Character Discussion Fujitora vs GreenBull: More than meets the eyes | Deeper look at Aramaki's Ideology

Who's more "evil"?

  • Onigumo

    Votes: 13 68.4%
  • Akainu

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters
Hey what's going on everybody. With the recent chapter coming in and the events between the admirals unfolding on-screen, I feel like this is a good opportunity for me to build upon my previous takes on GB & Fuji, along with taking an in-depth look at Aramaki's actual ideology so far in the series. So going along with that, let's address the ideology first before we get into the recent fight between the Admirals.

Aramaki's Ideology:

Aramaki by the fandom at large is viewed as a character who is pro-Celestial Dragon, an Akainu fanboy, a CD lover, a CD dog, etc etc. With the common acceptance being he believes it's fine to commit genocide, other mfs got no rights, and so on. All of this of course stems from the event that took place in Wano between Aramaki & The Wano fighters. But is that really Aramki's ideology? Let's take a look.

GB notices the samurai in front of him. He tells them to not try and stop him, seeing that they all came to get in his way.

In response to Aramaki's warning, what do the samurai do? Expose themselves to be Luffy's friends.

To which GB then says alright so y'all know about me and what I am.. bet. And then explains to them that they don't have Marine protection as they're not under the World Government. And his statement of CD are the gods of the world, isn't some personal belief of his. That's literally how vast amount of the population views the Celestial Dragons (hence the treatment they get). So he's flat out on the get go, letting them know that by defending Luffy, they're about to fuck with the gods of the world, the CD.

He further continues with expanding on how humanity has creating and defined the inferior & superior. That rest of the world can look down on the unaffiliated countries, thus discrimination creates solace. Because humanity uses discrimination for their own comfort. Then he tells them how he'd kill thousands if he has to in order to reach Luffy.

As the fight continues to fold, he ends up restraining all of the Samurai, after getting some of Raizo's nutrients but not killing him:

But what does he do after restraining them? Does he kill them? Does he try and absorb their nutrients, despite them all being restrained? NOPE. He holds them in place and talks to them. He's like yo y'all can't match me... and why don't y'all get it that Kaido's influence was what kept me from coming here.

Now what does our dear genocidal CD loving freak do after to the samurai despite having them completely restrained? Oh.. he tells the samurai.. yo just go and bring me Luffy, i'll take his head and be on my way.

On one hand GreenBull is telling the samurai "AHAHAHAAH OHHH I'LL KILL THOUSANDS OF YALL TO GET LUFFY!!! JUST TRY AND STOP ME AHAHAH!!!"... on the other hand after having them completely restrained he's saying "Yo bro listen, just go and get me Luffy and i'll be on my way". But then that begs the question why is he saying all that shit about discrimination and genociding mfs and CD shit at the start?

Well you see the reality is that GB isn't some CD lover, he isn't some genocidal freak. Rather he actually doesn't to kill people if he doesn't have to. Let's review the sequence here:

-> He comes there to capture a criminal who allied with Kid & Law, and now was declared a yonko aka tryna do his job
-> He warns the Samurai to not get in his way
-> Samurai express loyalty to Luffy
-> He lets them know CD run the world and that Wano people have no rights for them, as they're not affiliated with the World Government... so he can slaughter any number of people he wants to get to Luffy.
-> Samurai continue fighting him
-> He restrains the samurai and lectures them on how Kaido kept them safe from people like himself.
-> He then gives them the option to bring him Luffy and he'd just leave after he whoops on Luffy
-> He CONTINUES restraining them casually, waiting on them to make a choice while they go about chatting.

To me is nothing more than him trying to let the Samurai know the shit they'd be getting themselves into if they tried to oppose him. He's hoping the Samurai would back off from all the shit he just spewed about the world outside cause he knows they're a country with limited outside knowledge. Like every single thing he said wasn't anything but the reality of the world outside of Wano. You have CD who look down the on the world, you have nobles who look down on others, you have nations trying to get into the WG which is constituted as "the world". The shit he said about the CD being gods, the human rights by law, etc etc... all of it was true. Humankind in one piece did create discrimination as a means of solace, CD are revered as Gods, countries outside of the WG don't have "human rights" by the law that the marines have to follow.

But his intimidation didn't work. The samurai wanted to fight, so he then displayed power to them and proceeded to restrain them. While restraining them he gives them another chance to just let him do his job, once he's done it he'll leave as he came. Even waits a good while and watching them discuss what they want to do.

^^^ Compare the above actions of GB to Kizaru in Film Red giving 0 fucks about civilian causalities. Onigumo blasting down a warship full of hundreds of marines without a 2nd thought. Onigumo flat out kills a marine for questioning his order on that. Akainu no thought in mind slaughtering marines for abandoning and then no thoughts given about to put down Koby or the Ohara ship incident with civilians.... pretty big difference aye?

... and with this in mind let's proceed to the recent fight.

Fujitora vs GreenBull at Mariejois:

So after the above, where Oda showcases GB's restraint on wanting to kill people, despite putting up a façade of a scary genocidal freak initially. We are then in the story exposed to the fact Aramaki & Issho had a fight at Mariejois where GB got mad at Fujitora helping out the CD slaves escape and thus they fought. This is information given to us by CP0.

But is it really as simple as GB just getting mad and clashing down against Fujitora? Well let's take a look at GB's introduction to the series. The biggest "Akainu fanboy" flat out just ignores Akainu's order and decides to chill with Fujitora.

He even asks about how "Old Vegapunk" was doing.. implying a connection between him & VP.

Fujitora asks him about the fast and if he was still in the middle of it, even asking him to try the food and what not. Implying they already are well connected to each other. Note: We never saw the Logia trio interact in this manner of buddy buddies, with a vibe of openness and just chilling out.

Point being that they have a solid connection with each other. Just as how GB put on his facade with the samurai, Fujitora in dressrosa put a facade of his own with Sabo. Where he gave the impression to the marines that he tried to capture him, but he couldn't.

Now going back to the fight, we have a situation where Fujitora is helping the slaves escape with the RA, right in middle of the CD home. Oh My God... an admiral directly helping the release of CD slaves... HMMMMMMM...... oh but wait there's another admiral who's setting him straight and fighting Fujitora, while CP0 & CD are right there to look at them.... HMMMMMM...... oh would you look at that days later Fujitora is still an admiral and discussing future of the marines with Akainu... and GB is out there tryna impress Akainu... HMMMMMM... they weren't punished? CD didn't call Fujitora a traitor? Admiral vs Admiral didn't make major news? HMMMM...

Keep in mind the person who told us about the fight and why it occurred was a CP0 agent, people who the leader of the marines called "puppets of the celestial dragons". And they watched it from far away. So to them, Aramaki fought against Fuji because he got mad. But based on what we know about Aramaki in his introduction + his acts at Wano, does it seem like Aramaki would start fighting Fujitora just cause he's got mad, when he ignored an Akainu order initially that was about forcing Fujitora out of Mariejois? HMMMM Yea buddy I don't think so.

In my humble opinion, it was nothing more than a false charade of accountability by the two. Where Fujitora accomplished his goal, while Aramaki acted "accountable" to Fujitora's "indirect" actions helping out the RA escape with the slaves. That way Fujitora can slide by with yo another admiral held his actions accountable, so he'll be punished by the Marines for his actions that indirectly helped the slaves. Why? Because you can't have two admirals just letting the RA go, you need some sort of a charade to happen while also being convincing for the CD and government officials.

Now to be clear I'm not saying that GB also wanted to help the slaves escape, no. I'm saying after Fujitora's indirect actions resulted in that, GB & him put up a fake ass fight so the Marines look like they're holding themselves accountable. That GB wasn't actually mad at Fujitora and fought him for that reason "omg why you helping CD slaves escape grrrr im so mad we gone fight now!!!"... like no.. That's not with GB's character that's established prior to this.


So yea I don't think it was a serious fight, I think it was just another Fujitora act co-staring Aramaki, where Fujitora gets to slide by as little punishment as he could, while Aramaki looks accountable and responsible for getting at Fujitora about it due to his indirect actions leading to freeing of the slaves.

Aramaki himself is actually somebody who has an ideology that we haven't be told about yet, he has an actual goal for which he joined the marines that we don't know about yet. And Aramaki does not like pointlessly killing people to capture criminals, rather he's way more "sane" compared to some of the marines who were in the marines before him pre-TS.

Good Man Aramaki, Have Faith.
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Great analysis on the Wano part, Aramaki is really misunderstood.
I'd say Ryokugyu can't be classified as good or evil, he's straight up a madman who is ready to go through any measures to fulfill his task, but that doesn't necessarily define his personality. He's different from Akainu when it comes to the attitude, Ryokugyu is a pretty chill dude whereas Sakazuki is a total hardass.

Last chapter proves Ryokugyu gives no shits about the CD, not because he was trying to cover for Fujitora imo, simply because engaging Fuijtora after the latter was helping the Revos only makes the situation worse. So instead of trying to damage control the situation, Ryokugyu goes bonkers and is pissed off enough to have his hands full with cheeky Issho instead of focusing on the mission. Someone like Kizaru would've ignored Fuji and focused on the Revos, then reported Fujitora later to the higher command.

And @Xione you really think Sakazuki doesn't know about their fight? He's definitely boiling in regards to the Revos sacking the city, managing to kill royalty and freeing Kuma, but he's not mad at Issho at all. They were chilling in chapter 957.

Akainu no thought in mind slaughtering marines for abandoning and then no thoughts given about to put down Koby or the Ohara ship incident with civilians....
Who do you think is more evil, Sengoku, the guy who ordered the buster call on Ohara, or Sakazuki who happened to be part of it and saw the task to its end.. The fact that a scholar was about to board the ship, and this very same scholar (Robin) caused yet another buster call 20 years later directed by Kuzan, really makes you wonder about the way Sakazuki is willing to execute the necessary evils of the cruel OP world. Its not like he enjoys doing this, these characters do not know that fairy condom will free the world of tyranny.

Akainu is a soldier, and desertion is punishable by death even to this day and age in real life. When you think of it, allowing these soldiers to turn their back on their comrades would slowly but surely destroy morale. Akainu even gave the dude a warning shot to go back to the battlefield but he's too much of a dumbass to understand the situation lmao. This is military law so can't really blame him. Sengoku would definitely not let it pass too, maybe a buffoon like Garp but thats about it.

Onigumo on the other hand is pure evil
Something about how Oda choose to handle Ryokugyu feels off to me.

Our first sneak peek with the character
As readers was him having a friendly chat with Fujitora (a clear good guy) during the reverie. Compare that to our first sneak peek of Akainu being him ordering to blow up a ship of refugees
People say his personality was retconnned but I don't buy it, Wano was a long arc but there was no 2 decades between that chapter and Ryo's actual introduction. I'm sure Oda had him and Fujitora personality planned around the same time anyway.

His introduction chapter
He did two things
Beating the BP remnants
replenishing Wano's land with his power
Yeha, him beating the BP was just doing his job, and maybe he was walking out growing out forest because he thought it looked cool but it doesn't change the fact that his first actions as a character were beneficial to Wano and its people.

His fight with the scabbards
They're the ones who opposed him to protect a 3b worth criminal.
His speech about how they no human rights and he could slaughter thousand of samurai without consequences was gruesome but the way you fought them was pretty lenient, trying to simply wrap them around his vines so they couldn't move, compare to how he fought the BP. Even the poor fodders had their body pierced through

he sucked off Raizo nutrient as a reaction of Raizo trying to burn him.
When he actually have them neutralized after they opposed him, what does he do? Telling them he'd leave them and the country alone if they just bring Luffy. So he was willing to let them get away with directly protecting a criminal.
It's only after Momo teared a huge hole through his body and again tried to burn him that he started getting more serious :
"So you mean business. Fine" = til that point he was going soft on them.

Sphinx Island
He went there to apprehend a criminal after he was called to the rescue. After capturing Weevil he did not anything to the island or the people despite the fact they technically have" no human rights" too, leaving them alone.

His worst action so far is having a fight with Fujitora over the slaves, but Fujitora was directly the enemies in their mission by doing so.

The reverie showed that he's not blindly worship the CDs, he was clearly annoyed at the inbred threatening him, so I don't think he was fully believing the WG propagande he was spouting

Although different things, I kinda get a similar feeling I had with Yamato. Majority of the fandom believed she was hoping abord the ship at the end of Wano because this is how she presented herself. I didn't because I felt omething was off in the way Oda handled her if she was supposed to be a straw hat by end of Wano. (like zero interaction with the straw hats, plenty with Momo).

For Ryokugyu his actions do no match his words. If Oda wants to show that a villain is truly evil, he shows it through their actions, not simply spitting bad words.

I'm not saying he's a misunderstood good guy at all. But so far, for all his brutal talk his actions mostly boil down to capturing criminals and fight people trying to protect these criminals.
I think he's a very intense and short-tempered guy that follows "Nature Justice" and the statu quo because he sees it as the natural order of things, as he said it gives the world "stability" which I think he believes is preferable to chaos even if the world is flawed.
Now going back to the fight, we have a situation where Fujitora is helping the slaves escape with the RA, right in middle of the CD home. Oh My God... an admiral directly helping the release of CD slaves... HMMMMMMM...... oh but wait there's another admiral who's setting him straight and fighting Fujitora, while CP0 & CD are right there to look at them.... HMMMMMM...... oh would you look at that days later Fujitora is still an admiral and discussing future of the marines with Akainu... and GB is out there tryna impress Akainu... HMMMMMM... they weren't punished? CD didn't call Fujitora a traitor? Admiral vs Admiral didn't make major news? HMMMM...
something is rotten in the state of new marineford
