Future Events Final opponents for the strawhats

WG are hinted to be the final antagonists of the series so it's very likely that they would be the SHs final opponents. I think it's very unlikely that it is the BB pirates, the scale of taking down the WG as opposed to the BB Pirates is much grander plus WB implied that someone (obviously Luffy and co.) will come and challenge the WG after finding out about the true history or sumin along those lines.

My guess for their matchups are:
Luffy v IM
Zoro v Ghandi Gorosei
Sanji v Blonde Gorosei
Jinbe v One of the other Gorosei? - Not really sure who Jinbe fights, but considering all the discrimination and bullshit the fishman/mermaids have had to go through at the hands of the celestials, and then also Fisher Tiger being enslaved by the Celestials, he prolly faces off against a Gorosei
General Franky v Sentomaru or New Pacifista in a 1 v 1
Other SHs v New Pacifista - would be dope to see the SHs flexing on the new Pacifista
Genetic Exoskeleton Unlock Sanji vs Vegapunk and his ultimate battle armor, battle of strength and also wits.
Sanji vs the best chef in the world, final Shokugeki in All Blue.

Zoro vs Mihawk. Disciple vs Master, Final Battle for WSS.
WSS Zoro vs Gandhi of Gorosei. WSS final battle against WG.
WSS Zoro vs WSS contender, a young man, some great swordsman's disciple. Secret post-final battle, with the EoS SHs watching.

Luffy vs Kizaru. Final Battle of Monkey King title.
Luffy vs BB. Final Battle for PK at Raftel.
PK Luffy vs Imu. Ultra Finalest Battle, Natural enemy of the gods.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Blackbeard Pirates
Luffy vs Teach
Zoro vs Shiryu
Sanji vs Avalo Pizzaro

Red Hair Pirates
Luffy vs Shanks
Sanji vs Beckman
Zoro will fight Mihawk

Luffy vs Akainu (And maybe Sabo will finish off Akainu)
Zoro vs Kizaru or Greenbull (I prefer Greenbull more)
Sanji vs Kizaru or Greenbull (I prefer Kizaru more)

World Government
Luffy vs Imu
Zoro vs Ghandi Gorosei
Sanji vs Blonde Gorosei

I don't give a fuck about the rest of the SH:kayneshrug:

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Y’all have Luffy and at least two thirds of the Monster Trio covered, so let me predict the remaining protagonists and who they’ll face as their respective final bosses:

Nami’s final opponent will be Doflamingo after he’s released from Impel Down and Ivankov accidentally turns him into a woman
Usopp’s will be Krillin from Dragon Ball (long nose vs no nose)
Chopper’s will be the One Piece equivalent of cancer
Robin’s will be Oda for drawing her doing the exaggerated expression earlier in the Wano arc, breaking her streak of being the least face-faulted SHP
Franky’s will be A ROBOT DINOSAUR
Brook’s will be an Oars-like zombie with Yorki’s shadow (don’t ask me how Moria obtains it, I don’t have to explain myself to you malcontents)
Only two solid candidates that come to mind are Mihawk for Zoro and Blackbeard for Luffy, because of the lore and plot requirements suggested in manga so far.
Anything beyond that is pure speculation. No body else has a real final opponent set in stone.
Will zoro be fighting mihawk while luffy fights teach?
If not what will the other along with the other strawhats be doin