General & Others Give characters someone else's df

So here you choose a character doesn't matter if they have a fruit or not and you give them a fruit that belongs to someone else and discuss what they can do with it and what would change in the story remember only 1 df ( so you can't give teach 2 df to replace both only 1 ) and it has to have been revealed ( no Dragon wind logia and other assumptions)
Movie df's are allowed as well.

I give Garp Sugar's df
Rayliegh: well i was part of a group... wait .. what was it called??? :choppawhat:
Roger is a toy crying in the background
Sanji get this fruit'
The Bana Bana no Mi is a non-canon Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to turn their jealousy into heat and flames. It was eaten by Bounty.[1]

While Ussop get this fruit
The Deri Deri no Mi is a non-canon Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to deliver an object to any target within view, making the user a Delivery Human (デリバリー人間 Deribarī ningen?). It was eaten by Prize.[1]


Nami with Monet's fruit = Her weather knowledge & tech with the ability to make & become snow could be pretty OP

Raizo with Rosinate's fruit = Stealthy Ninja

inuarashi with Enel's fruit = Electro x Lightning transformation x Sulong = King of Lightning

Garp with the ton ton fruit = no one's surviving a punch from him

Nekomamushi with Robin's fruit = Electrooooo

Zoro with Moriah's fruit = he cuts the shadows of anyone caught in his techniques

Reiju with Magellan's fruit = Toxic Queen

Usopp with Perona's fruit = fighting depressed enemies would make him a more confident combatant