Future Events Everyone jumps on the Greenbull bandwagon, but don't get too hyped up, he's just a good cliffhanger for a month long break | what to expect from him?

As always people are quick to jump on the bandwagon of a new shiny character, especially after a very flashy and provocative introduction. Oda needed a very provocative chapter for a month long break to keep the "ever more disappointed audience" patiently waiting, while he tries to pull himself up, gather all the strength he has left, for the last voyage to the end of this 20 years long journey called one piece. I'm actually happy that Oda really tries his best here, he knows that he's out of shape as an author, he knows that he has done some egregious mistakes, but he took this break to pull whatever strength he has left to deliver as much as he can for the climax of the story. Even I can respect that, I hope Oda spends this break as efficiently as possible. But that's not the point... the point is, is that we have a new character, and a lot of expectations, and today I'm going to do my best to analyze and hopefully predict what's going to happen in the upcoming chapters–so let me put my analyst hat on, and let's begin.

Established plot points for Greenbull​

Oda has already laid the groundwork for the future events with Greenbull in Wano, so what I'm going to do here, is to list all the plot points (and you can add the ones that I might forget) that have already been introduced, and try to connect them into one plotline that hopefully makes sense in the overall narrative of Wano and the start of the new saga in the next chapter 1054.

  1. Greenbull ending his fasting | a.k.a Hiyori spoon feeding Greenbull and flirting with him.
    Oda didn't introduce this side of Greenbull's character just for the sake of it, there's a "Chekhov's gun here." Oda makes the point that Greenbull is a womanizer, and although he doesn't need to eat but if there was a beautiful woman who would feed him, then he would end his three years long fasting. Hiyori is the best prostitute of Wano, plus she's the most beautiful girl in Wano, and what a confidence that there's an entire royal party/banquet in Wano.
  2. Greenbull terraforming Wano with his DF ability.
    Luffy promised to Tama that by the time they leave Wano, it'll be a place where you can have as much food as you need. And for that to happen, Wano's deserts have to become filled with life forests which can be achieved through Greenbull's DF abilities.
  3. Greenbull cleaning Wano from the pathetic trash called beast pirates.
    this one is almost done, Greenbull has already called the prison battleship for the beast pirates. But there are other beast pirates that we haven't seen, so by the time Greenbull leaves, there will be no beast pirates remaining in Wano.
  4. Revealing what happened in the outside world, Sabo, Vivi and Marijoa.
    Greenbull is probably the only character that can tell what really happened in the outside world, Blackbeard, Sabo, Vivi, Marijoa etc. But most importantly, how the hell did Buggy become an Emperor!?
  5. Momo showing that he has the qualities to be a King by making some short of deal with the Marines/WG through Greenbull.
    While I don't know what will the Wano people do with the factories, but the Marines need weapons, and Wano's craftsman need funds to rebuild their country. It makes sense for Momo to make some kind of deal with Ryokugyu.
  6. And the last but not least, Greenbull getting his desired approval from Akainu. He can't go home empty handed, right?

The possible outcome from these plot lines.
So, I think that Greenbull will crash the party, there will be some skirmishes between Greenbull and Luffy, but then ether Hiyori or Momo will interfere. As the king of Wano Momo will explain the situation, there will be an interesting conversation between them. Hiyori will be flirting with Greenbull and keeping him occupied. It's hard for me to believe that Oda would have the balls to allow the strawhats to defeat Greenbull, on the other hand Luffy is too strong for a lone Admiral. So I think Greenbull himself will very soon realize that he overestimated Luffy, but he can't go home empty handed, so he will take the beast pirates + the weapons deal with Momo (maybe, I'm not sure about this one). Whatever happened in Marijoa will be tide to the new saga, it will most likely be connected to Sabo which will in turn lead strowhats into some conflict involving the Revolutionaries. In exchange for the weapons deal Greenbull will terraform Wano, or MAYBE during their skirmish between Greenbull and Luffy, Luffy will realize that their battle creates forests and will drag him through the Wano country. And then as soon as it's done, Luffy will order his crew to prepare for departure, and they will simply escape Wano. Just like they did in water seven.

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Well put
He's here to restore Wano to its former glory unwillingly via his df powers
He will also reveal reverie and oustide word news to the alliance

He then might capture Robin and dip!
Guys, I haven't finished it yet, I just suddenly touched the fucking button and it was published.
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Well put
He's here to restore Wano to its former glory unwillingly via his df powers
He will also reveal reverie and oustide word news to the alliance

He then might capture Robin and dip!
Capture LUFFY then dip
We see him leaving a trail of flowers and grass behind him, so the theory of him restoring Wano probably isn’t too far off. I have no idea what to expect from him powerwise. This is a strange situation as he pulled up on all of them by himself. The threat of him summoning an army and a bunch of powerhouses isn’t here. I wonder how Oda will handle this and if it could possibly save this arc.


I will never forgive Oda
Would be fairly deflating to give Greenbull such a hyped up intro only to undercut it with him being seduced or distracted. People wanting this to end in a gag or with Greenbull going back on his minimal characterization are cheering for bad writing and dull plot lines.

Ideally, Greenbull clashes with Luffy before bringing back Pluton as his prize.


As always people are quick to jump on the bandwagon of a new shiny character, especially after a very flashy and provocative introduction. Oda needed a very provocative chapter for a month long break to keep the "ever more disappointed audience" patiently waiting, while he tries to pull himself up, gather all the strength he has left, for the last voyage to the end of this 20 years long journey called one piece. I'm actually happy that Oda really tries his best here, he knows that he's out of shape as an author, he knows that he has done some egregious mistakes, but he took this break to pull whatever strength he has left to deliver as much as he can for the climax of the story. Even I can respect that, I hope Oda spends this break as efficiently as possible
Would be fairly deflating to give Greenbull such a hyped up intro only to undercut it with him being seduced or distracted. People wanting this to end in a gag or with Greenbull going back on his minimal characterization are cheering for bad writing and dull plot lines.

Ideally, Greenbull clashes with Luffy before bringing back Pluton as his prize.
I don't want that outcome ether, but to be honest Oda once again has put himself into a Deadlock situation by bringing a lone Admiral into Wano. If Oda doesn't make a compromise here, then there's only one outcome: Greenbull gets defeated. Although I'm not particularly against that, that actually would create an interesting plotline of the strowhats using captured Admiral as a leverage against the WG, but there's no fucking way that that happens. Or, Oda just severely nerfes all the strowhats and the samurise under the pretext that they haven't recovered yet. Which is possible, but it's actually worse!
What else should we expect?
Law, Kid and Luffy are emperor status!

Aight if you think an admiral can take on 3 emperors (even though not as strong as an Emperor in his prime).

If GB mid diffs them, their bounties should be reversed, they dont deserve this threat level.

The best he can do is sneak attack gather important information, or something related to Pluton or like how the OP described, I am not expecting more than this.
He's clearly there to restore Wano, whether directly or indirectly as a result of a battle.

As shown in the final panel of 1053, plants and flowers grow from his every step.
Would be fairly deflating to give Greenbull such a hyped up intro only to undercut it with him being seduced or distracted. People wanting this to end in a gag or with Greenbull going back on his minimal characterization are cheering for bad writing and dull plot lines.

Ideally, Greenbull clashes with Luffy before bringing back Pluton as his prize.
Pluton will be here because Luffy needs it, Greenbull taking pluton is dumb because how do you allow your enemy to take such an important weapon
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Aramaki will bring back Wano's glory days, reveal the Sabo situation to Luffy and in best case scenario clash with Luffy a bit.

We don't expect more. Nobody seriously thinks he no diffs the alliance.

Don't bash us we're just glad to see an Admiral again in the story. It's been a long minute.
Well you are an L community and that in of itself deserves being bashed for sooo yeah