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oh hi kweh

for starters are u responsible for us only being able to vote 4 ppl?

also did u ever find ur partner who u need to vote with to find them so u can do ur action?

also reads?
I already said it wasn't me

As for my partner, it was heavily implied that it's Harry Potter, so with him being dead the role is moot. Whenever my "idol" as the PM puts it and I vote on the same wagon, my vote power becomes 2. After realizing I get like one official VC a day I gave up on any concerted effort to find out who Harry is. Didn't end up checking the official VCs for it either.

Reads wise I still don't think that info contradiction from n1 is cleared up? If so I find it weird people are just letting that slide still. Frankly I've read almost nothing so my reads haven't evolved at all
@Seraphoenix @KWEH @MUUGEN would any of u like to claim?

you're reasonably POE rn and if u have an epic role we might be close to a solve.

especially u Seraph since we are kind of forced to vote between u and 3 others.

@Destroya maybe u should claim too if your role is mid and u don't have much time to play?
My role is kinda anti-epic, if I had anything worthwhile up my sleeve I would have said so already
@Seraphoenix @KWEH @MUUGEN would any of u like to claim?

you're reasonably POE rn and if u have an epic role we might be close to a solve.

especially u Seraph since we are kind of forced to vote between u and 3 others.

@Destroya maybe u should claim too if your role is mid and u don't have much time to play?
I could definitely claim but I don't really feel like it right now. I am good for mech, but I'd rather have others claim first, especially Seraph, because I think everyone else in the thunderdome has claimed.
i mean out of the three we're considering

seraph has the least going for them

no claims

they pushed HARD for the death of emil

spent like 2-3 days being like "hey what's happening?"
You're acting really sus right now. I pushed Ekko and then changed to be one of the earliest Always Mind votes. I voted for him when he wasn't close to being the wagon. I'm the least sus out of all them. You seem desperate to get me to claim.
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