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VC1 Of Day 2
DAY 2, VC 1
up to post #2,820

Jarguark101 - 6
KWEH - 1
Red Night - 1
Alexis2282AE - 1

Whether Flower counts or not, it's still 14 votes needed for hammer.
So far person closest to being hammered this DP is Jarguark101 with 6/14 votes.

Luka: Jarguark101
Indigo: KWEH
Ultra: Jarguark101
Michelle: Jarguark101
Pot Goblin: Jarguark101
Mr. Reloaded: Red Night
Yoho: Alexis2282AE
The Orca: Seraphoenix > Jarguark101
Destroya: Jarguark101

1. This isn't "true vote count" (it's only representation of votes that appeared in thread. Whether someone can/cannot be voted up, has double/no vote power, etc. I have no idea.
2. I've only counted posts that have word "vote" somewhere to make it easier. If i don't know who you're voting for, I'll probably ignore it. If I've missed your vote, please just vote again.
3. Don't use these to read me, I make these regardless of alignment.
4. If you wish to be removed from tags, let me know.


@Fujishiro @Dr_Professor83 @Pot Goblin @KWEH @Alwaysmind @Indigo @Charlie @Flower @Alexis2282AE @Yoho @Xlaw @Luka @Mr. Reloaded @Red Night @The Orca @Seraphoenix @Dr. Watson @Crying bc no Cryo @Yo Tan Wa @Stargate18 @~UwU~ @Ratchet @Jaguark101 @Ultra @EkkoLoJinx @Michelle @Random Asshole @Destroya @Crowned Witch
Why should you vote for me today
I guess I haven't felt right about you since you wanted to sheep Ratchet. There were a few players that said that and it just was something to note early game. You then didn't seem interested in trying to help town coordinate Horcrux searches and wanted players to go search locations related to their role. There's also been a lot of fluff from you and I don't know how motivated you really are to wolf hunt. There was a post you made in D1 where you asked Alexis for a coherent thought despite not giving any reads yourself, that I felt was a bit self righteous and pinged me. You also had no problem offering to be the D1 hammer despite having no reads or insight into the game. However, though you said you didn't mind being the hanmer, you also said you didn't think Polar was going to wolf. You also said more often than not that half of Polar's wagon was going to be wolves. Then during the feast, you threw Michelle under the bus for being the biggest Polar defender despite you yourself saying you didn't believe he'd flip wolf. These are a few of the things you've done this game that makes me distrust your slot and what I think would be a worthy vote.
Lookin like this rn, Jag seems to be the way to go today considering his claim. He's gonna have a hard sell ngl.

KWEH is there as they had a good assessment on Luka potentially giving fake thoughts. Still sheeping Flower on Alexis and Charlie has good vibes in general. Rest is general gameplay.

9 - Flower
29- Destroya
10- Alexis2282AE
8- Charlie
14- Mr. Reloaded
25- Ultra
23- Ratchet

4- Alwaysmind
5- Indigo
11- Yoho
12- Xlaw
13- Luka
15- Red Night
16- The Orca
17- Seraphoenix
18- Dr. Watson
19- Jesse Pinkman
20- Yo Tan Wa
21- Stargate18
22- ~UwU~
26- Emil
27- Michelle
28- Random Asshole
30- Crowned Witch

24- Jaguark101
It seems you and I have one polar opposite read which is Alexis. Can you explain your thoughts there?

Also, what do you think about Draco being detached wolf?
Yo, so these locations have been checked (red ones). I removed Sir Yasheen since he died and Flower since she's removed from the game for unspecified period of time (so wasn't present during night phase).

Ground Floor
Entrance Hall
Entrance Courtyard
Great Hall
Staff Room
Filch’s office
Classroom 11

Potions Classroom - Yoho

Snape’s Office
Slytherin Common Room
Dungeon Corridors
Dungeons - Jaguar 101

The Kitchen - Pot Goblin

Hufflepuff Common Room

Outside Buildings
Herbology Classroom - Stargate18
Charms Classroom - Red Night

Transfiguration Courtyard
Transfiguration Classroom

First Floor
Hospital Wing
Professor McGonagall’s Office - Charlie
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom
Muggle Studies Classroom
History of Magic Classroom

Second Floor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Office
The Swiveling Staircase
Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom
Slughorn’s Office

Third Floor
Trophy Room - Michelle

Armor Gallery - Random Asshole
The Charms Corridor - Destroya

Fourth Floor
The Library - Crowned Witch

Fifth Floor
Prefect’s Bathroom - Ratchet

Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes)
Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Corridor

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom
Girl’s Bathroom - Crying

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Divination Classroom
Room of Requirement - Indigo
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Dumbledore’s Office
Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room
Tower Courtyard
Astronomy Tower - Ekko + Ultra
Owlery - KWEH

now for these who want to keep it coordinated, there's list for N2, it's more tricky this DP since horcruxes could've been moved but like, town players are still wast majority and tbh it's not guaranteed that scum has found any horcux at night, so i'm personally pro "let's check unexplored parts of the castle before going back to explore ones" (so don't pick for N2 what was red for N1), but you do you

Ground Floor
Entrance Hall
Entrance Courtyard
Great Hall
Staff Room
Filch’s office
Classroom 11

Potions Classroom
Snape’s Office - Yoho
Slytherin Common Room - Crowned Witch

Dungeon Corridors

The Kitchen
Hufflepuff Common Room

Outside Buildings
Herbology Classroom
Charms Classroom
Transfiguration Courtyard - Charlie
Transfiguration Classroom

First Floor
Hospital Wing
Professor McGonagall’s Office
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom - Destroya
Muggle Studies Classroom - Mr. Reloaded

History of Magic Classroom

Second Floor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Office
The Swiveling Staircase
Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom
Slughorn’s Office

Third Floor
Trophy Room
Armor Gallery
The Charms Corridor

Fourth Floor
The Library

Fifth Floor
Prefect’s Bathroom
Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes) - Pot Goblin
Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Corridor

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom
Girl’s Bathroom

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Divination Classroom
Room of Requirement
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Dumbledore’s Office
Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room
Tower Courtyard
Astronomy Tower

It's not as effective as it could've been N1 but it's something. As earlier, if you don't want to tell where you're going, just don't go to red areas.

@KWEH @Alwaysmind @Indigo @Alexis2282AE @Xlaw @Luka @Red Night @The Orca @Seraphoenix @Dr. Watson @Crying bc no Cryo @Yo Tan Wa @Stargate18 @~UwU~ @Ratchet @Jaguark101 @Ultra @EkkoLoJinx @Michelle @Random Asshole
It seems you and I have one polar opposite read which is Alexis. Can you explain your thoughts there?

Also, what do you think about Draco being detached wolf?
Flower said she found a potential town tell there

I think detatched wolf is pretty viable imo, or at least built similar to Darth Vader in the star wars game
Michelle Town
Yo Tan Wa Town
Crowned Witch Town
UwU Scum

Tried to include the less obvious ones. UwU I could see possibly being Town, based on his positioning around Polar yesterday, but that's really the only reason I would have to town read him.
Can you explain the Crowned Witch read?

Also, is Crowned Witch someone I should know?
Yo, so these locations have been checked (red ones). I removed Sir Yasheen since he died and Flower since she's removed from the game for unspecified period of time (so wasn't present during night phase).

Ground Floor
Entrance Hall
Entrance Courtyard
Great Hall
Staff Room
Filch’s office
Classroom 11

Potions Classroom - Yoho

Snape’s Office
Slytherin Common Room
Dungeon Corridors
Dungeons - Jaguar 101

The Kitchen - Pot Goblin

Hufflepuff Common Room

Outside Buildings
Herbology Classroom - Stargate18
Charms Classroom - Red Night

Transfiguration Courtyard
Transfiguration Classroom

First Floor
Hospital Wing
Professor McGonagall’s Office - Charlie
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom
Muggle Studies Classroom
History of Magic Classroom

Second Floor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Office
The Swiveling Staircase
Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom
Slughorn’s Office

Third Floor
Trophy Room - Michelle

Armor Gallery - Random Asshole
The Charms Corridor - Destroya

Fourth Floor
The Library - Crowned Witch

Fifth Floor
Prefect’s Bathroom - Ratchet

Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes)
Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Corridor

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom
Girl’s Bathroom - Crying

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Divination Classroom
Room of Requirement - Indigo
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Dumbledore’s Office
Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room
Tower Courtyard
Astronomy Tower - Ekko + Ultra
Owlery - KWEH

now for these who want to keep it coordinated, there's list for N2, it's more tricky this DP since horcruxes could've been moved but like, town players are still wast majority and tbh it's not guaranteed that scum has found any horcux at night, so i'm personally pro "let's check unexplored parts of the castle before going back to explore ones" (so don't pick for N2 what was red for N1), but you do you

Ground Floor
Entrance Hall
Entrance Courtyard
Great Hall
Staff Room
Filch’s office
Classroom 11

Potions Classroom
Snape’s Office - Yoho
Slytherin Common Room - Crowned Witch

Dungeon Corridors

The Kitchen
Hufflepuff Common Room

Outside Buildings
Herbology Classroom
Charms Classroom
Transfiguration Courtyard - Charlie
Transfiguration Classroom

First Floor
Hospital Wing
Professor McGonagall’s Office
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom - Destroya
Muggle Studies Classroom - Mr. Reloaded

History of Magic Classroom

Second Floor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Office
The Swiveling Staircase
Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom
Slughorn’s Office

Third Floor
Trophy Room
Armor Gallery
The Charms Corridor

Fourth Floor
The Library

Fifth Floor
Prefect’s Bathroom
Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes) - Pot Goblin
Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Corridor

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom
Girl’s Bathroom

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Divination Classroom
Room of Requirement
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Dumbledore’s Office
Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room
Tower Courtyard
Astronomy Tower

It's not as effective as it could've been N1 but it's something. As earlier, if you don't want to tell where you're going, just don't go to red areas.

@KWEH @Alwaysmind @Indigo @Alexis2282AE @Xlaw @Luka @Red Night @The Orca @Seraphoenix @Dr. Watson @Crying bc no Cryo @Yo Tan Wa @Stargate18 @~UwU~ @Ratchet @Jaguark101 @Ultra @EkkoLoJinx @Michelle @Random Asshole
You're always doing God's work, Charles.
You're always doing God's work, Charles.
i ain't called Charles "NPC" 101 for nothing :o

that being said, since i have tag list anyway

@Pot Goblin @KWEH @Alwaysmind @Indigo @Charlie @Flower @Alexis2282AE @Yoho @Xlaw @Luka @Mr. Reloaded @Red Night @The Orca @Seraphoenix @Dr. Watson @Crying bc no Cryo @Yo Tan Wa @Stargate18 @~UwU~ @Ratchet @Jaguark101 @Ultra @EkkoLoJinx @Michelle @Random Asshole @Destroya @Crowned Witch

yo, whoever of you is healer, you know Ultra is poisoned, right? would be awesome if you could remove it, even better if you could remove it during DP, thanks :o
Flower said she found a potential town tell there

I think detatched wolf is pretty viable imo, or at least built similar to Darth Vader in the star wars game
She found a potential town tell amongst all his chills? I don't really trust that. Alexis has proved he's been more aware of what's going on in the game then just memeing. I think there's potential he's just playing dumb here.

I don't know that game but okay you agree.
I guess I haven't felt right about you since you wanted to sheep Ratchet. There were a few players that said that and it just was something to note early game. You then didn't seem interested in trying to help town coordinate Horcrux searches and wanted players to go search locations related to their role. There's also been a lot of fluff from you and I don't know how motivated you really are to wolf hunt. There was a post you made in D1 where you asked Alexis for a coherent thought despite not giving any reads yourself, that I felt was a bit self righteous and pinged me. You also had no problem offering to be the D1 hammer despite having no reads or insight into the game. However, though you said you didn't mind being the hanmer, you also said you didn't think Polar was going to wolf. You also said more often than not that half of Polar's wagon was going to be wolves. Then during the feast, you threw Michelle under the bus for being the biggest Polar defender despite you yourself saying you didn't believe he'd flip wolf. These are a few of the things you've done this game that makes me distrust your slot and what I think would be a worthy vote.
My client really ain't the way :o He might be a noodle but he's good noodle.


yo, you responded to question about fake claim but why not to question about flavour? it's 90% chance you'll be lynch today and it's like 100% if you're not going to talk, just sayin .-.


"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings"
My client really ain't the way :o He might be a noodle but he's good noodle.


yo, you responded to question about fake claim but why not to question about flavour? it's 90% chance you'll be lynch today and it's like 100% if you're not going to talk, just sayin .-.
What do you mean by "flavour"
My client really ain't the way :o He might be a noodle but he's good noodle.


yo, you responded to question about fake claim but why not to question about flavour? it's 90% chance you'll be lynch today and it's like 100% if you're not going to talk, just sayin .-.
Mr. Charles you know you're going to have to provide a case for your client's defense, more than just 'he ain't the way'. I trust you Mr. Charles, but I need more of a reason than that.
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