Questions & Mysteries Has Zoro ever hit Luffy?


Nami is always beating the brakes off Luffy and Sanji will hit him sometimes, not even counting his legendary WCI beatdown and Water 7 kick. I can’t recall any instance of Zoro striking Luffy, not even in the anime filler.

Also a friendly reminder that Sanji and even Nami unlocked Haki before Zoro:

Moss head could never.
yeah i give you that
eow zoro tho? black blade coc coating beheads kaido :sanmoji:
Zowo i don't think zoro will predominantly use Acoc like Luffy he's said to be a Acoa specialist not Coc.. and the recent vivercard hint that Ashura is what gravely injured kaido so Ashura = Coc... or atleast what i derived from it
yeah i give you that
eow zoro tho? black blade coc coating beheads kaido :sanmoji:
Rather than giving Zoro headcanon PUs we don’t know when he will achieve try being more realistic of what he has and definitely what he has complete control of. You don’t see me claiming Luffy eow with DF awakening, full mastery of CoC coating and limitless G4 usage. He is already a top tier without any of them… just how powerful would he be? No one is catching up to current Luffy let alone him at eow.