Chapter Discussion Garp was literally destroying sea stones without using haki 💀

You're missing the whole point.. The end goal was to not use Haki but it was inadvertently used to reach that state..

As a Haki user, you can't throw a serious punch with all your might without putting Haki in it, they go hand in hand.. It's not a Switch that can be flipped on and off easily.. That's the real objective of the training in my opinion..
This is just tour headcanon, the manga os clearly saying another thing
Okay, now refute the rest.
Well I don't really care....

let me try anyway.
  • Vegapunk did create the idea for seastone to be on the bottom of ships, making it impossible for this to be the case in Garp's flashback => It's not impossible...this is a story...and has plotholes. Oda can come up with any number of reasons why it was present at that time.
  • We don't know if every battleship has seastone on the bottom => Point doesn't matter because only the ones which Garp used matters.
  • Seastone is indestructible except if you're Law => Not really the case as we know things are carved and made from sea stone...nothing is indestructible...not even Phoneglyphs since they too are carved....they are just very hard to cut/destroy like how we have diamonds.
  • It would've been clearly stated if it was the case, this isn't something that Oda would leave extremely vague, it would be used to hype Garp and Aokiji directly => Just putting expectations on oda....and we already know he doesn't give good reasons or confirm things anyway...if needed...he can give some answer in SBS or something or even later in the chapter.
Well I don't really care....

let me try anyway.
  • Vegapunk did create the idea for seastone to be on the bottom of ships, making it impossible for this to be the case in Garp's flashback => It's not impossible...this is a story...and has plotholes. Oda can come up with any number of reasons why it was present at that time.
  • We don't know if every battleship has seastone on the bottom => Point doesn't matter because only the ones which Garp used matters.
  • Seastone is indestructible except if you're Law => Not really the case as we know things are carved and made from sea stone...nothing is indestructible...not even Phoneglyphs since they too are carved....they are just very hard to cut/destroy like how we have diamonds.
  • It would've been clearly stated if it was the case, this isn't something that Oda would leave extremely vague, it would be used to hype Garp and Aokiji directly => Just putting expectations on oda....and we already know he doesn't give good reasons or confirm things anyway...if needed...he can give some answer in SBS or something or even later in the chapter.
  • If your arguments consists of "Oda made a plothole" then that isn't a refutation, I can't possibly argue against that because it's just purely your own baseless headcanon.
  • Right, now prove to me that the Battleships Garp dented had seastone bottoms, you can't lol.
  • We don't know that, maybe seastone in it's raw form can be shaped and molded, but seastone in a refined state has always been treated as something that just can't be destroyed.
  • A character denting seastone with their bare fists would definitely not be something Oda leaves extremely vague, that's an insane feat if legit and Oda would no doubt explicitly say so if it were the case.


Doesn't seem to be the case since Coby said it's Vegapunks work, who wasn't even working for the Navy at that time of the flashback:

Stephens translation (current translator of the Manga):

Nevertheless, the Hulls of the ships are hardened- (Let's see what VIZ says) so it's at least a big wall of steel or something even greater:

After all pre- ts Luffy in East Blue was already capable of breaking through Wooz Steel
This would still be hella impressive, because it's just pure striking strength and he's got no blunt immunity or Tekkai either to deal with the density and durability of the material...Just remember what happend to Sanji:

I wonder if Garp wasn't using Haki here as well?
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  • If your arguments consists of "Oda made a plothole" then that isn't a refutation, I can't possibly argue against that because it's just purely your own baseless headcanon.
Its the same thing. And I only talked about the impossible part.
  • Right, now prove to me that the Battleships Garp dented had seastone bottoms, you can't lol.
Can you prove other wise? No. Because we don't know. You can only make assumptions. Devils Proof and Hempel's Raven.
  • We don't know that, maybe seastone in it's raw form can be shaped and molded, but seastone in a refined state has always been treated as something that just can't be destroyed.
We already know the sea stone collars were broken by Rayleigh and Luffy too. So indestructible part won't matter..infact if it actually was indestructible the raw for sea stone shouldn't be purest and could not be used to make anything as it would be indesctructible.
  • A character denting seastone with their bare fists would definitely not be something Oda leaves extremely vague, that's an insane feat if legit and Oda would no doubt explicitly say so if it were the case.
We are already given info on Ryou with internal destruction, and its application in breaking sea stone collars by Rayleigh and Luffy.