Host Coordination Thread

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The End and the Beginning
OP is updated. Going forward, I'm going to provisionally have three games per month - feasibly, this is more likely going to be 2, so hosts are expected to ensure that their provisional slots are flexible (i.e. if you are slotted into end of October you will want to make sure you can go start of November).

try to get sign ups going once the current game has started. If you want to give it some time that's fine, ideally we will have break periods between games, but not longer than a week or two.

AL sama

Red Haired
Pretty much. Going to leave it fairly flexible but I just don't think it functions without it to be honest, otherwise it'll just be a free-for-all while there is interest in hosting.
I got a lot of heat when I was using it but I hope the same doesn't happen to you

good luck man


What could have been...
Nah lol. Usually sign ups go till october. I think there won't be a Weebs this time. I stated last time that imma skip this year because it was just too much.
I would be up for Weebs 2025 one tho.

Also if anyone needs advices for Weebs, I am also ready to advice and if I fancy the setup I may also co-host.
there cant be no weebs
i'll volunteer to do it
unless we can bring nova from the dead
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