Future Events Future opponents, linear growth or diversity?

Well this a topic I’ve thought about in the past, and was thinking that one piece is also special in that different powers interact differently and different strategies are needed to overcome your opponent.

Instead of shows like dbz where is just, linear growth stronger stronger and stronger.

Since we are now facing characters such as big mom and kaido, who are maybe not on par with roger but are not far off. I assume(this is my theory) that luffy will be fully yonko caliber in elbaf, and there is no really need to grow stronger by a lot,
Just different characters will require different tactics.

Example: if luffy faces first kizaru and beats him, and then kuzan and beats him( this is just an immaginare fight)

Both fights would be interesting to me, while certainly they are very close in power the dynamic of the fight will be completly different which wont undermine the action and stakes.
In my opinion, what do you think, do you prefer linear growth or more varied fights?
Haki isn't the linear growth mechanism people often seem to think. Recently Luffy (mistakenly) questioned his own observation Haki when Sanji took off. Luffy has future sight and knows that Sanji hasn't displayed that ability, but the colors aren't so simple that an advanced ability just means stronger from his own assertion. Momonosuke has insane observation Haki awakened at a very young age, but this really doesn't correlate to how strong he is or will become. The armament Haki Luffy uses is advanced, but it pertains to the way he fights using blunt force; it isn't the case at all that stronger characters have the same ability.

One Piece uses the same "styles make fights" logic it did pre timeskip but the Haki concept is just sort of an equalizer as any character can have their own usage stats
Imo we will have both. This time Luffy took a beating first from Kaido but after that he understood the tool he needed to be able to at least put up a fight was adv coa so hebget it and now he is going vs Kaido again with much better results (even if imo plot power is already working).

Wr can say the first time Luffy faced Kaido had the malus that he was enraged, so FS was not workimg properly, and had not adv coa so he could not damage Kaido (like we have seen when is barrage of blows did nothing). So sire, for me the gact that the MCs and friends come up woth viable stategies is good and all but the balance is a bit laking amd so why the plot power is doing a good portion of the fight (you can't go from base kaido casually oneshottin G4 Luffy to hybrid Kaido smash damaged base Luffy with a powerful blow and most likely have base Luffy be fine or almost the next chapter).