Controversial Free Shipping society

Luffy x adventure
Zoro x his swords x sake (I'm also cool with Zoro x Robin and Zoro x Tashigi but Zoro seems to be ace to me)
Sanji x Pudding (used to be a hardcore Sanji x Nami fan, but Pudding swayed my preferred ship, although Sanji x harem is also an option)
Nami x Vivi (although Sanji x Nami is also ok, and Nami's personal OTP would be Nami x Treasure)
Usopp x Kaya (or Usopp x Perona could be fun)
Robin x Law (although Zoro x Robin are also an option)
Franky x Cola
Chopper x cotton candy
Brook x music
Jinbe x yummy food x sake

Overall I'm not too invested in shipping in OP, it's not FT or other shounen where there's a lot of ship tease and endgame pairings. Sanji x Pudding is the only ship I was invested enough to draw a shitty fan art for :)
LuNami or LuHan probably, and ZoYori and SanPu are alright too. Realistically though, I think LuHan and SanPu are locked in, unless Oda writes clear development for LuNami.

He’s not one to write relationships though, so all of this will probably happen EoS if at all. :usoprice: