Powers & Abilities Give DFs new fighting styles

You've thought of it at some point. What if you could use this guy's DF ability in an entirely new way?

What if the Gomu Gomu user was a swordsman?

Or maybe you're familiar with Shinjojin's Rokushiki Robin (Hana Hana no Mi)

Post your ideas below:

Kage Kage - Speedy Swordsman
A swordsman shrouded in shadow comes blitzing at you. You prepare to counter or dodge, but instead he whizzes past and is now standing behind you without landing so much as a nick. What gives? He wasn't aiming for you, he cut your shadow instead! Separating your shadow results in an instant KO. In sunlight, your body even disintegrates on the spot. What a broken one-shot ability, who even thinks of protecting their shadow? Good luck protecting your shadow with haki.
Door Door - Sniper
In the door dimension, you travel in a parallel world where simultaneously your presence is completely masked but you can walk right up to stare your target in the eye. A good sniper sets up their shot where the target will least expect it from, whether that's the floor underneath, below their partner's chin, or inside their own hat. Open one little barrel-sized door and BOOM! Headshot. Close the door and make your getaway.
Toge Toge - Wrestler
Spiky bear hugs, spiky elbow drops, spiky clothesline against your neck, spiky butt drops, a back breaker on a spiky knee. Ouch, it all hurts so good. The Toge Toge's doping ability will also up your size and strength so you can hit like a truck with additional mass.
Moa Moa - Power Swordsman
The Moa Moa no Mi will temporarily multiply the size and speed of yourself or chosen objects, basically perfect for swords which lack range and swordsman who lack mobility. A regular sword swing is transformed into a giant Elbaf sword, with a dozen times the range of the swing and a hundred times the mass behind it. The steel of the sword making contact is much stronger than the cutting wind it leaves behind, meaning you can cleave a mountain in half with much less power. Multiplying your speed helps mix things up, giving you access to godspeed flash attacks or flurry attacks that make it seem you're swinging a dozen swords with your regular speed. Speed up your flying slash so you can unleash an unavoidable sword snipe for long range.
Nomu Nomu - Grappler
The Nomu Nomu is the swamp element linked to hammerspace, the user can potentially store an unlimited amount of mass inside their regular body. A grapper will block your arms and kicks with the right technique and lock you in a hold. While you struggle trapped in a hold, the Nomu Nomu proceeds to absorb your arm, leg, or your core body into the infinite swamp. The wet earth suffocates and kills you, if it doesn't crush you under incredible pressure first.
Ope Ope - Knife and spear good combination.
Spear chops up a opponent and user switch knife with person body part. Manipulate the knife to stab the person

Hammer Magma - Enchance a steel hammer with magma. Use it to make hax attacks like smacking

Swamp fruit with shovel, box and chains - Caribou knocks out people out with a shovel.
Or he can hid in a box luring someone with powder. When the prey comes, he uses his hands to suffocate their face.
Chain will be used to chain their neck and suffocate their face.
Luffy with the all 6 Rokushiki techniques mastered would be deadly.
he doesn't need it, tho

Geppo: g4 boundman
Tekkai: CoA (hardening)
Shigan: CoA (basic and advanced)
Rankyaku: CoA (advanced)
Soru: g2, g4 boundman and g4 snakeman
Kami-e: CoO (basic and advanced), Gomu Gomu no Boh
Rokugan: CoA (advanced)
Mr.5 (bomb bomb)
Fighting style Rokushiki.
Combine The CP9's fighting style of Rokushiki and the explosive of the bomb bomb Fruit. You could get some powerful burst attacks. And even jet like attacks.
Smoker devil fruit with guns

Holdem Smile devil fruit with a whip or mace

Babunaki elephant with poison gas, sleeping gas

Dobon hippo poison teeth and claws
he doesn't need it, tho

Geppo: g4 boundman
Tekkai: CoA (hardening)
Shigan: CoA (basic and advanced)
Rankyaku: CoA (advanced)
Soru: g2, g4 boundman and g4 snakeman
Kami-e: CoO (basic and advanced), Gomu Gomu no Boh
Rokugan: CoA (advanced)
Gear 4 is too taxing, he will have to have to find an alternative which is Rokushiki. Rayleigh even said Luffy would have to find an alternative to Gear 4.
Gear 4 is too taxing, he will have to have to find an alternative which is Rokushiki. Rayleigh even said Luffy would have to find an alternative to Gear 4.
the only style he really needs g4 to do something equal (or even better) is geppo (lucci said something about g2 speed=soru iirc) and sanji already is the sky walk guy
so it's very unlikely...
Gomu swordsman is really pointless, even pre-TS Zoro could send flying sword slashes, any decent swordsman has a longer range than the gomu user can reach. Diamante could cut a large flower field etc.

The best would be probably giving the hana fruit to a rokushiki user.