Character Discussion Has Vegapunk Met Expectations?


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November 2006 is the first mention of the infamous scientist, 2008 Kuma would give us more depth about him and since then people would go on and craft theories about his role in the story, his connections, speculating on if he's going to be strong or if he's going to be weak, how interactions with straw hats will go etc. and now it seems were nearing the end for the character. Is he everything you thought he'd be?

For me Personally I think Vegapunk is character that will age very well with time nuff said................

But Lets Discuss and reminisce before that Death chapter arrives....

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I like him as a character, he is so far a good-hearted scientist with more than questionable influence on the world at large. This makes him kinda grounded and morally grey.

Parts are dislike are mostly him pretending to have the moral high ground over certain characters (namely Kizaru) all the while having also done "his job" for the WG (exception being Kuma's self-destruct, as we know so far) ; also I feel like him having a fruit so useful takes away a little from him being the genius he was hyped to be. This cheapen his achievements in comparison to Queen, Caesar and Judge.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
I don't completely hate him has a character but I don't like the direction Oda took with him
November 2006 is the first mention of the infamous scientist, 2008 Kuma would give us more depth about him and since then people would go on and craft theories about his role in the story, his connections, speculating on if he's going to be strong or if he's going to be weak, how interactions with straw hats will go etc. and now it seems were nearing the end for the character. Is he everything you thought he'd be?

For me Personally I think Vegapunk is character that will age very well with time nuff said................

But Lets Discuss and reminisce before that Death chapter arrives....

Damn he's getting his ass kicked in that poll
I'll go out on a limb here and say overall, yes I like Vegapunk. I've noticed the slander for him on here and other places the past few months so I'll add my two cents.

Vegapunk was my most anticipated character for years, and probably to a lot of people as well. He's been connected to plenty of heroes and villains throughout the entire story so it made sense to wait until the final arc to introduce him. His design is insane but shit made me laugh when we first saw his massive head in 1066 (if that was the reveal chapter). Oda's got plenty of cool designs for people to froth over, fun to do something so ridiculous. Plus, that only really applies to the Stella. I think everyone's been pretty chill with the other Satelite's designs (I miss Shaka).

Now, the controversial part with VP are his actions throughout the story. People seem to be upset that he's a retard for believing the WG wouldn't take advantage of his inventions and weaponize them against the world/himself and others. We've seen that he was pretty much forced to turn Kuma into a mindless weapon, though he still didn't install a self-destruct and gave Bonney the highest authority over the Pacifista's, at the expense of his own life. He's made plenty of fuck ups but also brought of technology to the citizens of the OP world, as we see in OP's screenshots. Most people love Vegapunk. His fuck ups have really only negatively affected a minority of characters that are pirates anyway. VP isn't a pirate, never has been.

He was a part of MADS with Queen, Caesar and Judge, and he's been with the WG since he got arrested. They gave him the funding and space to basically do whatever he wants, which is invent, make technological progress and discover new shit. That's all dude mostly cared about until recently with his interactions with Kuma and Bonney. We saw with his interaction with Dragon on Ohara that he wouldn't join the revolutionaries because, as Andrew Tate says, "You're broke!" He's not a good guy, never claimed to be, he's always been morally grey. This was obvious before we even met the guy.

A part of me wonders if the criticism of him, from here and r/PirateFolk, stems from audiences not being able to accept that not every character is just good or bad and can't be boxed in. Users in these spaces seem to think that because they're not sucking Oda's dick like normies, they're somehow more enlightened. When presented with a character that has done questionable things, it's "trash, glad he's dead".

I'm not sure what more people want from this. Dude's had massive W's and massive L's, and he's about to go out broadcasting to the world what's going on and I'm 95% sure it'll kick off a World War. A revolution will take place and a lot of people will unfortunately die. I think that perfectly encapsulates Vegapunk; progress must be made, but what is the cost? For him, the answer is everything.


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
I think he's decent honestly, he's pretty nuanced and clearly a flawed character with the actions he did. If Oda actually kills him off and makes his message a major plot point without any rug pulls, I think I'll be satisfied with his overall role in the story
Vegapunk is the smartest man in the World, and people were really out here expecting him to be some big shot badass. Lmfao, who did yall go to school with? Dude was exactly what he was supposed to be, and then some. If you expected an Albert Einsteinesque character (which you should have) then you got exactly what you expected. If you expected anything else, it's your own fault for being ignorant.