Questions & Mysteries HELL WAITING ROOM

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone

Whos buying it ASAP?! Preordering or w/e?

I saw the Yoruichi gameplay and early trailers/videos of it, it looks AMAZING so far! My jaw has been stuck to the floor!

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
In the latest interview, Masakazu Morita and Noriaki Sugiyama reveal that the story in the 3rd cour is 'condensed' and tell the fans to watch carefully so as not to miss anything. They also say several parts having Uryu and the ending episode are 'spoilers'.
by u/scheneizel in bleach

In the latest interview, Masakazu Morita and Noriaki Sugiyama reveal that the story in the 3rd cour is 'condensed' and tell the fans to watch carefully so as not to miss anything. They also say several parts having Uryu and the ending episode are 'spoilers'.


Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Oh I see how misleading my post looks out of context LOL!

I was referring to Mathias talking about spoilers, as I figured they meant about the fake spoilers for OP on here earlier, definitely not due toa certain somebody *cough*. (Fake spoilers in your neighbourhood? Who ya gonna call? Al-sama! Better Call Al!)

I didnt mean for Bleach sorry haha, that would be ironic and awkward ofc! In before Kubo continues the manga and gives us Hell arc in 6 months /s. (We can dream right?!)

Pierrot was cooking too hard with Bleach so they had to stop One Piece's anime for 6 months until Cour 3 is over.


Redoing everything from Fishman Island again.
LMAO, excellent response! I love that! Pierrot using The Almighty IRL or something! Or locking the OP anime in the Muken?

Bleach deserves this so much, whilst Pierrot is getting the 10 years of slander avenged karmically with Toei having to go back and animate Fishmid Island, making Toei "turn back the pendulum" or something like that hahaha!

Hopefully we get a remake of the Bleach anime too! Id be surprised if we dont get one after all! I wish the OG Movies and OVAs (Sealed Sword Frenzy was WAY TOO DAMN GOOD, made me laugh way too much, Bleach was always PEAK on the humour front with the anime especially!) could get remasters or something too!

One Piece fans got their eye candy for the year with the adaptation of the Wano arc. Bleachstans desperately need this adaptation to round out their fill of anime for this year.
Exactly! OP fans continually made fun of Bleach fans for SO MANY years, really gloating over Bleach being cancelled and One Piece still going despite how much of a shitty state the OP anime was in and how mid the story was generally.

Bleach still got to end it with its head held high somehow and now all that suffering Kubo and the Bleach fans is reaching the GREATEST catharsis and comeback with this GODLY new anime for the TYBW! Every episode feels like a movie quality episode, its UNREAL! The new content they've been doing for people like Senjumaru and Shinji has been INSANE too! You can really feel Kubos love and oversight with it, his involvement in it ofc!

Bleach and Naruto made me feel the most intense, amazing emotions growing up, I'll never forget that. Their anime contributed so much to that too and I will always DEARLY LOVE the Bleach anime adaption most of all, even not factoring in TYBW which is the BEST anime adaptation ive seen of anything pretty much! In fact you could say it feels like "NUMBER ONE!":

And god knows the Bleach movies slapped imo, they received pretty mixed responses or hate BUT I really enjoyed them especially the Memories of Nobody the first one (I still cry for Senna so much) and Fade to Black the 3rd one ofc! The 3rd Bleach game on DS was fucking amazing too, like Advance Wars or Fire Emblem with Bleach and it had Ikimono Gakari doing the theme song, the same ones who did BlueBlird for Naruto Shippuden anime and this song Nokori Kaze (remaining wind) slapped for the Bleach game too!

The Bleach Wii game was surprisingly fun and good too! Epic music and pretty cool villain like that DS game too! I liked the story of the DS game too (the 3rd DS game is called 3rd Phantom and the Wii game is called Shattered Blade). You had so many playable characters in the DS ones too! And fun fact too, one of the Bleach DS games was genuinelly called DARK SOULS! But it was a 2.5D fighting game where you could swap between horizontal planes to fight in background or foreground and felt a little similar to Tekken and Soul Calibur in that regard!