
I think cancel culture is very overrated on it's ability to get rid of right wingers

I mean if it was as much of a menace as said
crowder and sharpiro wouldt still have youtube channels
ben the owner of Daily wire its well-recognised organization the doubt its easy to just cancel their influence

Shadow banning and demonetization.. Is something people without that sorta protection and platform face

The mainstram is not leftist, it's liberal.
Social Liberalism is left tho

No one is doing that. You have the choice to read/watch media or not.
But i don't have to guarantee that I'll be canceled, shadow banned and what not for not conforming.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
So ig what your saying is that because jordon peterson did something bad to minors means that therefore it's okay for trans people to also do bad things to minors

That just means both are bad for the actions lol

If im to murder somebody and say look another guy did it too
does that make murder okay??????

I think the problem with these sorta arguments being
Is it tends to be labeled as trans people bad if one individual person does a bad thing

but cant even win with that because the liberals will defend anyone who is of their in group even if they have done wrongdoing such as here and in the case of erza miller

right wingers want this bad behavior to be applicable to all trans people and liberals will attack anyone who seems to suggest that even one lgbtq can even do anything close to sin

you just cant win as a neutral party when everyone is so radicalized
List one example of trans kids doing ANYTHING along the lines of posting male milking fetish porn for hundreds of thousands of their followers to see and erroneously labeling it as Chinese propaganda, it takes a diseased mind to do something that perverted and an even sicker one to think the other side is equally culpable for it :gonope:
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Imagine seeing an unverified video of guys getting jerked off with penis pumps attached to a Twitter bot’s post containing pure gibberish and thinking “This must be real and it is imperative that I show this to all the geniuses who follow me, then call anyone who points out my insane behavior a bigot and talk about how a teenager in Missouri wanting to change their birth gender is the REAL sexual menace”:mihanha:
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Also, THIS is what it looks like when a group of people with outdated and hateful ideologies force their agenda on children, still waiting for someone to show me proof of trans folks indoctrinating kids with this level of prejudice :beckmoji:
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I saw a clip from Roseanne Barr's new comedy special. She seems so fucking talentless. Honestly, she deserved to get cancelled.

Most people in places of power are expected to act professionally. Making unhinged tweets about anyone, regardless of intent, sends a poor image of the company you are representing. However celebrities aren't used to being held to these same standards.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I played a simulator controlling a nazi solider

Does that make me a nazi
It doesn’t, but consistently smearing trans folks DOES make you a TERF, so be proud of it! Y’all don’t get to spread bullshit and lies like disingenuous asswipes, then turn around and act like “I am just a smol bean who gets h*ckin’ scared by people living their lives peacefully and not affecting mine in any way because I fear anything I don’t understand,” own what you choose to be and share it with the world so we know exactly who and what you are in your heart:neesama:

Also, if you’re role playing as a Nazi when there are other choices available, what do YOU think that says about you?? That you’re a levelheaded, well adjusted guy who just wants to vacation as a piece of racist scum instead of identifying as one full-time?? What a bonkers defense this is, holy shit… :kaidowhat:
It doesn’t, but consistently smearing trans folks DOES make you a TERF, so be proud of it! Y’all don’t get to spread bullshit and lies like disingenuous asswipes, then turn around and act like “I am just a smol bean who gets h*ckin’ scared by people living their lives peacefully and not affecting mine in any way because I fear anything I don’t understand,” own what you choose to be and share it with the world so we know exactly who and what you are in your heart:neesama:

Also, if you’re role playing as a Nazi when there are other choices available, what do YOU think that says about you?? That you’re a levelheaded, well adjusted guy who just wants to vacation as a piece of racist scum instead of identifying as one full-time?? What a bonkers defense this is, holy shit… :kaidowhat:
this is jokes

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
And this is the kind of solid, substantial response I’ve come to expect from people who know they’re wrong but don’t wanna admit it…notice that you chose not to dispute anything I said; if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and perpetually voices support for transphobes and their pathetic mindset like a duck, it’s a God damn duck :laughmoji:
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bitching on a random ass forum
where barely nobody likes or agree with you

aint helping anyone
You’re so, so, SO close to discovering something about yourself right here, this is hands down the funniest post in this thread :vistalaugh::ronalaugh::hihihi::fujilaugh::luffylaugh::rolaugh::kailaugh:
And this is the kind of solid, substantial response I’ve come to expect from people who know they’re wrong but don’t wanna admit it…notice that you chose not to dispute anything I said; if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and perpetually voices support for transphobes and their pathetic mindset like a duck, it’s a God damn duck :laughmoji:
You are overreacting.. My response isn't an adequate one sure, but I'm not in a mood to explain your blunders.