You don't know how to read it seems. I said the opposite. And you can actually verify it
You put me on par with Bob apparently when it comes to not "respecting women." since you apparently only called me and Bob incels (press x to doubt). That's all I need to know about your sincerity.

Btw, I don't care whether you respect me or not. Should I? You're just a random deluded stranger leeching off on your government, trying to tell people what they're supposed to do or not. So why?
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things are beyond horrible in my country people are getting killed by police left and right

the whole country is now protesting to bring down the government

the media isn't showing anything
That's truly horrible.
I hope you stay in a rather save environment. Are you at least in a secured place?

AL sama

Red Haired
That's truly horrible.
I hope you stay in a rather save environment. Are you at least in a secured place?
my town has remained pretty peaceful so far especially the area I live in

however starting tomorrow the whole country is likely to join the movement so don't know what's gonna happen next

meanwhile the government issued strict curfew in major cities from tomorrow
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best of luck to you to get through this safely <3
I think its important to talk about what is happening in Bengladesh right now. Especially since @AL sama is directly impacted by the situation

So here is an article to understand the situation :

Thanks but I am not interested in these distinctions you may perceive.
Then don't mind me if I'm saying that you don't intend to respect trans people.


You put me on par with Bob apparently when it comes to not "respecting women." since you apparently only called me and Bob incels (press x to doubt). That's all I need to know about your sincerity.
You want me to remind you the respect you have for women who work as sex workers ?

Btw, I don't care whether you respect me or not. Should I? You're just a random deluded stranger leeching off on your government, trying to tell people what they're supposed to do or not. So why?
Because you think that I want to be respected by someone like you ?

Dude, with your vision of women, the more the disrespect you have for me, the more I'll be proud.
you follow scientism, time to look up what science actually means and it involves open debate, scepticism and research too btw
science isn't about regurgitating woke politics
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so don't know what's gonna happen next

meanwhile the government issued strict curfew in major cities from tomorrow
well did you have the chance to stock up at all?
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I challenge you to not use that letter sequence for 48 hours straight.:milaugh:
You want me to remind you the respect you have for women who work as sex workers ?
You want me to respect work where people degrade themselves in front of a camera, so that other people like you can jerk off to it? Sorry dude, I ain't criticising your masturbation source ever again. I promise!

Because you think that I want to be respected by someone like you ?

Dude, with your vision of women, the more the disrespect you have for me, the more I'll be proud.
What vision of women? Only because I said I don't respect the profession of sex workers? :suresure:

Also ironic, you constantly cry at the capitalism and how rich people abuse it but I guess that's no issue when your favourite OF model earns several 6 figures with their content, lol.
watch this for context
Good video !

you follow scientism, time to look up what science actually means and it involves open debate, scepticism and research too btw
science isn't about regurgitating woke politics
Yes, open debate between scientists. That ends up toward a consensus. Which is what I'm sharing right now. And what you are opposed to.

I challenge you to not use that letter sequence for 48 hours straight.
And I challenge people here not to spread transphobic rethoric for the same duration, I'm sure that if people can do it, I can do it to


You want me to respect work where people degrade themselves in front of a camera, so that other people like you can jerk off to it? Sorry dude, I ain't criticising your masturbation source ever again. I promise!
Good, there is an evolution

Respect women, that's all that matters.

What vision of women? Only because I said I don't respect the profession of sex workers? :suresure:

Also ironic, you constantly cry at the capitalism and how rich people abuse it but I guess that's no issue when your favourite OF model earns several 6 figures with their content, lol.
That's because you think that I'm aiming at rich people when in reality I'm aiming the system and not rich people (aside from the few billionnaires that could actually make a change)
Good, there is an evolution

Respect women, that's all that matters.
You probably mean "Respect people" because your right of respect gets wasted when you're being a total jerk to others, regardless of your gender. I give equal respect to people who have a good character. You're not getting a free card only because you're a woman and vice versa.

But this is a rather unknown concept to simps like you.

That's because you think that I'm aiming at rich people when in reality I'm aiming the system and not rich people (aside from the few billionnaires that could actually make a change)
Nuh-uh, you didn't only target the system, you also wanted how the rich people should pay 90% taxes of their income, yet you responded to Foul Legacy's former friend, who gave up her good college degree for OF, as a queen because she was following her dream when she completely used this system for her own benefits. I guess with the system you want, rich people like her would need to pay 90% of their income to taxes. :kayneshrug:
You probably mean "Respect people" because your right of respect gets wasted when you're being a total jerk to others, regardless of your gender. I give equal respect to people who have a good character. You're not getting a free card only because you're a woman and vice versa.

But this is a rather unknown concept to simps like you.
We are talking about women here. So, respect women.

you also wanted how the rich people should pay 90% taxes of their income
Which is a system problem that need to change.

I think you are confusing something here.

I do not attack people, but I can attack the system that priviledge said people over others.

stfu and respect the science
Start by understanding it (at least to a minimum) mate before giving me lessons about science :)

Also, I'm still waiting for your scientific sources contradicting mine.

We are talking about women here. So, respect women.
Dumbass, I talked about people deserving respect when they are not scumbags. Would you still respect a woman if she is being a bitch to other people?

And ofc don't disrespect people if they're women duh.

Which is a system problem that need to change.

I think you are confusing something here.

I do not attack people, but I can attack the system that priviledge said people over others.
Yet you were cheering on a girl who made complete use of that system, declaring her as a queen.
Dumbass, I talked about people deserving respect when they are not scumbags. Would you still respect a woman if she is being a bitch to other people?

And ofc don't disrespect people if they're women duh.
Again, my statement is clear and let no places for missunderstanding:

Respect women.

Yet you were cheering on a girl who made complete use of that system, declaring her as a queen.
1. Nop. I cheered for that girl for getting out of that oppressive and toxic environement.

But if women can use patriarchy against itself, I see no problem with that.

2. The woman you are talking about is most likely not or lesser impacted by the tax we propose on rich. Remember: This tax is for the richest of the rich, not just people who have a little fortune.
Again, my statement is clear and let no places for missunderstanding:

Respect women.
Try to understand what I said, dipshit.

You respect people no matter their gender. You respect men and women. As simple as that.

1. Nop. I cheered for that girl for getting out of that oppressive and toxic environement.

But if women can use patriarchy against itself, I see no problem with that.

2. The woman you are talking about is most likely not or lesser impacted by the tax we propose on rich. Remember: This tax is for the richest of the rich, not just people who have a little fortune.
1. By getting in a much more severe toxic environment when she's selling her body?

Sure, that's why she's becoming a OF model for guys to jerk off to it...

2. If she gets rich from that, she'll definitely benefit from the system which you're disliking so much. Try to google the networth of the most successful OF models and you understand what I'm on about.
You respect people no matter their gender. You respect men and women. As simple as that.
Yeah ok.

We are talking about women, women rights and women's dignity here. So the point to make here is :

Respect women.

1. By getting in a much more severe toxic environment when she's selling her body?

Sure, that's why she's becoming a OF model for guys to jerk off to it...
Its seems like she is happy, so I wouldn't call that toxic for her


Try to google the networth of the most successful OF models and you understand what I'm on about.
Yeah, and try to google how many people are benefiting from such success. :)

2. If she gets rich from that, she'll definitely benefit from the system which you're disliking so much.
Yup, they will, and they will ahve to participate a little. But compared to ultra rich people, it will be really not that much.
We are talking about women, women rights and women's dignity here. So the point to make here is :

Respect women.
Any self-respecting, decent human being does these things by default duh.

You're an advocate for online prostitution and women selling their bodies online. Then you want to talk about women's dignity? I criticise that because it's about their dignity. Btw, it's not exclusive to women, I criticise sex work in general, men are included into it, I guess you looked over this smaaaall detail. But it's nice reading your posts when you're fuming, seething and accusing me of being an incel when my criticism isn't even unordinary. There are also many women not fond of the idea of them selling themselves online. Are they incels and sexists, too?
Maybe you should masturbate less about them models...

Its seems like she is happy, so I wouldn't call that toxic for her
If she earns enough and is okay with her nudes and private parts being online, people even seeing how she's doing the deed with other people, yeah, why not? (that isn't sarcasm btw)

It's not me criticising people for using the system.

Yeah, and try to google how many people are benefiting from such success.
You rn:

That's my whole fucking point, dude.
You keep yapping about the evil system and the riches oppressing the other ones when your favourite OF models are also a product of this system. You really don't see the hypocrisy?

Yup, they will, and they will ahve to participate a little. But compared to ultra rich people, it will be really not that much.
Lol, they are multi millionaires at this point.
They are fully implemented into this system, just like celebrities and other big figures.
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Hahaha! You are talking to a wood plank level of intelligence and then demand it understands you.:milaugh:
At least I can tell to myself that I tried. :suresure:
Any self-respecting, decent human being does these things by default duh.
You didn't


You're an advocate for online prostitution and women selling their bodies online.
Prostitution implies physical contact mate.

Onlyfan is an online service. Not prostitution.

But EVEN if it was, that doesn't negate the fact that you still have to respect those women.

I criticise sex work in general, men are included into it, I guess you looked over this smaaaall detail
No. I just saw that you targetted mainly women.

But it's nice reading your posts when you're fuming
Its cute that you think that this is me being triggered lol

But it's nice reading your posts when you're fuming, seething and accusing me of being an incel when my criticism isn't even unordinary
A lot of people disrespect women who are sex workers, your argument is - indeed - not new

There are also many women not fond of the idea of them selling themselves online.
You are almost getting to the point where you will discover internalized sexism. Don't give up ;)

If she earns enough, yeah, why not?
So.. Don't use her example to talk about the toxicity of being a sex worker. Not the best example.

You keep yapping about the evil system
Capitalism is not an evil system, its simply oppressive.

You keep yapping about the evil system and the riches oppressing the other ones when your favourite OF models are also a product of this system. You really don't see the hypocrisy?
And the problem here is that you don't understand the difference between people who uses the system to exploit others and those who exploit the system to fight the system and get out of pauverty.

You lack understanding and education mate. But that's ok. I created a library to help people like you understand the issue:

The leftist library

Lol, they are multi millionaires at this point.

I'm talking about BILLIONNAIRES Einstein.

At least I can tell to myself that I tried. :suresure:
If you really tried, you would have taken a look at the leftist library, taken notes and learn a few things.

Right now. I can say that you are still uneducated on many subjects.
