General & Others Favourite moments so far - Sakamoto Days

Whats your most favourite moments so far ?

Me personally:-

1.) Mr Takamura vs Gaku

2.) Order Car chase and vs Yotsumaru

3.) Shinaya (Gaku) vs Assassins (Test Phase)

4). Osaragi vs Dump

5.) Nagumo vs Minimalist

As you can see im pretty biased to The Order and Gaku lol.

Whats your fav moments ? @NikaInParis @Alpha @Tobra @djiayebee @Nidai_Kitetsu
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  1. Sakamoto vs Apart on the tower
  2. Kanaguri vs Sakamoto in the theater
  3. Airplane fight
  4. Takamura cuts a fly.
  5. Takamura cuts a tower.
  6. Takamura cuts a building.
  7. Yotsumura's flashbacks
  8. Shin and Heisuke vs Natsuki
  9. Sakamoto vs dinosaur
  10. Nagumo vs Minimalist
I forgot Osaragi vs the geisha. A GEISHA IN A RICKSHAW CAN I GET A PICTURE?!?!