I got an idea and here is my first attempt at a poem/fanfiction. Enjoy!
A friendship broken
Your strong will was forged by suffering
Your strength is a testament to your fierce determination
When in battle I see you rupturing
You in our enemies instill deep fear and trepidation
Your justice I was seeing
yearned me to discover
the depths of your being
And your strength of character
The training and lessons you’ve upon me imparted
Have a new and inspiring chapter in my life chartered
I follow thine path which makes me strong and heartened
even though you, master, nearly had me struck dead
Back then you acted only to see a fool departed
Now I take up the mantle in your stead
Back then I was blinded by folly, instillled by former friend
the naivety of his worldview, confused and astray had me wend
But now my eyes are forever opened
The friendship we once shared is thus broken
His foolhardy actions have caused destruction in his wake
Because the fool does not realise;
the fool is not awake
As marines we seek to aspire to nobler and higher ideals
Pirates seek only but boastful pride and what treasure can yield
The more I get to learn and by your guidance discover of this world
The more I realise; our flag representing justice must at all places be unfurled.
Piracy is evil, I learned this ever more clearly as a cabin boy
These are the very forces that I now with all my might destroy
With you as fleet admiral I feel the forces of justice can prevail,
As your most humble apprentice, I will carry out your will without fail
Thank you for the many wonderful years of training and tutelage under your wing
finally I now have the strength to challenge Monkey D Luffy: The Pirate King
Meditations and writings by Marine Admiral Coby, protégé to Fleet Admiral Akainu and writing to the one and the same 19 years from the current One Piece timeline. Coby is now the strongest proponent of absolute justice in the marines.