, Roger didn't had even Yonkos and Admirals on his way. At best BM but he banged her and got her Red Poneglyph. By the way those are possibly childs of Roger: Charlotte Brownie, Charlotte Mapple, Charlotte Myukuru, Charlotte Marble and Charlotte Mobile.

Oda can say whatever he wants what he does is another thing. So far we have so few things related to Vikings to try to make it the whole center of One Piece just because Oda started his work because of it.

Imu is final villain. He controls the ultimate weapon that wipes out islands.
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There is multiple types of awakening haki
eg Conquerors you can get Observation Killer and Coating

emission is 100% awakened haki
Where this head cannon comes from?

Observation Killer, what?

Advanced Armament is Internal Damage. Hyogoro let that clear saying he can't do it.

Emission/barrier haki is just using basic armament outside of your body something that Zoro does since he fought Mr 1.
Where this head cannon comes from?

Observation Killer, what?

Advanced Armament is Internal Damage. Hyogoro let that clear saying he can't do it.

Emission/barrier haki is just using basic armament outside of your body something that Zoro does since he fought Mr 1.
Observation Killer is canon haki thats shanks has

Holy shit the images used to describe to emission and sentomaru doesnt have interal damage

also the last statement is just dumb


Observation Killer is canon haki thats shanks has

Holy shit the images used to describe to emission and sentomaru doesnt have interal damage

also the last statement is just dumb
Canon my ass. The one he used in a FILLER MOVIE? Hahahaha

I'm not saying Sentomaru has internal damage. That's why he doesn't have advanced armament. You can't even explain internal damage with that headcannon theory of yours.
Canon my ass. The one he used in a FILLER MOVIE? Hahahaha

I'm not saying Sentomaru has internal damage. That's why he doesn't have advanced armament. You can't even explain internal damage with that headcannon theory of yours.
Smh when showing advanced haki sentomaru was included but sentomaru only has emission read the story