Versus Battle Hermione vs Gollum

The third weel of the main groups of two famous franchises: The Lord of the Ring and Harry Potter. We have Frodo and Harry, Sam and Ron, Gandalf and Dumbledore, Sauron and Voldemort and finally Gollum and Hermione.

Who would win in a direct fight in an open field at full capability (Hermione with her wand and Gollum with his precious)?
And what if Hermione has not her wand and Gollum lacks his precious (no rage boost)?
Who is more beautiful?
What if the fight takes places in a differen place like a deep cave under the misty mountains or at Hogwards? Would something change?


๐Š๐จ๐ค๐ฎ๐ญ๐จ ๐’๐ก๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ข
The third weel of the main groups of two famous franchises: The Lord of the Ring and Harry Potter. We have Frodo and Harry, Sam and Ron, Gandalf and Dumbledore, Sauron and Voldemort and finally Gollum and Hermione.

Who would win in a direct fight in an open field at full capability (Hermione with her wand and Gollum with his precious)?
And what if Hermione has not her wand and Gollum lacks his precious (no rage boost)?
Who is more beautiful?
What if the fight takes places in a differen place like a deep cave under the misty mountains or at Hogwards? Would something change?
Can Hermione use Observation Haki in this matchup?
Can Hermione use Observation Haki in this matchup?
Let's say she knows his rival can become invisible and she has to use some spell to overcome that. If making it so it too much of a stomp let's leave this as it his. Hermione would simply have to see grass or stones move or even take a bite or a hit (if it is not fatal) to guess his rival is invisible. Or simply making Gollum start without the ring at his finger so still visible.


I will never forgive Oda
Who would win in a direct fight in an open field at full capability (Hermione with her wand and Gollum with his precious)?
And what if Hermione has not her wand and Gollum lacks his precious (no rage boost)?
Who is more beautiful?
What if the fight takes places in a differen place like a deep cave under the misty mountains or at Hogwards? Would something change?
  1. Hermione stupifies Gollum and is seduced by the power of the ring.
  2. Gollum mauls her but probably loses an eye.
  3. The precious is.
  4. Not really because Hermioneโ€™s magic is gonna stop Gollum before he can skulk up on her in any situation.


๐Š๐จ๐ค๐ฎ๐ญ๐จ ๐’๐ก๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ข
Let's say she knows his rival can become invisible and she has to use some spell to overcome that. If making it so it too much of a stomp let's leave this as it his. Hermione would simply have to see grass or stones move or even take a bite or a hit (if it is not fatal) to guess his rival is invisible. Or simply making Gollum start without the ring at his finger so still visible.
Expelliarmus (the ring is gone), Levicorpus, Petrificus totalus, and Bombarda.

Low diff for Hermione.
  1. Hermione stupifies Gollum and is seduced by the power of the ring.
  2. Gollum mauls her but probably loses an eye.
  3. The precious is.
  4. Not really because Hermioneโ€™s magic is gonna stop Gollum before he can skulk up on her in any situation.
Ok but if Hermione one shots from the start it is not funny.

What if they start at a distance Hermione can not snipe Gollum from the beginning or simply Gollum starts already with the ring at his finger or he is faster at putting it on and change position than Hermione at taking her wand, aim and throw a spell at him.


Zoro Worshipper
Hermione negs him with whatever magical trick

His only chance is to kill her on her sleep and even then PIS would definitely occur if fight took place in fiction

If he wears the ring things can spice a bit