Powers & Abilities Has Luffy mastered G4

So we know that for the past 1 week, Luffy has been training his CoA, the ability that G4 depends on. Now when we look at Luffy's current G4, something seems to be different.

first off, as we can see, Luffy is able to now use KKG without inflating his arm. This is likely due to the addition of ACoA to Luffy's attacks. This means that Luffy's casual boundman punches are now KKG level.

Now, in the most recent chapter, we see Luffy do something that is truly remarkable. We see him use G4 to sink a ship and take out fodder. This is something that has never been done before. In the past, G4 was reserved as Luffy's final and ultimate trump card. Something he reserved for only yonko commanders and emperors. The only time he'd ever go G4 right off the bat was against people like big mom and kaido, but you'd absolutely never see Luffy go G4 right off the bat to take down fodder.

Were Luffy in a similar situation in the past few arcs, he would be guaranteed to have used G3 instead of G4. So what changed?

Could it be, that over the course of his CoA training, Luffy has actually mastered G4? This would make sense. We do see him train G4 with Hyougoro. Perhaps Luffy trained his haki by attempting to extend his G4 timelimit. Luffy's ACoA training helped him gain control over the flow of CoA, with this ability, he can now better conserve CoA. Instead of using more haki for G4, he can just power G4 with haki that is being wasted. This could allow Luffy to essentially make the G4 time limit nonexistent.

Hence Luffy is now willing to use G4 to take out fodder. Because G4 no longer has its timelimit and is no longer the ultimate trump card it once was.

Its also important to parallel G4 with G2. Pre-skip, G2 held a similar place in Luffy's arsenal that G4 now does. At first, in Enies Lobby, G2's time limit was a big deal. However towards the end of the pre-skip, you see Luffy using G2 more and more to the point where, in Marineford, it doesn't seem like its really a big deal to him. In marineford, Luffy was using G2 almost casually.

Could this be what we are seeing happen with G4?


There are two reasons I am thinking that he used G4 in that unnecessary situation.....

1) He wanted to train or test further about how much control he had on G4 or wanted to see how much haki he has been consuming etc.

2) He probably thoroughly mastered G4 nd or slightly changed G4 such that it makes like gear stacking he has done in thriller bark with changing forms like tankman or snakeman or any other form he has in his sleeve without the worry of timelimit and G4 could no longer be his trumpcard while he must have some new trick up his sleeve as his new trump card against top tiers.

Anyways we will know the answer soon regarding this...
This means that Luffy's casual boundman punches are now KKG level.
Did you really write this with a straight face? What the actual fuck. Did you see what KKG did in Dressrosa? That was Whitebeard level of destruction. That ship would have been turned to dust if the DR KKG landed on it.

All the "new" Gear 4 does is target internal organs, and focuses more on Haki and less on brute strength. Read what Hyo said. He said "you're using too much brute strength".

The new "King Kong Gun" is in fact not the old KKG at all.


You can't win
I think the scene was just a dick measuring contest to mimic Sabaody where Luffy also used G3, which was his strongest mode at the time in terms of power, with heavy drawback(turn chibi mode after using it) where Luffy, Kid, and Law simply wanted to show who was the boss

Beyond this though, the most interesting part to me is the fact that

- Luffy could easily switch in and out of G4
- Luffy wasn't even tired after using G4

This alongside the fact he was casually using King Kong Gun with advanced haki during his Udon training further implies to me that he mastered G4 and it's drawbacks.

It's likely he can regulate the amount of haki needed for G4 usage now that he went to the next level in armament control, allowing him to perform his powerful moves with minimal side effects if at all

Remember that at the beginning g2 was taking a heavy toll on Luffy's stamina to the point that after extensive usage, it could even reduce his life span, then he managed to control it to such an extent, he could use partial g2. I see Luffy able to do something similar with G4 now while preparing for the next stage