Speculations Gandhi and Mercury will expose the frauds Mihawk and Kizaru?

Mihawk is allegedly the WSS and Kizaru is allegedly the fastest man alive, but if the Gorosei are secret fighters, Gandhi may be a better swordsman than Mihawk, and Mercury, the fastest of the gods, may be faster than Kizaru. Maybe Mercury has a Speed-Speed Fruit, Accelerate-Accelerate Fruit or something like that which would make him faster than Kizaru
Mihawk is allegedly the WSS and Kizaru is allegedly the fastest man alive, but if the Gorosei are secret fighters, Gandhi may be a better swordsman than Mihawk, and Mercury, the fastest of the gods, may be faster than Kizaru. Maybe Mercury has a Speed-Speed Fruit, Accelerate-Accelerate Fruit or something like that which would make him faster than Kizaru
So bald gorosei>mihawk>shanks?
Why some yonko fans hate their favs:ihaha:
Mihawk is the strongest swordsman that the world knows. This might not necessary mean he’s the strongest swordsman ever, although it’d be disappointing beyond belief if he turned out to be weaker than Gandhi.

Zoro vs. Gandhi? I mean, it‘ll probably happen at some point. I doubt he’s the strongest though, since Oda has given Mihawk such a prestigious title I doubt he’ll change the story that’s already set in stone. :zosleepy:
Mihawk is allegedly the WSS and Kizaru is allegedly the fastest man alive, but if the Gorosei are secret fighters, Gandhi may be a better swordsman than Mihawk, and Mercury, the fastest of the gods, may be faster than Kizaru. Maybe Mercury has a Speed-Speed Fruit, Accelerate-Accelerate Fruit or something like that which would make him faster than Kizaru
If they're secret fighters Kizaru or Mihawk wouldn't be frauds because they weren't known at the time. It's like saying "imu is a fraud" just because she or he isn't the WSC/WSM or WS anything even though he/she was hiding in secret and doesn't exist to the public.

Gorosei+Imu do not exist in the world so if they were revealed to be the strongest/fastest than the previous people who are seen as the strongest or fastest then the previous/current people aren't frauds. Also kizaru isn't the fastest/
Mihawk is allegedly the WSS and Kizaru is allegedly the fastest man alive, but if the Gorosei are secret fighters, Gandhi may be a better swordsman than Mihawk, and Mercury, the fastest of the gods, may be faster than Kizaru. Maybe Mercury has a Speed-Speed Fruit, Accelerate-Accelerate Fruit or something like that which would make him faster than Kizaru

Listen to me you brainless fuck

If Gorosei will expose Mihawk who OBJECTIVELY shits on Yonko so bad his own yonko captain has below his bounty..how badly would they shit on yonko themselves

Shanks' only saving grace is mihawk..that's his biggest accomplishment

Where as Shanks can die tomorrow and Mihawk would still be strongest alive