General & Others Emperor Buggy vs wss Mihawk: who’s more famous?


Between buggy and mihawk who’s more famous/infamous?

Before buggy’s involvement it was supposed to be just crocodile and mihawk as equal leaders of their new company. Crocodile being the brain and mihawk the brawn. Crocodile planning + leading the group while mihawk contributes his strength

With buggy being a part of it he brings also essential to the group and that being his fame and charisma. All 3 playing an essential role in making cross guild be considered an emperor level crew.
Them also each representing
  1. Wealth- crocodile is the one funding the group and keeps trying to gain more money to fund it further
  2. Power- mihawk the strongest member not just bringing his strength but his main role out of that seems to be to help figure out how they can gain even more power/strength
  3. Fame- buggy is the face of the group along with most the incidents he’s involved in. Gaining the most credit whether it’s deserved or not. It was also strait up just said him being seen as an emperor means most the attention will be all on him while mihawk and crocodile can work and hide in the shadows
Shanks is .
And how they want to get the news under kaido?
When it was stating orochi controlled the news to in wano
Atleast read the story :suresure:
Shanks is never famed for sword skill, only Mihawk is hyped for skill:milaugh:

That's not an excuse, several of the Scabbards have gone outside of Wano and they still don't have a clue who Mihawk is, also, are we suppose to believe that the WSS never went to Wano? Imagine claiming to be the World's Strongest Swordsman while avoiding the country of swordsmen
Shanks is never famed for sword skill, only Mihawk is hyped for skill:milaugh:

That's not an excuse, several of the Scabbards have gone outside of Wano and they still don't have a clue who Mihawk is, also, are we suppose to believe that the WSS never went to Wano? Imagine claiming to be the World's Strongest Swordsman while avoiding the country of swordsmen
"Shanks is not famed for swordskills"
Why the marines talked about his swordskills?
Stop making yourself look like a clown buddy

Yes several scabbards went outside and what that changes? The entire country doesnt know shit about yonko,mihawk,admirals etc

Try better
"Shanks is not famed for swordskills"
Why the marines talked about his swordskills?
Stop making yourself look like a clown buddy

Yes several scabbards went outside and what that changes? The entire country doesnt know shit about yonko,mihawk,admirals etc

Try better
They didn't talk about Shanks sword skill, they talked about Mihawk's sword skill and compared it to Shanks lmao.

It changes everything, they were outside Wano for ages and not once did they give a fuck about that skillman pretending to be the WSS.

The Scabbards literally recognized an Admiral on sight:kayneshrug:

They didn't talk about Shanks sword skill, they talked about Mihawk's sword skill and compared it to Shanks lmao.

It changes everything, they were outside Wano for ages and not once did they give a fuck about that skillman pretending to be the WSS.

The Scabbards literally recognized an Admiral on sight:kayneshrug:

So that means shanks skills are second to only mihawk
Pretty famous id say

No they didnt,they said "luffy s enemy from outside the world"
You are so bad at this :suresure:
So that means shanks skills are second to only mihawk
Pretty famous id say

No they didnt,they said "luffy s enemy from outside the world"
You are so bad at this :suresure:
No it just means Mihawk has better sword skill than Shanks

Yes, so they instantly recognized him

L59, how high can you go:ihaha: