Oda will rarely draw luffy use g2 or g3 anymore. G2 especially if the opponent is strong enough to make fluffy fight a bit seriously, then luffy will spam g5 since oda is obsessed with drawing it, fluffy used it against a goddamn snake for crying out loud.
Now that he can partially use g4, g3 is practically useless also.
Luffy new fighting sequence (note Oda can skip straight to g5 since he loves it)
1. Base fluffy
2. G2/3 (he probably will never use it again)
3. Partial G4
4. full G4 (probably will never or use it again)
5. G5
6. advcoc G5
fluffy will probably not use advcoc outside going all out which means he would have used g5 already.
Now that he can partially use g4, g3 is practically useless also.
Luffy new fighting sequence (note Oda can skip straight to g5 since he loves it)
1. Base fluffy
2. G2/3 (he probably will never use it again)
3. Partial G4
4. full G4 (probably will never or use it again)
5. G5
6. advcoc G5
fluffy will probably not use advcoc outside going all out which means he would have used g5 already.