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No dude... that's a bike...!!
also possible polar went off script claimed something he wasnt supposed to. like a teammate's fake role or a role that wasnt included in his fake but in his real role
End of Day 1


Lead them to paradise.
Nagini, strike

@Polar Bear / Nagini has been lynched


[Passive - Former Human Animagus] Although you used to be human, you are now stuck in your animal form. Your vote counts for 0.

[Passive - Horcrux] You are one of Voldemort's horcruxes.

[Passive - Eaten Whole] You leave nothing behind when devouring your victims, as such if you perform the faction kill you may janitor your target. [2-Shots]

[Active - Coil Up] In the event that you are lynched you will strike at one of your voters, poisoning them. They will die 2 cycles later unless healed.

[Active - Stalker] You may choose to target a player and stalk them, learning who they visit. You will also learn the stalked player's role at the end of the night.

Fake Claim:
Dean Thomas

[Passive - Steadfast Loyalty] You are immune to redirects and control.

[Active - Scout Ahead] Target a player and track them, learning who they visit.

Wincon: You win once the Death Eaters have majority or nothing can prevent it from happening.
A horcrux has been destroyed

Day 1 ends
You have 22 hours to submit your actions

Final vote count


Lead them to paradise.
Final vote count of day 1

Polar Bear: 11
Luka: 3
Seraphoenix: 2
Alexis: 2
Ultra: 2
Emil: 1
Mr. Reloaded: 1

Emil: Yo Tan Wa > Unvote > Alwaysmind > Luka > Ultra
Michelle: Mr. Reloaded > Charlie > Unvote > Polar Bear > unvote > Ultra
Ratchet: Emil > Yoho > Polar Bear > Unvote > Polar Bear
KWEH: Emil > Luka > Mr. Reloaded> Luka > Indigo > Luka
Flower: Ultra > Mr. Reloaded > Polar Bear > Luka > Luka > Ultra > Polar Bear
Yo Tan Wa: Charlie > unvote
Charlie: Emil > Mr. Reloaded > The Orca > Luka > Indigo > Seraphoenix
UwU: Emil
Luka: Emil > Yoho > Polar Bear
Destroya: Charlie > York > Luka > Polar Bear
Yoho: Alexis2282AE
Alwaysmind: Yoho > unvote
The Orca: no lynch > Seraphoenix
Pot Goblin: Luka
Ultra: Polar Bear > Polar Bear > Polar Bear > Polar Bear
Crowned Witch: Mr. Reloaded
Sir Yasheen: Alexis2282AE
Crying bc no Cryo: Charlie > unvote > ~UwU~ > unvote > Seraphoenix > Luka > Polar Bear
Stargate18: The Orca > Polar Bear
Red Night: Alexis2282AE > Unvote
Indigo: Polar Bear > Luka
York: Flower > Polar Bear
Dr. Watson: Polar Bear
Mr. Reloaded: Polar Bear
Xlaw: Polar Bear​
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