do not agree with battery farming, and other cruel practices.
This and environmental devastation eg. in the Amazon forest are the main issues I have with meat consumption.

I think veganism is outright harmful and although I live as a de facto vegetarian most of the time I know I should eat a little more meat because it's good for my health.

I would say some things here is portuguese,but Doggo would read it and then the ban hammer would be used...
...and that would be deserved. You're lucky @Doggo avoids this thread like the plague because otherwise you would be banned first. And then him.
Reminds me of when those French celebrities donated millions for Notre Dame. Would they have donated to homeless and poor people too? Doubtful
ah you just going to claim conspiracy and thats it

a person who never believes what he sees is just as much as a dumbass as a person who believes everything he sees
I dont believe what i see because there is no fucking proof, u take information from biased news channel that are known on posting false information, u dont know shit about the situation u watch it through a screen.
Not really tbh.
I do misunderstand people a lot tho because of never ending brain fog. Sometimes when I re read somebody's old post later I understand it only then.
Makes sense. That happens to me as well from time to time. It’s especially embarrassing when it gets heated and I realize the other person is actually saying something reasonable and I’m the one who’s coming across as a lunatic.
Funny how some people defend Israel's genocide and land grabbing because MuH YouRE AnTisEmiTiC
Cry more about muh genocide yet the population increases every year, again people like u who just read a news article from al gazira thinking they know something about it is ironic, if u actually look into it u would know Palestinian were offered peace several times and refused, they started the war, while trying to act like victims.

if u think soldiers in israel just shoot kids for fun u are a fucking moron and couldn't been further from the truth, because the ones who actually kill innocent people including children on PURPOSE are palastians, but go ahead, keep believing random people with no proof/news channel that are known at faking information that post about dead palastians every day because that fits ur agenda.