Questions & Mysteries Fujitora was a war criminal?

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Ask and you shall receive @Fujishiro . Hail the Chadmiral agenda which will always claim victory in the end.

So here are my thoughts.


There is honestly not much that is surprising here. Ryokugyu is like if Oda made “police brutality” an Admiral. Finding out that he is an ex cop is like finding out that Big Mom has breast-fed in the past. It is not exactly surprising.

Finding out that he was a womanizer is also not surprising. I have talked in the past about the version of Aramaki from the movie Robin Gai. You can actually watch that movie right now on the Criterion Channel for $10/month along with dozens of Zatoichi movies. In Ronin Gai, Aramaki is a massive womanizer. He is having sex with his town’s number one most expensive prostitute as well as the wife of the local Shogunate/Lord or whatever. The prostitute knows that he is just having sex with her for her money, and the local Lordess is just using him for the D, both of them know he isn’t faithful and neither of them care.

RG Aramaki is an absolutely massive womanizer. So it’s not surprising to me to learn that One Piece Aramaki got his ass thrown in prison for causing some scandal with some woman.

What is surprising is that Aramaki and Fujitora have both done time in prison at all. I love this development. I have always wanted to know the reason for why both of them are so extreme, and I think this makes a lot of sense. These guys are both hardened convicts lmfao. I just love the idea of two Admirals who have done time in the clink.

Fujitora: This is the surprising backstory. Everything about this shit. I love it, don't get me wrong lmfao.

Him getting thrown into prison for incurring gambling losses is hilarious and further illustrates his gambling theme, so that’s great.

Him working as a body guard when the WG “bought” him is very interesting, I wonder about that translation. Fujitora essentially being bought like a slave by the WG would be awesome and would just further characterize him as the “man of the people” Admiral.

Him being a War criminal ex military chief of some Kingdom that was destroyed by a War? And Issho being a war criminal???

So one of two things happened:

Either Fujitora ain’t a war criminal and it is propaganda that he is one,

Or Fujitora is in fact a legitimate war criminal who committed some heinous acts during the war.

Either way, GOAT status. I think I’d rather find out that he is a war criminal who killed a shit ton of enemies who served a corrupt kingdom than him just being Kuma the Tyrant 2.0. Oda should make Issho and Aramaki hard as fuck.

Anyway. Fine reveals. Whatever. I hope we get some of this in the manga.


Lead them to paradise.
Ask and you shall receive @Fujishiro . Hail the Chadmiral agenda which will always claim victory in the end.

So here are my thoughts.


There is honestly not much that is surprising here. Ryokugyu is like if Oda made “police brutality” an Admiral. Finding out that he is an ex cop is like finding out that Big Mom has breast-fed in the past. It is not exactly surprising.

Finding out that he was a womanizer is also not surprising. I have talked in the past about the version of Aramaki from the movie Robin Gai. You can actually watch that movie right now on the Criterion Channel for $10/month along with dozens of Zatoichi movies. In Ronin Gai, Aramaki is a massive womanizer. He is having sex with his town’s number one most expensive prostitute as well as the wife of the local Shogunate/Lord or whatever. The prostitute knows that he is just having sex with her for her money, and the local Lordess is just using him for the D, both of them know he isn’t faithful and neither of them care.

RG Aramaki is an absolutely massive womanizer. So it’s not surprising to me to learn that One Piece Aramaki got his ass thrown in prison for causing some scandal with some woman.

What is surprising is that Aramaki and Fujitora have both done time in prison at all. I love this development. I have always wanted to know the reason for why both of them are so extreme, and I think this makes a lot of sense. These guys are both hardened convicts lmfao. I just love the idea of two Admirals who have done time in the clink.

Fujitora: This is the surprising backstory. Everything about this shit. I love it, don't get me wrong lmfao.

Him getting thrown into prison for incurring gambling losses is hilarious and further illustrates his gambling theme, so that’s great.

Him working as a body guard when the WG “bought” him is very interesting, I wonder about that translation. Fujitora essentially being bought like a slave by the WG would be awesome and would just further characterize him as the “man of the people” Admiral.

Him being a War criminal ex military chief of some Kingdom that was destroyed by a War? And Issho being a war criminal???

So one of two things happened:

Either Fujitora ain’t a war criminal and it is propaganda that he is one,

Or Fujitora is in fact a legitimate war criminal who committed some heinous acts during the war.

Either way, GOAT status. I think I’d rather find out that he is a war criminal who killed a shit ton of enemies who served a corrupt kingdom than him just being Kuma the Tyrant 2.0. Oda should make Issho and Aramaki hard as fuck.

Anyway. Fine reveals. Whatever. I hope we get some of this in the manga.
Nicely put lol, I also read that Aramaki in the movies basically defended a prostitute from samurai.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Nicely put lol, I also read that Aramaki in the movies basically defended a prostitute from samurai.
Yeah the climax of Ronin Gai is Aramaki, shitfaced drunk, saving his prostitute from getting torn apart by angry bulls. The local lords tied her limbs to two separate bulls and were going to have them charge in opposite directions. My man shows up shitfaced drunk (partially because another samurai paid him to show up) and alongside Kizaru and another samurai, cuts down basically a hundred samurai to save her.
It could mean he was a pirate and makes the Gaban theory look more plausible. They both wore purple and it would make sense for someone to have busted powers in Roger’s crew.

Gaban’s sunglasses might be intentional to hide his blind eyes so we wouldn’t know it’s him until it’s revealed for plot purpose.
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i don't think Oda would write him as a war criminal, but it would be interesting

more likely it's fake propaganda like with Kuma as a tyrant
But the wg doesn't know about it...

the wg has been the ones that have pushed false propaganda against those who stand up to them so far. So them not even knowing he was a war criminal means they aren't making false propaganda about him.

I think there's some truth in it. He might have been a bad man in the past. And at the end of his journey as a war criminal, he might have been a part in some incident that was so brutal, evil and heinous that he cut off his own eyes for having been a part of it, even if he wasn't the main perpetrator. As a way to repent. Maybe that's why he's so straight and narrow now. Cause he saw the consequences of being a bad guy.

Imo, that's better than him being some innocent bystander that saw something horrible happen and decided to blind himself.

One thing is for sure though. Fujitora just became way more interesting.
It could mean he was a pirate and makes the Gaban theory look more plausible. They both wore purple and it would make sense for someone to have busted powers in Roger’s crew.

Gaban’s sunglasses might be intentional to hide his blind eyes so we wouldn’t know it’s him until it’s revealed for plot purpose.
The don’t even have same hair and body type
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No that’s a mistranslation. He said he was just testing Doffy and Law. Not that he was testing his fruit.
Depending on how Fujitora’s story goes he might become my favorite Admiral after Kuzan

Would love to see his war criminal history tie into a WG rebellion right underneath their noses