Controversial Grand Jury indicts MonsterZoro on the muder of Thatguy. Thatfakeuncle charged as an accessory. TRIAL SIGN-UP

Is he guilty?

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Holy Simp
This vigilante guy is starting to act real sus, @ShadyDetective @Rej I know the trial starts tommorow and all but could you two do a quick look into this?​
I see
There is a bigger picture we have to look at, all plotstrings are unfolding explosively, but in the end everything leads to one central aspect.
This suspicious code is just a distraction is my bet.
In case you are charged and convicted your baby will be put for adoption effective immediately after birth.
Dont you dare to lay a finger on my wife!

You robbed @ThatGuy and 14 cops of being fathers (and mothers) and here you are begging to be released like you matter more :mihanha:
They asked for it. I didnt.

Better be careful what you say, Furryloaded. I know everything about your past.