Character Discussion Has Vegapunk Met Expectations?


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Lol, nobody expected Vegapunk to be cool. What a shitty ass strawman y'all got there. The fact is that the Devil Fruit revelation had the explanation of simply saying "magic," which is to say that it was severely lacking in terms of depth and was basically treated as a throwaway info dump that honestly would have been better kept as a mystery. Some of us expected him to be a gray character who would sacrifice anything for the sake of scientific progression, like the typical mad scientist at least, because how in the hell can you experiment on little kids, work with evil ass motherfuckers like Queen and especially Caesar, aid a government that supports the slave trade, have a class system where the upper class believes they have the right to treat every other human as less than pets, and create inventions that have the only purpose of creating utter destruction, and yet be portrayed by Oda as a guy who only wanted to do good for the world and cared for people? Fuck outta here. Vegapunk never even showed an ounce of regret for his creations causing harm to so many societies in One Piece, as if Oda purposely avoided writing in some self-reflection for Vegapunk. I'm supposed to like some character whose writing is all over the place. Is he supposed to be morally gray or a good guy who was just used? Beats me.

But one thing is for certain: this dude is a fucking retard! He rarely had any countermeasures when something went against his "moral fiber." He was able to put in a self-destruct that didn't explode, which was against Saturn's wishes, yet he never even tried to think of a way to keep Kuma's consciousness alive but hidden. Also, his stupid ass created shit like the Pacifistas and Seraphim for the world government, both of which were only possible through morally reprehensible means, yet he never expected them to use his inventions in such malicious ways despite seeing the World Government's cruelty. This guy is a waste of thought.

Oh, and the fact that Egghead squandered the potential dynamic between Franky and Vegapunk makes Vegapunk even more useless of a character than he already was.
Lol, nobody expected Vegapunk to be cool. What a shitty ass strawman y'all got there. The fact is that the Devil Fruit revelation had the explanation of simply saying "magic," which is to say that it was severely lacking in terms of depth and was basically treated as a throwaway info dump that honestly would have been better kept as a mystery. Some of us expected him to be a gray character who would sacrifice anything for the sake of scientific progression, like the typical mad scientist at least, because how in the hell can you experiment on little kids, work with evil ass motherfuckers like Queen and especially Caesar, aid a government that supports the slave trade, have a class system where the upper class believes they have the right to treat every other human as less than pets, and create inventions that have the only purpose of creating utter destruction, and yet be portrayed by Oda as a guy who only wanted to do good for the world and cared for people? Fuck outta here. Vegapunk never even showed an ounce of regret for his creations causing harm to so many societies in One Piece, as if Oda purposely avoided writing in some self-reflection for Vegapunk. I'm supposed to like some character whose writing is all over the place. Is he supposed to be morally gray or a good guy who was just used? Beats me.

But one thing is for certain: this dude is a fucking retard! He rarely had any countermeasures when something went against his "moral fiber." He was able to put in a self-destruct that didn't explode, which was against Saturn's wishes, yet he never even tried to think of a way to keep Kuma's consciousness alive but hidden. Also, his stupid ass created shit like the Pacifistas and Seraphim for the world government, both of which were only possible through morally reprehensible means, yet he never expected them to use his inventions in such malicious ways despite seeing the World Government's cruelty. This guy is a waste of thought.

Oh, and the fact that Egghead squandered the potential dynamic between Franky and Vegapunk makes Vegapunk even more useless of a character than he already was.
Vegapunk split his personality into 7 people (including the main body) . They each embody a different aspect of his mindset. You have to look at them as a whole, and not just judge his main body, as it's just one part of his overall mental state. You can even see the difference between his mental state from 20+ years ago in the flashback with Dragon, compared to now, where his personalities are separated.
Vegapunk split his personality into 7 people (including the main body) . They each embody a different aspect of his mindset. You have to look at them as a whole, and not just judge his main body, as it's just one part of his overall mental state.
They embody aspects of his personality. That doesn't mean that those aspects aren't present with Vegapunk himself; otherwise, he'd be a completely empty shell, as Shaka represents Vegapunk's "good," which means Vegapunk shouldn't be able to display any of his good nature, yet he does.
They embody aspects of his personality. That doesn't mean that those aspects aren't present with Vegapunk himself; otherwise, he'd be a completely empty shell, as Shaka represents Vegapunk's "good," which means Vegapunk shouldn't be able to display any of his good nature, yet he does.
All 7 have thier own personality, including the main body. He does not have all the traits of his satellites. He removed those from himself. What he kept for his main body, is what you see.
All 7 have thier own personality, including the main body. He does not have all the traits of his satellites. He removed those from himself. What he kept for his main body, is what you see.
And what is the personality of his main body? If what you say is true, then he has neither the conception of good or evil within him, and that would mean that he'd have no moral compass, yet that's obviously not the case.
That wouldn't be the case is the main body is neutral. You still know the difference between right and wrong, you just don't favor either side.
His main body obviously favors good as he hasn't done a single thing with malicious intent the entire time he was debuted as an actual character, and cares about the lives of people. If he was truly neutral, he wouldn't have an opinion one way or another about any situation beyond the facts, and wouldn't try to convince Saturn by trying to appeal Saturn's humanity.
I only had One Expectation from Vegapunk
As i always asked Same Question when thinking about his Introduction
"What will He reveal? Like what is his Biggest Discovery?"

And it's gonna happen in following Chapters with this Broadcast
So whether He met my Expectations or not gonna depend on this Upcoming Reveal


The only one who can beat me is me
A colossal failure. I expected him to be smart enough to protect himself from the WG, he had decades to come up with countermeasures, and the best he did was a laser barrier and giving the keys to the Pacifista to Bonney.
I never expected Vegapunk to be "cool" or "badass" this is Oda we're talking about after all. But I found it very hard to connect or sympathies with him at all. Maybe it's because he was split into 7 clones, all of which I hated except Shaka. I've discovered I hate clone plots, I also hate the Seraphim. I just can't get a grasp on Vegapunk's personality other than that of an intelligent, yet very goofy character. I like that his face in Einsteins, but the freaky long big head at first was, just stupid af. I just dgaf about him at all at this point and could care less if he dies.
His main body obviously favors good as he hasn't done a single thing with malicious intent the entire time he was debuted as an actual character, and cares about the lives of people. If he was truly neutral, he wouldn't have an opinion one way or another about any situation beyond the facts, and wouldn't try to convince Saturn by trying to appeal Saturn's humanity.
What do you mean? Good, evil, or neutral can be caring and compassionate. Serial killers have families that they love and take care of, and then will turn around and murder someone because they remind them of their abusive mother.
He should been either a very evil character working in favor of WG or a very capable character working for the side of good with high level of intelligence in general and not only in science department. Like urahara from bleach who have lots of plans to counter WG and marines.

He simply turned to be a very good scientist in general who may have done more harm than good. Lets see where it goes from here.
What do you mean? Good, evil, or neutral can be caring and compassionate. Serial killers have families that they love and take care of, and then will turn around and murder someone because they remind them of their abusive mother.
The thing is that is he had no moral compass of good or evil, then he would either simply act like a bot and work everything through with logic, not caring about the harm, but whether or not he's getting closer to his goals, or like an animal that acts purely on instinct. Psychopaths have unconventional ways of showing their love to those that are close, and psychopaths don't really care about those at all outside of their small circle. So why would Vegapunk care about creating inventions for the betterment of the world if his main body can't care less about doing good for the sake of doing good?
The thing is that is he had no moral compass of good or evil, then he would either simply act like a bot and work everything through with logic, not caring about the harm, but whether or not he's getting closer to his goals, or like an animal that acts purely on instinct. Psychopaths have unconventional ways of showing their love to those that are close, and psychopaths don't really care about those at all outside of their small circle. So why would Vegapunk care about creating inventions for the betterment of the world if his main body can't care less about doing good for the sake of doing good?
I think you're feeding to far into absolutes. None of the Vegapunks that are described as specific aspects of Vegapunk's personality, operate 100% under those restrictions. Lilith is not the embodiment of evil. Shaka is not the embodiment of good, etc.. Etc...