Hasshoken, maybe. Ryushoken, no.
Sabo was looking for a 'core'. the technique works by striking the weak spot of an object and watch it chain react into its entire destruction. its not the same as destroying from the inside out. think of it more like taking the right brick out of an old wall and the whole thing collapses.
Ryou is more like a blast or shockwave inside the object. reminds me of an impact or reject dial.
Sabo was looking for a 'core'. the technique works by striking the weak spot of an object and watch it chain react into its entire destruction. its not the same as destroying from the inside out. think of it more like taking the right brick out of an old wall and the whole thing collapses.
Ryou is more like a blast or shockwave inside the object. reminds me of an impact or reject dial.