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VC 7 oF Day 1
DAY 1, VC 7
up to post #2,002

Polar Bear - 4
Luka - 3
Alexis2282AE - 3
Ultra - 2
Emil - 1
Mr. Reloaded - 1
Alwaysmind - 1
The Orca - 1
Indigo - 1
Seraphoenix - 1
Flower - 1

It takes 16 votes for hammer (altho hammer isn't necessary this DP).

Emil: Yo Tan Wa > Unvote > Alwaysmind
Michelle: Mr. Reloaded > Charlie > Unvote > Polar Bear > unvote > Ultra
Ratchet: Emil > Yoho > Polar Bear
KWEH: Emil > Luka > Mr. Reloaded> Luka > Indigo > Luka
Flower: Ultra > Mr. Reloaded > Polar Bear > Luka > Luka > Ultra
Yo Tan Wa: Charlie > unvote
Charlie: Emil > Mr. Reloaded > The Orca > Luka > Indigo
UwU: Emil
Luka: Emil > Yoho > Polar Bear
Destroya: Charlie > York > Luka
Yoho: Alexis2282AE
Alwaysmind: Yoho > unvote
The Orca: no lynch > Seraphoenix
Pot Goblin: Luka
Ultra: Polar Bear > Polar Bear > Polar Bear > Polar Bear
Crowned Witch: Mr. Reloaded
Sir Yasheen: Alexis2282AE
Crying bc no Cryo: Charlie > unvote > ~UwU~ > unvote
Stargate18: The Orca
Red Night: Alexis2282AE
Indigo: Polar Bear
York: Flower

1. Alexis2282AE (5)
2. Crowned Witch (3)
3. Pot Goblin (2)

York/Yoho/Mr. Reloaded/Flower/Sir Yasheen/Seraphoenix (1)

Mr. Reloaded: Sir Yasheen > Alexis2282AE
York: York
Alexis2282AE: Alexis2282AE
The Orca: Alexis2282AE
Alwaysmind: Yoho
Yoho: Alexis2282AE
Pot Goblin: Pot Goblin
Jaguark101: Mr. Reloaded
Charlie: Crowned Witch
Crowned Witch: Crowned Witch
Michelle: Crowned Witch
Destroya: Pot Goblin
Flower: Flower
Sir Yasheen: Sir Yasheen
Seraphoenix: Seraphoenix
Crying bc no Cryo: Alexis2282AE

1. This isn't "true vote count" (it's only representation of votes that appeared in thread. Whether someone can/cannot be voted up, has double/no vote power, etc. I have no idea.
2. I've only counted posts that have word "vote" somewhere to make it easier. If i don't know who you're voting for, I'll probably ignore it. If I've missed your vote, please just vote again.
3. Don't use these to read me, I make these regardless of alignment.
4. If you wish to be removed from tags, let me know.

@Fujishiro @Dr_Professor83 @Pot Goblin @Sir Yasheen @KWEH @Alwaysmind @Indigo @Polar Bear @York @Charlie @Flower @Alexis2282AE @Yoho @Xlaw@Mr. Reloaded @Red Night @The Orca @Seraphoenix@Crying bc no Cryo@Lord Melkor@Yo Tan Wa @Stargate18 @~UwU~ @Ratchet @Jaguark101 @Ultra @Emil @Michelle @Random Asshole @Destroya @Crowned Witch @Dr. Watson


Ignored this one because didn't know how tf am i supposed to count it
Vote- Alexis, York and Reloaded
in case someone hasn't picked one yet, there's a list, don't pick what's already red, to pick one tell host in your PM that you want to visit one of these locations
Ground Floor
Entrance Hall - Xlaw
Entrance Courtyard - Sir Yasheen
Great Hall
Staff Room - Alwaysmind
Filch’s office - Indigo
Classroom 11 - Polar Bear

Potions Classroom - Yoho

Snape’s Office
Slytherin Common Room - Flower
Dungeon Corridors - Alexis2282AE
Dungeons - Jaguar 101

The Kitchen - Pot Goblin

Hufflepuff Common Room - Luka

Outside Buildings
Herbology Classroom - Stargate18
Charms Classroom - Red Night

Transfiguration Courtyard - The Orca
Transfiguration Classroom - Seraphoenix

First Floor
Hospital Wing
Professor McGonagall’s Office - Charlie
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom - Yo Tan Wa
Muggle Studies Classroom - Mr. Reloaded
History of Magic Classroom - ~UwU~

Second Floor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Office - York
The Swiveling Staircase
Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom - Ultra
Slughorn’s Office

Third Floor
Trophy Room - Michelle
Armor Gallery - Random Asshole

The Charms Corridor - Destroya

Fourth Floor
The Library - Crowned Witch

Fifth Floor
Prefect’s Bathroom - Ratchet

Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes)
Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Corridor

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom
Girl’s Bathroom - Crying

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Divination Classroom
Room of Requirement
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Dumbledore’s Office
Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room
Tower Courtyard
Astronomy Tower - Ekko
Owlery - KWEH
@Alwaysmind @Indigo @Polar Bear @Alexis2282AE @Yoho @Xlaw @Mr. Reloaded @Seraphoenix @Yo Tan Wa @Emil @Lord Melkor

updated + removed people we're 100% clear they don't care about that from tags to make it easier for them, it's mostly a reminder for others, if you wish to be removed, let me know and shet
Draco Malfoy
Dodge first negative action targeted at me itg
If I vote a town at eod my vote becomes 0 the next day
Loved modifier (basically, technically its negate first vote on me each cycle)
Empowerer (make them tamper immune)
Claim seems legit, though are you indie or do you still claim to be town currently?

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
in case someone hasn't picked one yet, there's a list, don't pick what's already red, to pick one tell host in your PM that you want to visit one of these locations
Ground Floor
Entrance Hall - Xlaw
Entrance Courtyard - Sir Yasheen
Great Hall
Staff Room - Alwaysmind
Filch’s office - Indigo
Classroom 11 - Polar Bear

Potions Classroom - Yoho

Snape’s Office
Slytherin Common Room - Flower
Dungeon Corridors - Alexis2282AE
Dungeons - Jaguar 101

The Kitchen - Pot Goblin

Hufflepuff Common Room - Luka

Outside Buildings
Herbology Classroom - Stargate18
Charms Classroom - Red Night

Transfiguration Courtyard - The Orca
Transfiguration Classroom - Seraphoenix

First Floor
Hospital Wing
Professor McGonagall’s Office - Charlie
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom - Yo Tan Wa
Muggle Studies Classroom - Mr. Reloaded
History of Magic Classroom - ~UwU~

Second Floor
Defense Against the Dark Arts Office - York
The Swiveling Staircase
Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom - Ultra
Slughorn’s Office

Third Floor
Trophy Room - Michelle
Armor Gallery - Random Asshole

The Charms Corridor - Destroya

Fourth Floor
The Library - Crowned Witch

Fifth Floor
Prefect’s Bathroom - Ratchet

Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes)
Statue of Gregory the Smarmy Corridor

Sixth Floor
Boy’s Bathroom
Girl’s Bathroom - Crying

Seventh Floor
Gryffindor Common Room
Divination Classroom
Room of Requirement
Flitwick’s Office

The Towers
Dumbledore’s Office
Trelawney’s rooms
Ravenclaw Common Room
Tower Courtyard
Astronomy Tower - Ekko
Owlery - KWEH
@Alwaysmind @Indigo @Polar Bear @Alexis2282AE @Yoho @Xlaw @Mr. Reloaded @Seraphoenix @Yo Tan Wa @Emil @Lord Melkor

updated + removed people we're 100% clear they don't care about that from tags to make it easier for them, it's mostly a reminder for others, if you wish to be removed, let me know and shet
Didn't work

You might have to manually write out your tag list 😂


The End and the Beginning
4 votes for the top wagon seems... really low. Not sure how I feel about that possibly a good sign? Votes have been slow to move all day though.

Why did I see Flower claim flavour?


The End and the Beginning
Draco Malfoy
Dodge first negative action targeted at me itg
If I vote a town at eod my vote becomes 0 the next day
Loved modifier (basically, technically its negate first vote on me each cycle)
Empowerer (make them tamper immune)
Seems a bit too layered to be fake, but I don't love the mechanics of this claim. Draco being... loved? Seems weird. But on face value, probably not a fake claim. Could possibly be some sort of evolving indie.


The End and the Beginning
I haven't really seen anything from Polar to sway me and I think it's also a good barometer to get a baseline from Ultra on, so am happy with the votes. Just wish there was a bit more movement even if it's stacking more on him. 4 votes should never be enough to lynch in a 30 player game.
I think you're fun to play with this game so far! I didn't like your gimmick last game tho (obvi)
well last game i was just sad i couldn't guilt-trip cryo into playing. this game i'm learning to live on without him. also i really thought the gimmick wasn't that bad. it was just what i would say normally but maybe a bit more nihilistic/depressed and a little more boo hoos at the start of each sentence


The End and the Beginning
A look at the Who Replied list tells me we're not lunching Flower
That great and all but feels like a pretty mailed in response from you. Flower has 1 vote from the last count so I can't imagine there is much traction to that direction to need you to shut it down anyway.

I think Tweet can be scum.


The End and the Beginning
Ultra has bad pushes until now, for reasons unrelated to the content, like the order Luka commented at posts, and the push on Flower.
He is not sharing thoughts about people, pretending it's a waste of time and pretending town can play differently than I want (which is true but also town can cooperate if they want to win the game).
But that's not true for the people he is pushing. He demands answers but provides nothing.

I don't see this behaviour towny at all and who thinks Ultra is town please quote his posts who show this to you, please!

I am going to sleep. (I would make a different post but waiting around 20 secs kills me)
I like this post from Michelle - I'm pretty confident that she's town.
well last game i was just sad i couldn't guilt-trip cryo into playing. this game i'm learning to live on without him. also i really thought the gimmick wasn't that bad. it was just what i would say normally but maybe a bit more nihilistic/depressed and a little more boo hoos at the start of each sentence
It was the boo hoo's that annoyed me tbh, it set the tone of each sentence as whiny :v
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