Powers & Abilities General CoA Discussion - Basic & Advanced

Isn't shown whether or not he stretched before using armament?
My statement is on the part which is colored. He can stretch the parts not colored to make it seem like he is stretching the colored part but that is not the case.
Not really. He blows his fists up, and then in the next panel it is shown already stretched iirc.
But this is kind of questionable to, well, question, since if it would lose its rubber property in that stretched state, it would either break off, or immediately snap back to its natural state.
At least in the case i brought, his whole arm is both stretched and black except almost to the root of the arm, and at least in this panel, you can´t claim he only stretches the non-coated part since it is so small compared to the rest of the arm.

Not really. He blows his fists up, and then in the next panel it is shown already stretched iirc.
But this is kind of questionable to, well, question, since if it would lose its rubber property in that stretched state, it would either break off, or immediately snap back to its natural state.
At least in the case i brought, his whole arm is both stretched and black except almost to the root of the arm, and at least in this panel, you can´t claim he only stretches the non-coated part since it is so small compared to the rest of the arm.

Yeah good point. But since the panel doesn't show it, it doesn't eliminate that he could've stretched it and then coated it afterwards.

Wouldn't that explain why DD questioned G4 mechanics that Luffy is still rubber even though he his coated?
And explain how Luffy was surprised when Katakuri still maintained his stickiness when hardened?
Also in FI where he stretches before coating against Surume and he stretches before using Redhawk.
Yeah good point. But since the panel doesn't show it, it doesn't eliminate that he could've stretched it and then coated it afterwards.

Wouldn't that explain why DD questioned G4 mechanics that Luffy is still rubber even though he his coated?
And explain how Luffy was surprised when Katakuri still maintained his stickiness when hardened?
Also in FI where he stretches before coating against Surume and he stretches before using Redhawk.
I think it had more to do with Luffy behaving like rubber despite DD using Haki, not Luffy himself using Haki. Him being surprised does not make much sense since he already knew Luffy is using rubber properties to a certain effect.

He says this before that scene when he attacks Luffy, meaning Luffy uses CoA on the rubber, then compresses it, and uses the tensile force of it bouncing back to increase his attack power, something he could not do to this extent without Hardening it first.
So DD already knew there is interaction between CoA and Luffy´s rubber ability.
So i think this is referring to himself using Haki and Luffy still bouncing it back like a normal punch/ blunt damage.

Regarding the two other instances, they were the first time he used the attacks, and Oda drew them in detail and step by step instead of drawing the attack in one panel, so that the audience can comprehend what´s happening.

And Red Hawk is a good example, because next time he uses it against DD, he already had Koka on his arm before stretching (in the middle panel on the left, arm is already black)

So Red Hawk was already ready here, the next panels were just illustrating Law switching himself and DD

I think it had more to do with Luffy behaving like rubber despite DD using Haki, not Luffy himself using Haki. Him being surprised does not make much sense since he already knew Luffy is using rubber properties to a certain effect.

He says this before that scene when he attacks Luffy, meaning Luffy uses CoA on the rubber, then compresses it, and uses the tensile force of it bouncing back to increase his attack power, something he could not do to this extent without Hardening it first.
So DD already knew there is interaction between CoA and Luffy´s rubber ability.
So i think this is referring to himself using Haki and Luffy still bouncing it back like a normal punch/ blunt damage.

Regarding the two other instances, they were the first time he used the attacks, and Oda drew them in detail and step by step instead of drawing the attack in one panel, so that the audience can comprehend what´s happening.

And Red Hawk is a good example, because next time he uses it against DD, he already had Koka on his arm before stretching (in the middle panel on the left, arm is already black)

So Red Hawk was already ready here, the next panels were just illustrating Law switching himself and DD

Yeah the panels seem to suggest that is not the case. Thought it was something new but maybe I got it wrong.

One question though, why didn't Bellamy's punch bounce of base Luffy?
Yeah the panels seem to suggest that is not the case. Thought it was something new but maybe I got it wrong.

One question though, why didn't Bellamy's punch bounce of base Luffy?
Two explanations that are possible, even at the same time:

1) Luffy´s defense is a culmination of his rubber properties and CoA (just like, let´s say, Jozu´s would be a culmination of diamond plus Haki, and not either or), meaning since Luffy is like a inflated rubber ball with hardened surface, since it is bouncier, it can treat blunt attacks like he usually does to a higher threshold, meaning to overcome that, you need a higher attack blunt force to overcome the bounciness like you do against base Luffy plus Haki. Compare an inflated rubber ball to a non-inflated rubber ball for example, it is much easier to penetrate through.

2) Bellamy´s ultimate attack had a higher attack force than a simple kick by Doflamingo, which is not unthinkable really considering a simple kick (which it was, to become a cutting attack, he first has to land the kick fully, the strings are attached at his heel) is literally the least powerful attack DD has in his arsenal.
I was always confused about this.

Didn't they call Haki Ryuo?
Hyou doesn't know the word haki. Luffy tells Hyou that he's trying to punch someone without touching them and then calls that haki.

Then hyou says "this haki" in reference to what Luffy says. Not haki in general. When he says "this haki" hyou is referring to the Haki that hits someone without touching them directly. I don't know how to link panels but if you go back and re-read that chapter keep in mind Hyou doesn't know the word haki. He does know of haki, but he's never heard the word haki. Hyous first introduction to the word haki is Luffy telling him it's the ability to hit someone without touching them. So hyou from that point forth calls that haki. He doesn't call conquerors haki either when talking about Oden using conquerors.

Hyou sees Luffy use hardening multiple times but never calls that Ryou. Ryou is simply the aura or the bubble around the fist, it's what allows users to hit something without directly touching them. Hardening is seperate to Ryou.

Hope that makes sense.
The last chapter confirmed that « Ryoou« is « advanced CoA ».

If you still think that « Ryouo » is « basic CoA », please explain why:

-Luffy could not hurt Kaido with G4 which cover with basic CoA?
-Luffy need to train advanced CoA to have a chance to hurt him?
-Only Kiku and Kinemon were able to pierce Kaido’s skin even tho we know that Inuarashi and Nekomamushi have basic CoA?
-Kaido said they used « Oden’s Ryouo ». But did not say that when Luffy attacked him?
The last chapter confirmed that « Ryoou« is « advanced CoA ».

If you still think that « Ryouo » is « basic CoA », please explain why:

-Luffy could not hurt Kaido with G4 which cover with basic CoA?
-Luffy need to train advanced CoA to have a chance to hurt him?
-Only Kiku and Kinemon were able to pierce Kaido’s skin even tho we know that Inuarashi and Nekomamushi have basic CoA?
-Kaido said they used « Oden’s Ryouo ». But did not say that when Luffy attacked him?
Kaidou said "Oden's Ryuo". It can imply "Oden's quality of Ryuo". Hyogoro said that Ryuo has flowing characteristic. So it can flow to the limbs, making it black and hardened, it can flow to the sword making it cut what they want.

And Hyo said Luffy's Ryuo collar feat is beyond anything Hyo can teach him (perform).

That being said, Ryuo is general term of haki. Encompasing basic, hardening, barrier advanced (Hyo example 1 - scabbard), penetration advanced level 2 (Hyo example 2).