This is why I said to take a break. You're not responding to the correct people about the correct inquiry.
No. This is just how I function in debate in general.
The ability to reply to a crowd while being alone only works if I see the crowd as a big blob. I'm not fighting the people, I'm fighting the arguments.. so yeah .. sometime I put something wrong on someone's mouth but I correct myself if that happen and it happens rarely, I'm usely good at tracking the arguments.
That's how I kept my ground for month against 15ish people while being alone on the Nakama thread. I almost never go personal only the arguments are important.
Actually when someone is toxic I don't really care about it, I'll forget about it anyway (except in the case of a negative repetition like Bob). What I care about is for them to understand that they are being toxic. So when a transphobic argument appears or something toxic is said .. well I call the person out.. so they feel a bit triggered, but there is nothing personal in my statements. I'm just pointing a mirror at them and I forget about it.
That's also why sometime I might forget that I called someone a transphobe or a sexist. I'm always open for people to change so I don't really care about their past.
You made my day,But i got stuff to do,im logging off now.See ya.
bye mate.