Try to work on your bias mate
me telling you to focus on the arguments and stop the personal attacks
Is me being biased
ha, the irony is real
Guns freedom is a far right argument. :/
there's so many ways to disprove/just attack this argument
A, you can just go with the what makes far right a bad thing
B. you can argue far right is just used as a shaming term therefore has no objective basis
C, you can say what does it far right or not as a position prove it's incorrect
D, you can just say what makes far right different to normal right wing
E, you can just say it's not further to the right cause it's a position that most right wingers hold
Not to say every argument here was correct but it's really flawed if some dude online can randomly just spit 5 out easily not trying despite you being so much more educated then me or whatever your arrogant ass thinks yourself as
Why ? Because it's based on moral panics, deny of researchs and facts and pure nationalism that is lobbied by far right group like the NRA.
What moral panic and why is moral panic, a bad reason
Irony again, you are seriously telling me that your left wing group has no lobbying? With all the corporations and hell governments that are overwhelming in support of your beliefs really gonna tell that you leftists have no lobbying if so full of shit
and if you justify it then your a fucking hypocrite for criticizing, your poltitical enemies for doing so
Your moral political compass is one or two step farther to the right that you actually thinks. Hence why you find acceptable to speak far right rethoric.
I dont fit into right wing or left wing servers
Because of me disliking both groups
And yes, I end up saying some right rhetoric because yknow even if a retard says retarded shit 99 percent of the time
there's that 1 percent of the time that they say something correct and btw this is dumbaserey
ofc somebody in a poltitical chat would say some things right wing especially if they are centrist like me because you tend to adopt positions of both sides
you really just shaming me for the instances of me having some right wing beliefs and acting as if it's my entire character to shame me
When you know damn well ive been pro abortion,anti police brutality and pro trans on various instances even if you pretend to have memory lost man others here can attest to what im saying and if they dont oh well there's still screenshots im able to take so ether way man your claims are still retarded.