Introducing a bill and then not even putting it up for a vote is not “Pushing” for it. That’s is like the bare minimum you have to do for you to be able to claim they were pushing for it.

Ig by that definition Trump has relentlessly pushed to suspend the constitution since he’s mentioned it once or twice.
Introducing and supporting a bill is pushing for one, it’s the first legislative step. Maybe we don’t feel the same about semantics, but I wouldn’t define this as anything but an (unsuccessful) push.
Introducing and supporting a bill is pushing for one, it’s the first legislative step. Maybe we don’t feel the same about semantics, but I wouldn’t define this as anything but an (unsuccessful) push.

They didn’t even let if fail since idk, They didn’t vote on it???????

Maybe cuz they knew that it would get less than 100 votes, because if all those democrats vote yes on it they’ll get harassed by their donors and the insurance lobby.

no, a push means using your political power in order to get a bill to the president’s desk, and they never even tried that.

I can draft the damn bill and that still doesn’t mean I pushed for it.
nobody has pushed for medicare for all because it's a dying policy lol

the last big healthcare push was obama care, and that started as a public option and was pretty much gimped to the bones despite Obama having a majority in the house and senate
The time has come, ladies and gentlemen. It is time for Deez Nuts to take his rightful place as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!! Deez Nuts cares about us. Deez Nuts listens to us. Support Deez Nuts and vote for him for PRESIDENT!! 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥

They didn’t even let if fail since idk, They didn’t vote on it???????

Maybe cuz they knew that it would get less than 100 votes, because if all those democrats vote yes on it they’ll get harassed by their donors and the insurance lobby.

no, a push means using your political power in order to get a bill to the president’s desk, and they never even tried that.

I can draft the damn bill and that still doesn’t mean I pushed for it.
Obviously it didn’t go through cause it would fail, no one wants to go down with a sinking ship. But there was an initiative for it, from the party, which is a push. So agree to disagree.
Obviously it didn’t go through cause it would fail, no one wants to go down with a sinking ship. .
This is true. Stuff like Medicare for all doesn't get push because it won't get the votes. Even progressives like Bernie don't push for bills with the idea that it will fail.
But there was an initiative for it, from the party, which is a push. So agree to disagree.
eh like 5 people out of hundred or something lol
Private Healthcare, but affordable. Medical expenses are high, any little thing used an extra cost, and it piles on fast.
I'm not a fan. I get Healthcare/Medical Doctors and RN's and everything in between need to make a living, but...
It had 118 cosponsors.
which bill are we talking about? also are these reps/senators?

Private Healthcare, but affordable. Medical expenses are high, any little thing used an extra cost, and it piles on fast.
I'm not a fan. I get Healthcare/Medical Doctors and RN's and everything in between need to make a living, but...
then vote blue, democrats push for affordable healthcare cost lol
voting doesn't matter unless you live in swing states.
Voting always matter. Not necessarily in the way you think.
This could majorly backfire. Germany has an underfunded police. The result: they have to accept basically anyone into the police force, including nazis and salafists (an issue well known for over 10 years now).
Maybe the problem is not the recrutment but the need for the police. Police reforms can't happen without big social reforms.

Allow people to have a healthy life and you will have less need for the police.

But due to the police being underfunded and understaffed, keeping up the controls is not feasible.
There are more examples.
This is not an excuse. Maybe it's different where you live, but we I do, the police is heavily favored and the right wing is already infiltrated.

If you accept Nazi in the police, the problem are not the fund, the problem are the recrutments.
This is not an excuse. Maybe it's different where you live, but we I do, the police is heavily favored and the right wing is already infiltrated.

If you accept Nazi in the police, the problem are not the fund, the problem are the recrutments.
All public service jobs are understaffed and underfunded. Healthcare, child care, teachers etc.
It's all by design anyway.
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I mean they literally did that with the IRA
Is there another meaning for IRA relevant to the US than the one I know, or..??