
Talent is something you make bloom.
Yes, that's exactly what I said.
Minorities have a right to exist.
Or do you want to shame me for not taking something that will most likely cause significant damage to me?
:nicagesmile: Buddy, if what I said doesn't apply to you because you have actual medical reasons to not be able to be vaccinated, why the fuck are you getting this triggered?
COVID depend on person random like vaccine .
‘Even if you wear face mask and took vaccine , you will get Covid somehow , which I know people have it and I might caught Covid from same people before , I never suffer any serious problems.

I am on center side of Covid vaccibe debate . It is fine for people to wear mask and took vaccines by their choices .

You want sympathy for your individual experience over millions of other sick or infirmed people who died or suffered as a result of pricks who act like vaccines are all poison, be considerate of them and maybe you’ll get consideration in return.

Man that's just mean

And when did I ever say that I don't feel for the people who died of Covid!?
Post automatically merged:

Holy fuck how hard it is to understand it?
OK but in my country they DID say this in the beginning
It was not poison though.
Yes it was?

- One Piece Wiki

Magellan ate the Doku Doku no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to create and control poison. He can produce various types of poison, ranging from a mild irritant to a strong paralyzing agent, to a deadly and highly corrosive toxin. He can produce these poisons in either liquid or gaseous states. He is also completely immune to all types of poison.

Like I said, Elderly getting vax was ok.
But forcing it on young people? And even kids?
Have you seen videos how China is treating people in lock downs? They are literally pointing guns at civilians.
Well, China isn’t a good country by any means. What they do isn’t very surprising, unfortunately.

If people have a legitimate reason to be concerned about the vaccines that isn’t something like “It’ll make you radioactive!” or “It’ll make you magnetic!” then I can understand that better. Wearing a mask when you’re sick and going to the hospital, staying home when you’re sick and not patronizing those who wear masks and get vaccines is what I at least expect of them.

Oh, you don’t NEED to wear that mask.“ ”Oh, vaccines? They’re just being pushed by the Government. You don’t really NEED to get them.

People who try to force others to not take the vaccine are just as bad as those who try to force them to do so. Those Anti-Vax rallies and stuff like that are full of people who supposedly care about you but will also probably hate you if you don’t submit to their ideology.

Like… just let me get the vaccine if I wanna get it. Suggesting someone get it too shouldn’t be much of a big deal.

Sure, I’ll feel a bit irritated out of concern for their health if they don’t get it but I won’t act different around them as long as they don’t shove conspiracy theories and politics down my throat every single time (or at all even, ugh) I interact with them. That’s the really annoying part.

Formerly Seth

I guarantee you all, none of you have any fucking idea what went down with this shit no matter how refined Doctor's profiles you follow on Twitter or radio or whatever. You don't know shit.

I'm not against following rules such as masks, keeping your distance and etc... Of course, some of the protocols everyone went thru were needed but stop acting like sheep and making it look like our governments spared us from tragedy.

Covid itself was a tragedy.

Billions and billions of dollars go thru medical research and none of mfkers had any fucking idea what had occurred and they either kept working on the cure or making money out of it ( the latter for the most part ).

The first thing that caught my interest was the number of vaccines produced by various firms instead of one solid one. As much as I can understand the concept of different doses for XYZ blood type person, there is something fishy with how many firms started producing their own variants/spins on the vaccine.

The earliest vaccines are nothing more than testing on humans, if you think otherwise you have high hopes for medicine and humanity as well.


COVID depend on person random like vaccine .
‘Even if you wear face mask and took vaccine , you will get Covid somehow , which I know people have it and I might caught Covid from same people before , I never suffer any serious problems.

I am on center side of Covid vaccibe debate . It is fine for people to wear mask and took vaccines by their choices .
Does zoro neg diff covid?


Cope Doctor
So theres is this Virus that spreads among population, with mortality rate of 99.9. its very contagious. and there are three countries, one where you lock down and dont let anyone go out unless they get vax that doesnt stop the spread of the virus but makes you feel good even if you get it... and there is another country that doesnt let absolutely enyone out no matter what , and has government workers to take care of people needs, and third country that doesnt care about virus or restrictions and lets people live normally like allways... what country has happiest people?


Talent is something you make bloom.
But with a virus spreading around, without a notice wouldnt that make it evolve?
Step by step.

1>lockdown in order to diminish the circulation of the virus.
2> vaccination campaign while people are isolated in order to build their immune systems.
3> with a significant portion of the population already vaccinated, you could remove the lockdown restrictions and get back to a regular day to day activity. The virus might still spread, but since people were isolated, it's too contained and shouldn't cause much harm unless we get unlucky and it mutates to something resistant to the vaccines we have presently.

What ACTUALLY happened:
1> No lockdown. Only a few "case by case" restrictions AFTER a surge of contamination and hospitalizations.
2> Major antivax campaigns preventing people from both getting the vaccines (some countries delayed the purchase or couldn't get it sooner due to the high demand in the entire fucking world), or following the isolation protocols to prevent the circulation while people were being vaccinated.
3> An accelerated surge of different variants in different countries. Guess what? We were unlucky and some of these variants were even more contagious and/or lethal, and/or some of the vaccines that were being produced weren't effective against, almost bringing us back to square one.
4> A "running against the tide" action trying to "fix" the shit show already installed, with people, to this very day, STILL promoting antivax campaigns and making everything way harder that it should've been.

I guarantee you all, none of you have any fucking idea what went down with this shit no matter how refined Doctor's profiles you follow on Twitter or radio or whatever. You don't know shit.

I'm not against following rules such as masks, keeping your distance and etc... Of course, some of the protocols everyone went thru were needed but stop acting like sheep and making it look like our governments spared us from tragedy.

Covid itself was a tragedy.

Billions and billions of dollars go thru medical research and none of mfkers had any fucking idea what had occurred and they either kept working on the cure or making money out of it ( the latter for the most part ).

The first thing that caught my interest was the number of vaccines produced by various firms instead of one solid one. As much as I can understand the concept of different doses for XYZ blood type person, there is something fishy with how many firms started producing their own variants/spins on the vaccine.

The earliest vaccines are nothing more than testing on humans, if you think otherwise you have high hopes for medicine and humanity as well.
I said exactly this and some people here said doctors were 1000% sure of everything that was happening and everything was under control.Some of these people are clearly naive,others are stupid and some are not honest.Not going to name anyone here.


Cope Doctor
Step by step.

1>lockdown in order to diminish the circulation of the virus.
2> vaccination campaign while people are isolated in order to build their immune systems.
3> with a significant portion of the population already vaccinated, you could remove the lockdown restrictions and get back to a regular day to day activity. The virus might still spread, but since people were isolated, it's too contained and shouldn't cause much harm unless we get unlucky and it mutates to something resistant to the vaccines we have presently.

What ACTUALLY happened:
1> No lockdown. Only a few "case by case" restrictions AFTER a surge of contamination and hospitalizations.
2> Major antivax campaigns preventing people from both getting the vaccines (some countries delayed the purchase or couldn't get it sooner due to the high demand in the entire fucking world), or following the isolation protocols to prevent the circulation while people were being vaccinated.
3> An accelerated surge of different variants in different countries. Guess what? We were unlucky and some of these variants were even more contagious and/or lethal, and/or some of the vaccines that were being produced weren't effective against, almost bringing us back to square one.
4> A "running against the tide" action trying to "fix" the shit show already installed, with people, to this very day, STILL promoting antivax campaigns and making everything way harder that it should've been.

oh but we have this covid passport thing and the vaxed cab go around and spread whatever they dont feel they have