Chapter Discussion Holy knights shanks: Zoro's opponent before Mihawk?

The problem until a little time ago, or even now, was that Luffy beat the supposed strongest creature. Now Oda is probably upping up the roof again introducing these 9 knights, showing Shanks power and evebtually making BB grow in power again (he will probably get his 3rd df soon, before he awakens the yami eos or little before it). So they are probably new characters, at worse they could be "zombie" versions of deceased legends (Xebec, WB, Roger) but that will be a big blow to what is left of the quality of this manga. So we have to wait.
The leader of the Holy Knights is Shanks's evil twin brother named "Thanks".

Thanks has two arms and a black blade, in which Shanks couldn't achieve.

Zoro will beats Thanks and challenge Mihawk for the WSS title.
Leaked image of T. Hanks

Nah luffy will fight Evil Knight of God Shanks while Blackbeard will fight Good Pirate shanks

In all seriousness, oda implementing these people this far in is weird so who knows
Call me a cynic, but, due to Lolda constantly shitting his pants over the thought of Luffy and his crew vs Akainu and the Admirals + the Zodiacs, I believe the Holy Knights are introduced by Lolda so he can convince himself that he let Luffy's PK crew save their face despite being essentially relegated to the undercards at the Final War. :handsup:
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