Powers & Abilities Favourite Admiral DF?

Disclaimer: This thread isn't to wank nor bash the Admirals themselves.

Since the introduction of the Admirals, we've seen a total of 6 different devil fruits and thus, I wanted to know both your opinion regarding those fruits and your personal list. We will talk about the fruit itself AND how it's used by the Admiral. Avoid any ranking based on how strong the fruit is and only speak about personal preference. And with that being said, since it's my thread I will be the first one to give my opinion.

Top 6:
Sengoku/Buddha: Despite The Buddha being a very cool epithet, the fruit itself is rather mediocre. It makes him grow bigger, turn into a goldy man and pretty much throw explosions. It is quite decent but for a Mythical Zoan I expected much more and Sengoku's poor usage doesn't help.

Top 5:
Akainu/Magu: The fruit itself might be strong but outside of the lethality/ap it doesn't have a lot going for it. Imo it's rather boring and Akainu's usage of "throw random bs of Magma at the enemy" doesn't really help it to escalate a lot. Overall the fruit is plain and simple but not as plain as simple as Sengoku's DF and you at least have some variety + plus it looks quite badass when the Red Dog is "covered in it".

Top 4:
Fujitora/Gravity: Joining us in the number four we have a very decent fruit. I really love the folks that manipulare gravity however, is usage is kinda underwhelming... I've seen a lot of Gravity users in fiction and Fujitora's usage of his fruit is quite mediocre... It has basically everything that you'd expect from a Gravity based power but it could have so much more to the point where it's driving me nuts. Outside of the wasted potential, the fruit looks mad good and it's also very epic; however, Fujitora's usage is too limited and thus grants him the fourth spot.

Top 3:
Aokiji/Hie: Making the debut in the top 3 we have a very overrated and overused element; Ice. Despite that, it's my guilty pleasure. Aokiji has a decent enough variety of attacks that grants it some Versatility and from my point of view, he exploits such a "limited" fruit quite decently. However, the fruit takes this spot because of how cold Kuzan is when he uses it. Mf looks so badass when covered in Ice while having his icy breath stick out of his mouth. Overall, Kuzan himself carries my favouritism towards the fruit.

Top 2:
Kizaru/Pika: In the second place we have a simple yet straight forward elemental fruit, Light. And you might wonder; "what the fuck makes you like this fruit so much". Well, let me tell you: it isn't how badass Kizaru looks with it or how much I like the element itself but rather how Kizaru himself uses it. Something that we were able to see perfectly in Sabaody arc. Mother fucker was flying at the Speed of Light around the island shooting laser beams, kicking supernovas and making explosions whenever he felt like it whike giving zero fucks whatsoever. And how can we ever forget about the slowed Kicks we saw in the anime...

Top 1:
Aramaki/Forest: Well well well, probably something that no one expected but it is what it is. Not only my favorite fruit from the Admirals but easily in my top 5 favourite fruits overall: the newly seen Forest logia (I know it's technically the wood-wood fruit but fuck you). Despite not looking extremely cool, badass or epic I truly believe that Aramaki's versatility and usage of this fruit carries it way too hard. Despite the element itself not being "wow" in any way shape or form, I was always interested in powers related to plants (even tho it might sound weird). It is one of my favorite powers and it's pretty much a guaranteed hit if done properly and oh boi was it done properly...

Now with my opinion shared I would like to invite you all to share your opinion too.

Tagging some Admiral fans despite the fact that they probably hate me lol. @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Fleet Leader Fenaker @SakazOuki @MarineHQ @kurwa @EmperorKinyagi @The White Crane @Extravlad @silverfire @AkainuTheGrimReaper @ZenZu @God Buggy @The Buddha @Apollo

Note that everyone is invited to share their opinions even if they aren't admiral fans at all. Just keep toxicity away.
Mmhh, I want to see something original so, probably:

Sengoku since his Buddha fruit could have some cool developments. Like G4 but with more logic behind it.

Kizaru and Greenbull: light and nature couod have some nice power twists if Oda wishes so.

Akainu and Aokiji: magma and ice seem to have less potential power twists than the ones above.


The Sol King
Light > Forest > Gravity > Ice > Magma > Buddha

Light is pretty great for travel and the moves are pretty great looking. It has the most style.
With the Forest fruit you can have as much variety in moves as there are plants and you could make money of agriculture.

Magma is the strongest but you can't use it as much outside of combat.
Ryokugyu's fruit is my favourite. You don't need to eat anything, you can create your home with the trees and you get the benefits of being a logia. You can also heal the nature instead of destroying it like other DFs.

In terms of versatility and usability, it's Forest > Light > Gravity > Ice > Magma
In terms of power, Light > Magma > Ice > Gravity > Forest


Lunatic Queen
Magma > Light > Buddha > Gravity > Ice > Forest

Now if I had to choose one of those irl, I'd go with gravity cause it'd be more useful and convenient, though I guess ice or forest could do a lot more for the state of our planet.
It's easy to put Fujitora or Aramaki at the top when they're the ones who showed off the most. Fujitora is shooting asteroids on your ass, and the other one probably uses awakening from the get-go.

About Fuji, it still doesn't feel 100% confirmed that it's his sword that has the DF. But he is a swordsman anyway, so I'm not expecting him to drop the sword. Maybe we'll never know. In the end, not much difference except for the awakening part maybe ? But defeating him ON-PANEL should bring tremendous hype.

I'll go with :
Aramaki - most creative
Fujitora - shoots asteroids !!!
Sengoku - good old punching.
the 3 logia wankers - can't scale them because they're basic. But we'll see with the awakenings.
Magma > Light > Buddha > Gravity > Ice > Forest

Now if I had to choose one of those irl, I'd go with gravity cause it'd be more useful and convenient, though I guess ice or forest could do a lot more for the state of our planet.
It's easy to put Fujitora or Aramaki at the top when they're the ones who showed off the most. Fujitora is shooting asteroids on your ass, and the other one probably uses awakening from the get-go.

About Fuji, it still doesn't feel 100% confirmed that it's his sword that has the DF. But he is a swordsman anyway, so I'm not expecting him to drop the sword. Maybe we'll never know. In the end, not much difference except for the awakening part maybe ? But defeating him ON-PANEL should bring tremendous hype.

I'll go with :
Aramaki - most creative
Fujitora - shoots asteroids !!!
Sengoku - good old punching.
the 3 logia wankers - can't scale them because they're basic. But we'll see with the awakenings.
Just in case if you didn't take the true meaning of the tread; I'm pretty much asking about what fruits yall like more. It has nothing to do strength wise unless you like the fruit because of how strong it is.