Questions & Mysteries From 1 to 10, what are the chances of Oda taking the easy road and turning Zoro into Ryuma´s clone???



In the current arc, there has been a HUGE emphasis on the whole cloning process, on top of kuma´s ability to turn intangible things into tangible ones which comes REALLY in hand for someone trying to create a copy/clone that´s able to keep the same pack of morals , virtuals, dreams , skills and goals.

Oda drove us to think that shimotsuki family, which ryuma could be apart of, is zoro´s direct descendants when the truth could be that zoro is a successful clone made with ryuma´s DNA and personality, if they already did this with one of forme rocks´pirates, would it be so far fetched to have one of the main characters of the show going through the same thing???

Personallly i would REALLY dislike this decision due to part of zoro´s charm being his whole hardworking aura/persona about always training and managing to achieve his goals through effort and merit which would be completely destroyed if turned out to be another ''chosen one'' character like so many other ones we have already seen on other shonens.

Ps: Each chapter i read makes me feel more and more that oda will pull an ''edo tensei'' situation at the final war similar to what naruto did, with the difference of everybody being either cloned or ''seraphined''.
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Well, considering someone would have to find perfectly preserved DNA of a guy who lived like a millenia ago...
That... isn't true? We have no clue how "well preserved" the sample would have to be for a clone to be possible. This isn't real life. For all we know, any kind of sample is sufficient. And there is a rather big sample. Moriah stole Ryumas corpse 23 years ago timeline-wise from what we know, and while we have no exact date by which he became a Warlord, it could make sense he joined very quickly after Wano.

Due to the divine status of Ryuma in Wano, it also makes sense he would have been rather well preserved, so there being some relics with his blood in a vial or something like that also does not seem too strange to me. Pope's blood is a relic in our world so why not the sword god's blood in Wano? Moriah trading in such a sample for favors or even entrance into the Warlords system also sounds plausible.

I am still not on board with the idea of Zoro being a clone of Ryuma, since it would create MANY questions on how and why he wound up in Shimotsuki Village with the last name Roronoa to name just one, but it would most certainly be a possibility. I would not put it past Oda to make Zoro the World's Strongest Swordsmen after beating Mihawk and have him fight HISTORY's greatest swordsmen and the man he is a copy of at the final war.

Personally? I would still not think it is likely, but I give it a 4/10 chance Oda might go for this idea.
His body that was stolen by a soon to be warlord 23 years ago...
And Zoro is 21 years old. Two years seems plenty of time for a clone.

To be real, the biggest question in my mind would be less how Vegapunk got Ryuma's DNA, but more so why he does not react to Zoro more strongly if he cloned him from Ryuma. Especially if he helped him escape from the lab himself, you would think he would remember Zoro and have a bit more of a reaction in the Manga, like a small flashback bubble to a young Zoro or something.