Speculations Franky already told us what will happen next in Kuma's flashback

In chapter 603,Franky talks about what happened with Kuma and why he was defending the Sunny during the timeskip. The one down here is probably the most popular panel about it,in fact,i only found this on Google. But,there is a panel right before this one,that says a lot:

And the panel is in this page (the last panel):

Franky says: "They were blackmailing him". How can the World Government blackmail Kuma? With Bonney,of course. So i think next chapter we will see Saturn kidnap Bonney,and force Kuma to become a Warlord and gradually become a cyborg. About Bonney,at some point she excaped from Marejois,and became a Supernova. When she was kidnaped back,right after Marineford,she managed to escape again. So escaping two times from Marejois (but maybe the second time she was just in some prison,as the World Government didnt need to blackmail Kuma anymore) is another good feat by Bonney (altough,as we said,maybe the second time she just escaped from some prison with low security).
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